1975-11-03_Agenda AGENDA COHHON COUNCIL as at 31st October, 1975. 1.. Meeting called to order, 4..00 p.m.. fJovcmbcr J - pra~rer. 2. ConfirL1B.tion of minutes (October 20 and 27). .3 . Hayor' s remark6. CITY hANAGl:1l 4. Heport re outsUlnding Urban Renewal accounts, Chesley Drive properties. 5. Paynent of equipment rental invoiccs(D. Hatfield, Ltd.) (Chitticka). 6. Report re rents, old Lfl.nCaGter C:..t~" Hall building. 7. Pa;yment of equipruent rental invoices (Chit ticks; Ste]ilen Construction). 8. Report re quotationu for dr;ycleaninr, 'service, Police lJept. personnel uniforms. 9. Paynmt of invoice for Gram vie~l Ave. Bfftlage lagoon fiw'veying (Hughes ~urveY5 Ltd.). 10. Payment of invoice for 5cotchlite reflccti ve sheeting (3l1 Canada Ltd.). li. Payment of invoice re Port DaJrs (Admiral Beatty Hotel). 1;~. PaJ'1!lent of invoices for equiJEcnt rental. (D. Hatfield Ltd.; Chitticks). 13. 5ept.t;J)1bt~r report - Water & 5ewerage Division of iJorkf; Dept. 14. Sept-ember report - Division of Technical and Innpection Services. 15. Financial Statements - September. 16. Progress report re Neighbourhood ImproveIilent Programme and l~e5identia1 Hehabilltation Assistance Programme. 17. ProgresB pa~'ment8 re projects undertaken under Dept .Regional Economic: Lxpansion progr8.JllDe. 18. Progress payments rfl Capital BudgEJt projects. 19. Paymtcnt of invoice for trees (Sheridan r.urseries Ltd.). 20. He payment to Heat Craft Ltd. of balance negotiated re Be~mge lift station, Gault Road, installed. for Bub-di vision of 360 DeveloJEent Ltd" 21. Re Santa Claus Parade; re Christ.rJas decorative lighting" 22. Letter from 5anta ClaUB Parade ColIl:littee re 1975 Santa ClaUB J>-cU"ade. 23. He Shamrock Park building - PhaBe I (Recreation Capital Job No. 610.2). 24. n,e sub-division agreement re Honte Cristo Park Sub-<iivision extension. 25. neport re Urban Henevlal development, Dock Street area; re paym(,>(lt of account to Grove Com;truction Ltd. re losses through delay in demolition of 15 Dock Street. 26. Re Hr. Steven..T .Aitken letter re unsight~r comitions on University Ave. 27. Pl'Ogress payment re Capital project. 27A.!~e agreenent. re Dreskin's lancaster Ltd. renovation of 237 Union ~jt.(deferred vtidening). 27B.Report re shooting incident at County Gaol involvin~ a Police Constable. 27C.ne seaw&ll,Harket Sq.develo}Dent. COl1l-iON CLLILK ~;zp:t~e ~1VyeD1en~r to Ci;t,~ H?-U ll1'~ise8. 28. Third reading of Zoning By-Law aroendr.1ent re prop<s;{fJd .~eEM8trtt1gI:lrgfc PJfnf.8r8 itJ<lfft8Mp~Hare.. Construction Co. Ltd. of' former Speedway Express Ltd. property, Bolson Ave. (1st &. 2nd rtoadings given Oct. 27). 29. Third rcadingof Zoning B~r-La.w amendment l'C proposed re-zoning of land on south f:3ide of hoodward J~ve. at intersection of Boar's Head Hd.., for Maritime Conference of Seventh-Day jl.dventist Churcb (hit & ?..nd rt::adings giyen Oct. 27). CIIT S,JLIClTOH . 30. ILt; alleged shooting incident involving the di~char~e or a firearl1 by a Police Conntable. 31. heport of Lxpropri~~tions Adviso~' Board 1'e property of l~orman A. Lockbart cm:i j,lr,-.a L. LocdliJ.rt, Central and I~ova Scotia ':'rust COI:1pany and C.A.C.Healty Liuited, i:.ortg"'i;,>es _ required for Hilford-H.andolph-Greendale sower project. 32. ;:~e zoning rmjtrictions rt: Ace of Clubs incorporated - Narro\"16 Roc..d property. " COHiiI'.:'TELS, COHIIT:35IOILS 33. GOI.:.r...L ttee of thoh re;Jort (OctaD Cl' 20). 34. lJoninating Cor:mttee report. 35. f..E:J Cit~" Hall rental pClJ"nents (Cit;r Hall Building Coz:clttee). 36. Plcmhing .hdvisory Cormttee re assent t.o Champlain Heights, Phase II f;ub-ciivision plan. 37. Planning Advis()ry C01.'lrnittee re assent to Hillidgeville Estatt~s, Phase 3 sub-divi~~ion plan/ (a) Letter i'ror.l Caldo Ltd. re 1ana for public purposeB~ Millidgevilie Lstates, Phase 3. 3H. Plannint~ AclviBo~' Committee re assent to Silver F~ls Park Sub-diviuion, ~af>e (5, plan; re araending of Couhci1 resolution of Hay 26, 1975; re agreenent "lith Hr. Llo:.rd Paul of L10r:1a Construction Ltd. 39. Plcltlning Advi~;OI7 Cor.lf,'d.ttee re assent to Bernice Hubbard Sub-division plan. 40. Planning hdvisol"j" Cor;l!.d.tt.ee re accL:ptance of money in lieu of pu11ic purpose lands from:- (1) Hrs. Eo Bennett; (2) 11rB. Gerald l~cCoT'1!1ack. 41. Planning Adviso17 Com:U.ttee re acceptance of Lloney in lieu 01' public purpotse land from Hr. IL. ..... JO\lett; re land acquisition for Lastern arterial. L~2. Historic Sites and Lvents Cor:lIuttee re observance of lOOth Anniversary of City Harket. 43. ~)aint John l'undy !Legion DeveloJDt:nt COnl1,lission re abTeement between plJ.rticipants in tlaid Commission. 44. Land Committee re closing of portion of Lowell St. and Lowell St. extension; re closing of portion of Bay ShoI"E~ H.oad. 45. land Comoittee re acquitdtion of waterslHld propertJ' of A. .r. Ricketts, Second Loch Lomond. - 2 - GENERAL 46~ Ro propesed Accommodation Standards Board re rent control (Hayor Jo'lewwelling). 47. Mr. John G. Riley, of Hiley, l'losh er & Stanton, Barristers, for l.fr. \villlam Haggerty, re closure of portion of Hebecca Avenue, &int John West. 48. Application froJ:l Ne\l BrtmSwick Museum for a 1976 grant. 49. Application from Alpha Investcents and J\genciea Ltd. for re-zoning of 5 acres, University Ave. and Royal Drive. 50. Application from Acadia Contractors Ltd. for re-:-..oning of four lots on Forest Cit;}T St. 51. Letter from Mr. Stephen hosher requesting extension of permis8ion re placement of a mobile home. 52. Uotification froLl N.B.Liquor Control Commission re cabaret license application hearing ot Koddy' 6 Hotor Inn. 53. Submission of "A Critique of the New Brunswick Mental Health Act" from Citizens Cornrnission on Human H.1r,hts. t!'