~' ,
COMMON COUNCIL - as at 3rd October~ 1975.
2. ConfirT;1a tion of ninutes
3. Ma;yor 's reuarks.
4.00p.m. Recof;nition of Saint John Dry Dock Huskies Team - Canadian Tug-of-~.rar Chanpi.ons.
4. P.c1~'tllCnt of equiJ1'llent rental invoice (D. Hatfield Ltd.).
5. Pa~ent of equiJJl1ent rental invoice (D. Ba tfield Ltd.).
6. PayL1cnt of invoice for 10Cllll (H. H. .uif:lke~' Ltd.).
7. Heport rc tenders for construction of 8-incll sanitary seHer on Crescent Ave.
8. Progress pa;l'Dlent re a Capital Project.
9. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Lxpansion jNI!Ogl'amme.
10. Re sub-division agreer:1ent re ~!esworland Grove Sub-division, Stage I.
ll. He request for rental Essistance, ~de b;r residents of high rise building No.1, Loch
Looond Villa.
12.. Re request made by Village of Rcnforth re asscssing of Lot 1,B10ck D~Burton Brae Sub-divisicn.
13. Re King Street F~st fire station (report laid on table Sept. 29, 1975).
14. August reports: \Jater & Sewerage Division of Works Dept.; Division of TecJmical and
Inspection Services, including Plumbing.
15. }<'inancial Statements - August.
16. Report on action tw::en by Cit;l' Manager on general intent of Council resolution of September
22, 1975 re budgeta~' expenditures, 1975.
17. Fire Dept. report - August.
18. PEtyment of equipnent rental invoice (D. Hatfield 'Ltd.).
19. Pa:.'T.lent of asphalt invoice (Stephen Construction Co. Ltd.).
20. Report re tenders received for construction of Lancaster Lagoon Lift Station.
2L 1975-1976 v:orking Ar;reement between Cit:. and S.J. Cit:r Hall F.mployees' Union, Local 486.
22. Report re tenders re demolition:- (a) 19 Park St. E.,"(tension
(b) 2 Dock st. (Huggard's Coffee Bar)
(c) Corner of 'tJater100 ec Union Sts. (fort1lE~r Clinton Brown
building) .
ShaLU'ock Park building, Phase I (necreation Capital Job
Eenort re tenders received for
]~o~ 610.2).
Report re Cit:'-o\med Seamen t s Mission apartment and office building, former}.:,' mmed b~r
hr. na~.rrJond Hurphy.
Tr:ird rLading of Zoning B~'-Lcl"; proposed nmendoent to re-zone for D. Bountcllas the ;n'Onerty
on \/esterl:r side of St. Anne St. iIJmediate~. to north of the corner lot at I;,c,.clkoct St.
(lst ~t 2nd readings given Sept. 29, 1975).
'~e c~;.in for dar.1a,~es subraittecl by Donald J. \,alton per his solicitor, Philip K. liolland.
lle . letition reque~;ting continuation of present overhead electrical lines along continuation
of t>unrrl. t Dr). ve .
!Le Vet's ~'E,yi Ltd. apnlication to establish a Kent home for peInanent use as a dispatcher's
Land CO! J:1i.ttu: re payment to Cl,l.nadian l~ational Hailways for land, BaY~iide Drive.
~'ransnortcd~ion Committee re reqwst lIl8de by senior citizens for possible reduction in bus
fClres on City Transit [luses.
.)~laT!ning i,dviso~r Coad.ttee letter re duties, :)o\lerS and responsibilities of s8.id Cor:mttee
(l<k:t.~ Jil tc:.ble .:Jepi,ember 22, 1975).
::>llmnin:: hdvisor~T (~IlInittee rt: extension of r':lObi1e home perr.:ission to Hr. i'illia.rl Kirk.
?1mllling Advisory Conr:littee re variance of Council resolution of Lover;1bcr 19, 1973 re
Jiarbourview SUb-division, Shelter Resources Linited. (see item 38).
.3L~. Lr. lli.chae1 Landers, H. P., letter re proposed medilUll security prison site.
3-5. IJortheastern Shrine Association, A.A.O.U.I1.S. letter of appreciation.
~.Saint John City Halll.r,lployees' Union, Local 486 re working conditions of the Cit~. i:all
36. Glen Falls Flood GOLmttee re various items pertaining to Mnrsh Creek; re tems of rt:;ference
of Proctor &. Redfern Ltd. re Marfil Creek engineering study (current study).
.37. Hr. ~teven J. Aitken rc utlsightly conditions on University Ave. and re above-ground
poyler lines.
38. Shelter Resources Ltd. 1'0 motlificationa to llarbourview ~ub-division Plan (see i t~m 33).
.39. App1icc1tion fron IJ.ore Construction Ltd. for re-zoning approx.32 acres, Thornbroush St.
40. A;)plication from ~cholten Properties for re-zoning land at 770 Bay St.
41. Hequest for 1976 grant, from Saint John Boys' and Girls' Club.
42. Hequest for 1976 grant, fran Fanily Services Saint John, Inc.
43. Request for 1976 r;rant, from New BrlU15lQok Youth Orchestra.
44. Hequest for 1976 grant, from C. Y. o. (!MeI).