COl4iON COUNCIL - as at 24th October, 1975.
1. Meeting called to order, October 27. 7.00 n.m. - prayer.
2. Hayor's remarks.
_ Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land on west side of J.io1son Ave.
at rear of Sand Cove Rd. lots (fonner S~edway Lxprcss propert~r) for
Hanford H. Thompson Construction Co.Ltd.
_ Lettcr from Planning Advisor~r Comnitt.ee rc suid re-zoning.
1.00 p.m.
4. 7.15 p.m. - Presentation by Hr. Fred vi. Cotter of petition from Shillington B.d.. residents
for water and sewerage service.
CITY HAru.Glli
5. Re purchase of property at 29 Hill ~t. from national Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada Ltd.
(rescinding name "Atlantic ~urgical Ltci.ll in Council resolution of October 20 re same). ~
6. Re sub-division agreement re Ellerdale Place Sub-division, Phase I.
7. Letter from Planning Advisory Gomr:1ittee re assent to sub-division plan for Phase I of
lnerdale Place.
8. Re support for Lancaster Expos Baseball Club to host Atlantic Junior Baseball Tournament
in 1976 and Canadian Senior Baseball ':::'ourt'laIJent in 1977: provision of necessary
facilities; posting of performance bond for said 1977 Tournament; calling tenders or
bids for bleacher seats for delivery in early 1976.
9. Re pW"chase of litbuilt engine for 1968 Trojan loader Ho. L~50.
10. He re-zoning application from Ace of Clubs Incorporated reo lam on narro~ls Rd.
ll. Re Dreskin's Lancaster Ltd. request for penuission to renovate 237 Union St. which is
subject to Deferred Vlidening By-Law rCh'Ulations.
12. Ee proposed amendments to Municipal. Plan By-Law and Zoning By-Law to establish a
Conservation Zone classification, and to apply uame to Saint's Rest 11ars1. area.
13. Plamdng Advisory Committee re application for re-zoning from M.:'1.ritime Conference of
the Seventh Day Adventist Church re approximate~ 5 acres of land, northeast comer or
v:oodward Ave. and Boar's Head Rd. .
14. Letter from Saint John District Labour Council re retaining port traffic in flour and
Hsbest06 ~;hiJXUents.
15. Letter from Rocbrood Park Area Preservation /lsooe. re presentation of model of
Ha~'1:Inrket SquHre-Gi1hert St.. by-pass; re anticipated volume on Hayt:lCl.rket 0quare b;y-pa.ss
01' traffic. .
16. r:.B.Branch, United Empire Lo~rali5ts' Assoc. of Canada re former Samuel Holland Hranch.
17. JI.;)plication from Mrs. Gerald Helanson to place a mobile home t~lporarily nt 214
~~i vt;rvi El'tl Drive, ~)aint Jolin \lest.
lB. 0nint John Defence Lawyers Conference re discharge of a firearm at Cit~r l~aol by a
police constable.