1975-10-20_Agenda AGBNDA COHKON COUNCIL - as at 17th October, 1975.. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. October 20 - prayer. 2. Confinnation of minutes (October 6 & 14). 3. 11ayor' s remarks. CITY HJd.JAGER 4. Payment of equiIJllent rental invoicee(Hatfie1d; Stephen; Chitticks). 5.. Paj'1aunt of loam invoice (H. H. Lc1.skey Ltd.). 6. Payment of equipnent rental invoice (Chitticks). 7. Payment of acoount, Bregman & Hamann re Yw.rket Square civic and OOIl1L1ercw centre designs. 8. Payment of asphalt invoice (Ste}ilen). 9. Re sub-division agreement with N.B.Housing Corp. re Champluin Hoights Suh-division. 10. Acquisition of Urban I~enewal properties on Ht?lson St., North Market Wharf, fran vi.. F. Allan & Co. Ltd. and \:arehouse &: Transport. li. Payment of accOlmt of Grove Construction Ltd. re 10s8 of salvage in demolition of 15 Dock St. (Urban Hent3Wal property, formerly owned by E. So. Stephenson & Co. Ltd.). 12. l:layment of legal tees account to Willet & Marquis (Urban Renewal). . 13. Payment of accounts of Roy de Stecher & Associates Ltd. (Urban Renewal), appraisal fees. 14. Payment of legal. fees account to Palmtlr, O'Connell, Leger, Turnbull & Turnbull (Urban Rerewal) . l5. Payment of apI%'aisa1 tees account to Shawinigan Engineering Maritimes Ltd. (Urban Renewal).o 16. Progress Mvments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Econoodc Expansion programme. '; . . 17. IJotice or intention from Federal Department or Public \.,'orks, Property Services, to apply , for Cit~,r lam and also for re-zoning of said land in Green Lake area for new medium security penal institution. , 18. Recormnended changes t,o the Building By-Law or the City ot Saint John. 19. Acquisition ot freehold interests of Atlantic ~rgica1 Ltd. in 29 Mill St. (Urban Renewa1)- laid on table Sept. 8, 1975. 20. Re Non-Union salaries. 20A.Re outdoor rink policy. Newcomers 1975 and COMMON CIDtK 21. Hequest from/Hillcrest Housing Co-oparative reoverhead electrical line, Sur::u:nit Drive. 22. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to permit an office for one doctor or dentist in each residential zone on a pproval of Planning Advisory Cor:mi. ttee and2,n1y on compliance with tems 8llcl conditions as L~j- be impost.'Cl by said Comtaittee (let and 2nd readings given Oct. 14, 1975). ~ CITY SOLICITOR 23. Re Taxi By-Law amendment (report re CotUlcillor Pye's reconEendation). 23A.CotJJlTlittce of v,'hole report(Oct.14). COMMITTl:J';S . 24. Land Committee re leasing of former Lancaster City Hall to Dept. of Supply and Services of Province of llew Brunswick. 25. Planning Advisory Comr:dttee re proposed use of land on Cottage IWcid for construction of a church bui1dingCre enquiry made by Rev.E.L.Lake of All Saints' Church). 26. Planning Advisory Comcittee re Vet's Taxi Limited request to establish a Kent Home for pennanent use 8S a dispatcher's office, at service station property, corner of v;elles1ey an:1 Lansdowne Aves. 27. Planning Advisory CoLll11ittee re proposed Ace of Clubs, Inc. club house, Narrows Rd.: applicants reque8t withdrawal of re-zoning ap~tion as this is considered bJ' them a continuation of an existing non-confonidng use. GENERAL 28. Letter from Mrs. M. A. Crawford re installation of traffic lir,hts: atHarrison-Ghesley St. (by the underpa58~,and at Manawar;onish Rd.-Hanchester Ave. intersection.. " ."