as at 7th November. 1975.
1. Meeting called. to order. 7.00 p.m.. November 10 - prayer.
2. Ma~ror' B remarks.
3. 7.00 p.m.
4. 7.00 p.n.
5. 7.oU p.m.
6. 7.00 p .r:1.
- Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-~one 2435 OeCM \;estway for
Mr. Joseph Dunham (approximately 2 acres of land).
- Lettcr from Planning hdvisory Committee re same.
- ;)roposed re-zoning aocndment to Zoning B;}'-Law for 111'. Lloyd D. Pierce,
Lloyd's Heating ~ervice Ltd.. to re-zone wt n on Brown ~t.
- Letter froLl hr. t'i11iam H. l1i.ntern objecting to said re-zoning.
- Letter from Planning Advisory Comnittee re proposed re-zoning.
- Proposed Zoning By-Law amendr.1ent to re-zone 770 Bay ;..it. for Scholten
Pl'O perti es .
- Letter from Planning Adviso~" CoLlUittee re proposed re-zoning.
- Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land on both sides of Thorn-
brough St., between properties on Jmglin Drive and on northerly side of
Parks St. Ext. (npproxima te1y 32 acres). for Lloma Constructi on Ltd.
- Letter from Planning Advisory Conmittee re proposed re-zoning.
7. 7.;30 p.m. - Hrs. Detty Sleep, speaK~ng regarding a traffic sitwtion on Prince Edward
Street l'lhich she brought to Council'a attention on July 21st, 1975.
8. Re Ideal Stores Ltd. application to repoint part of building, Union St.
9. He automobile insurance.
10. Eo Deput;r Building Ins pector.
li. }:e proposed agrecncnt between participants in Saint John Fundy Region Developnent
C01,'1I",11 ssi on.
liA.Il.e changes to Building By-Law (laid on table Oct. 20, 1975).
12. Letter from Hr. I;orman A. Lockhart submitting correspondence re expropriation of his
property for Hi1ford-Rando1ph-Greenda.1e sewer project, vlith reference to Item 1 in
his letter of liilrch 14th, 1974 to Heal Estate Dept. KJGt re r(~pair5 to drivcv,ay and
iru:.1edi~l te area.
13. Letter from Hr. Lorman A. Lockhart sub;Utting his account for :;>200.00 re costo re
expropriCltion of his propel'ty above noted - l'e his ~bjection.
CI7J: ~)OLIcI70n
14. :L€ proposed Clgreenent between participants in ~aint John Fundy Eegion Developnent
COHl1rl'Ti:!~, G()lJ=;:';3I()!J~
15. P1Hmling l-dvisory GorJuittee l'ecomraending ar.lendmell."'vs to 0ubdivision 1:r-La\[.
16. Planning Ac.visory COllni.ttee re llrs. Lferald Nelanson application re temporar~r p1c:.ceaent
of a r:lobile home.
17. Pli.J.nning hclvisory Cocr.rl.ttee recom::lending asser.t to ',estr.lorland Grove ~Uh-Clivision,
?hclse I plan.
18. P..esignOition of Councillor A. Vincent from Saint John Fundy Regional Develoj:ment Com:n:i.ssion.
1~~. L<~ttt;r fror,l Civic Improvement ani Beautification Cor:urdttee regrob1em of litter on streets.
20. Letter from ~)aint John Housing Conmission re asse!:lb~r of lcmd project, ~)c1itlt John l.ast
(between Grandview JI,ye. and hicke;;r Ed. ): feCLsibi1ity of using portion of scune for
I:lobi1t homes.
21. Letter from Historic Sites and lwents Gor.1f.u.ttee subraitting 1976 budget.
22. Applic<'etion from hr. and Era. 'I'errance j~obichaud for temporary p1acenent of r'lobile home.
23. ApplicOition from Dalmac Ltd. for re-zoning at 460 Cit;r Line, Saint John \:est.