COMMON COUNCIL - as at 10th October, 1975.
1. Meeting ca.lled to order, Tuesday. October 14. ?oo p.m. - pra.~rer.
2. Mayor's remarks.
3. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to pennit the office of one doctor in
any residential zone upon ap proval by Plamling Advisory Comr.l:' ttee, and
upon compliance with tems and conditions thc Com.rl.ttee may impose (such
araendment requested by Dr. G. M. Thornhill).
- Letter frolO1 Planning J\dvisory ~omr:d.ttce :re 'Same.
_ Letter from Ur. Brian 1... Garland re Elaid proposed nzaendment.
4. 'l~OO p.m.
5. 7.00 p.n.
6. 7.00 p.m.
_ Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for A.C. Fairweather & Sone
Ltd. approximately 4 acres of land in :Eastmount .sub-division, near
property owned by Mary M. O'Brien.
,- Letter from Planning Advisory Comr.-d.ttee rc same.
_ Proposed al!llendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone fOl~ the Maritime Conference
of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church approxi.mately 5 acres of land on south
side of \;oodward Ave. at intersection of Boar's Head Rd.
_ Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re same.
_ Proposed amendment. to Zoning By-Law t.o re-zone for proposed Ace of Clubs
Inc. club approxima te~ 8 and one-half acrC8 of lani on north side of
Narrows Rei. off Highland Rd.
_ Letter from Plamling Advisory CoIl:lci.ttee re same.
_ Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vincent, in opposition to proposcd re-zoning.
_ Letter from Messra. Atkinson & Atkinson, solicit.ora for 14r. and Mrs. Clayton
Campbell, in objection to proposed re-zoning.
7. Report from City Mana;.ger re request of petitioners from Cottage Road and Old Black
River Road area for extension of water se.vices.
8. Report from CitJ' l.Janagcr re supplying and installing new gymnasium floor, Carleton
Community Centre.
9. Report from City !ianager re Irving Oil J.J.m1ted application to instai1 a gasoline tank
at service station, corner of He11es1ey and Cranston AVf!s.
10. Letter from City Solicitor re Release document 1'8 land exchange agreement between l..ity
and Lockhart \ioodworking Company.
11. Letter from Councillor Pye 1'8 pro~scd amendments to Taxi B,y-Law.
12. Application from Hr. Joseph Dunham for re-zoning or land at ?..435 Ocean \.ent\laJ'.
13. Application from }.fr. Lloyd D. Pierce for ro-zoning of Lot D, Bro\m Strcet.