as at 19th September, 1975.
1. hcetinh called to oruer, 4.0..9-2..1;1.. ~epteIilber 2~ - prayt)r.
2. ConfirmcL tion of uinut.es (~)ept.enber 8 and 15).
3. r,;j;yor I t; remarl~6.
CITY HkW,lliJi,
4. Heport on quotatiOl!S for side\w.lk sweeper, and refuse collection unit.
5. Heport on tenders re Carleton C01Jnunity Centre t;;yJ!l floor, heating f;~'steLl Iiloaificcltion,
cleaning ext(~rior of building.
6. ~":e t..,o temporCiry r.Lobile offices of Pitts i:..ngincering Construction Ltd. re throughvvClY.
7. .1..(; port re sewerage systems, ..,estern part of the city.
8. Ee removal of ;)tanley ut. bric1ge and pedestria.n overpass (Lonbard ,;t. to ~tanlE.v ~it.).
9. j(eport rc auction of ow-plus City cqui;n811t; jJCi~'Lltllt of auctioneer's fee (John'ij€ci.l).
10. )aYIJent. ()f hsphCilt invoice (.;Jt,t'jJt!en Construcu. on Go. Ltd.).
11. pc;.yment of equipment rental invoices (Chitticks; Ready nental Ltd.; ,jtephen Construction).
12. Pu~'l"ent of Land Gomp(;nsation Loard Ci'fmrd re HcCo:rmack &. Zatzr.Jan Limited Chesley ~t.
properties (on unpd,id portion, interest is payable, froLl April 1, 1971 to dCite of final
settlerilt:nt) .
13. Heport llnd rt;commendat.iona re ambulance services.
14. Le fire protection in high rise buildings.
15. ,i.tport on tEmders re prefahricated sewage pl.11up1ng st,j,tiotl. 11i.lford-namlolph-l1reendcLle
Semi tary se'Her colle ctor sJ"st em.
16. ?rogress PUYLlents re project.s undertaken under Dept.Regional Lconomic Lxpunsion programme.
17. ?I'Ot~l>ess pa;yment re Capital projt;ct.
18. He harbour bridge tolls.
19. 19?5-l?1Z6 ','orking Agreement between City and ~.J.Policemen's Prott;ctive J.ssoc., Local 61.
20. He demoli ti()n of fanner Clinton brown building ( see item 38).
21. I\)lioo Dept. Comparative Heport, January to June 19'14 ana 1975.
22. Pa~rment of invoice, crusht'd stone (Brookville hanufactw-ing J...td.). .
23. he lehse of 15u-15~~ Prince \Jilliar:1 St. (former Seatlen's Hission buildine:) to ~)o.iIlt John
7heatre Go. Inc.
23h..Ee pw-chase of ice resurfacing machines for tlu'ee City arenas.
2l.~. Lal'ket l.oLlr,dttee re Slocum &. Ferris apijlication to instal w,ater and se"ler facilities for
harket sta::"'ls, at HI's. ha plt be ck' s expense.
25. dcu'ket COElLu.ttee rc lease to Marylyn Fox of ste'lll. rack am counter presently occupied by
Gal's Lt;at~.
26. Civic Irilproveuent arid. Ik;autifice,t.ion Col1Llittee re cleaning of City Hall hallv;h;'s and
building entrances.
27. ?lClnning j~dvisory COrJllittee l'e acceptance of p"'J't1t..nts in lieu of land for pl.<blic !)\il'i)Qst.s
1'1'0[1: (1) ~al'ah L. llaZt;,1l Lstate; (~j ~arJuel Haguire, Jr.
2E. .)l"m,ing ,,(tvi~iory Gor!! d. t. tee let. tt;r re (iutios, po\;ers ,Lnc 1.es :x>n<;il,ili tit: s of
29. ;,:)cl;:;;OOLL PhI'k J',llvi.~ory BOhrd report.
3G. ",:in;. J;lbn liouf:irl". G()r~.,:;,~)sion re rt>.lut:st 1'1'Or,1 rd,idenl,n of lmiluinf~ ,)J1t.;,LocL LOT;JOncl liilla.
. ~
. .,' G"'; .. t. v
..".J.u 0"..._" Le. i
.:...etter frOB hev. :.. Llo:rcl. Lake, All Saints Church. re pr()posed church, Cottage ROdd.
d'. L. ;)~l'!:,S, re Ibcl-: of littEr receptc..cles on cit~' streets.
d'. ,(.o~,tl't ~. :)onovc.n, re :>i:"lt,,<l1: need for l~e'Wmc..n ~t., and proposing LevJnan "t. be a one-wa~
<'" 1'Ct;1, (hlbert to ".u'Vlaide ~ts.).
J..etLt:r J'ron j. L. Irvint~, Liuited r.uggesting steps,(other thb.n re-zoning, of uaint's Rest
!l;:T~;r. ,lrea ~,ti h cunserva tion zone) relc:. ting to future industrial devt;lopulLnt as LillY be
rG jd.il't.:d in u<,int's l'est area. ~.
iLp,Jliciltion fror;l Ilfinforcl H. ';.'hor.1pson Construction Co.Ltd. for re-zoning of HolsorJ nve.land. \
Lcct;L. r ~.rOLl 'Jill<1!~t; of Jtenforth 1'e servicing and hsseOSL.hmt of Lot 1, Block "Jll, };urton Brae't
'}Ul,-,,~i vi~,ion.
; ~
~t:,er from ill'. Philip i~. iiolland of M,sociates Atl,Orn(;~'5 rt: d.aL1Rge to CClr
Letter from .u'. B. H. Lverett 1'e deuolition of City buildinr,. corner Union
i.it.bout d.c1r:!<.1ge to hin building at 2l<j-;~2l-2;;3 Union ;jt. and. 6 Laterloa ':';t.
lorneville Lat(!I)Ct~rers ,;.ssoc. lett.er re patching of Lorneville lLoad.
':)c1int Jolin Housine; J.uthorit:>r re conGi tion of streets and. courts off Churcbill Elvd.,
pCLrt.icul;;.rly in .::..rea of E~'ClJ'O Place. ';
L"ttt:r from l1c.'ljor ~).::u.lUt~l hol1ancl Branch, United l<lJ.pire J...o:ralist.s i,~jsoc.of GCini.Lda 1'e proposed!.
l'(;-zoning of ~)aint's Rest area. h
Letter fror,l lir8. Nary E. 1'horne on bebalf of senior citizens, re possible reduction in City ·
'i'ruIlsit Ltd. bus fares for senior citizens.
0enior Citizens .:lervices ~nt John Inc. requesting
Senior Citizens Services Saint John Inc. requesting
lent of free rent lor City Harkt!t preLdses).
Y. L. C. A. requesting a grant for 1976.
Hotices of application hearings before l~e'W Brunswick Liquor Control Comr.dssion re:-
0L:dtty's Pub Ltd. a;Jplication for a beverage roOLl license, Hark Drive premises.
\iandlyn hotels Ltd. application for a lounge license, 607 Hothesay A...,c. premi.ses.
Gates Lnt.erprises Ltd. application for a restaurclIlt licemie, 641.. Hotbt;say Ave. premises.
of :Jon<:ld J.' .altoli
and " aterloo ::;ts."
(St,e iter:l 20). ~.
I 43.
renewal of lea5c, City MCirket ,rremises. i
renewal of grant for 1976 (the equiva-