COMMON COUNCIL - as at 5th September, 1975.
1. 14eeting called to order, ~.OO p.m.. ~ptember 8 - prayer.
2. Hayor '8 remarks.
.3. Confinnation of minl:ltes (August 25 & September 2).
.3'-. Resolution of congratulations to The 3 Field Regiment (The Loyal Compan;!), \-Tinner of the
Lational Legimental Gun ?ractice Competition.
4.. pa;-{Inent of invoices, Allied Chemical Canada - calcium chlorida dustlayer.
5.J3a~'n1fmt of equiIXllent rental invoice - :.Jtephen Construction Co., Ltd.
6. Iteport on tenders tbr llyles Dri ve-Garnett hoad la-inch - H-inch sanita~r se\ier and b-inch
7. July report - Street Division.
8. PaJrrnent of invoice for equipnent rental - Stt.'Phen ConDtruction Co., Ltd.
9.. Po...vmert. of equipnent rental invoice - Chit ticks (1962) Lt.d.
10. heport on tenders for Bayside Drive Reconstruction ani. Extension, Phase rv Station 13+00
to Station 50+00.
11.. Financial :Jtatementa - JulJr.
12. He sub-cJ.ivision agreeoent re Hi11idgeville Estates Sub-ciivision, ?ha8e III, vd.th Caldo Ltd.
13. payuent of equipnent rental invoices - D. Hatfield Ltd.
14. Progress payments re projtlcts uooertaken unier Dept"Hegional l:,conomic f.xpansion programme.
15. Re acquisition of 29 Hill St. from Atlantic ~urgical Ltd., North Ind Urban Renewal Scheme.
16. Ji.e .Harsh Creek Lngineering Study. (see item 27).
17. Third reading of proposed re-zoning for Messrs.. lJonnan Sr.uth nnd J.. Arthur Flood of area
of appro:>:iuately 7.5 acres behind Simonds Hedical Centre at 2ia Locb 100000 Hd. (1st (~ 2nd
readings given Sept. 2, 1975).
lB. 'l.'hird reading of proposed re-zoning of propert at north y;est corner of Adelaide and
l'lel,cc.lfe :.:lts. (Flash HuffIer Ltd.) for Service Associates Ltd. (1st &. 2nd readings given
3ept. 2, 1975).
_ (a) - Letter from Hr. .fohn G. Carr re displacement of tenants re above ncuned property
19. Third reading of proposed re-zoning for the Rocca Group Limited of approx:i.me.te13T 86 acres
of JL.nd north and soutb of the Pipeline Road imoediatelJT to the west of the Clark property
off l.anavmgonish Hd. (1st &. 2nd readings given ~)ept. 2, 1975).
2(). Third reading of proposed clJIlendments to text of Zoning By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given
~ept. 2, 1975).
COIJ1n'T:,1~S. 130ALDS
20A.Gouui ttee of 'i:hole report (fiepteraber 2, 1975).
21. i.ominc..ting COLlI'.uttee report.
2:2. i'lmmin,; Huvisory Comr.ri.ttee re a6sen~ to Bon Accord Subdiv:..sion Phase II plan of sub-divisXn
2.3. Planning 1l.dvif3OIJr COl:u:rl.t tee re acceptance of LlOncy in lieu of lflnd for public purposes
fron: (1) hoy Cl. l~cCullough; (2) Ethel Fll."Hwelling.
24. Planning Jl(lvisOl'Y Comittee re variances.
25. ?lal1ning llUviSOIJr Comr.rl.ttee re p<J.rking for taverns.
26. j ,OCl1\l of ,'rustees, Civic }mployees' Pt:nsion Plan, r8 retirerwnt of l:r. iw:rnond L. Hi'YCOX,
',orKS ,Jept.
2'(. Le stuci;;- of Harsh Creek problem (Councillor YJ.pping). (see Item 16).
28. he haroow- bridge tolls reI.1oval (Councillor HacGowan).
2bJ..1.e Git:r policy governing travel expenses (Councillor Hacllovran).
29. Saint John 1'i1'e Fighters' AS50cicltion, Local Union 771, re grant to volunteer fire dt::~rt-
.3u. ~Ja.int ..1 ohn School of Harine 'l'el1hnolor,.y requesting lllprovenents in preniGt; 5 occupied at
Gi ty-mmed building, 115 Prince v illiarn :.Jt.
31. J.;JjJlicioltion from JL. G. Fair\;eather &. Sons Ltd. 1'01' re-zoning of lnnd at j,astZ:10tlnt.
32. Lt.;;tter froLl l'lCirion Billiard, Eed HCa.d Ed., re recw'ring pollution problem in Little Hiver-
Hed HlOad hci. c~rea.
33. Letter fron Lr. J. Ian 1l.itcor.ll:l, &.rrister, making application on rJehHlf of Gm,lbridge
Leaseholds Ltd.' 5 prospective tenant, House 01' Hay Liuited, to lease and utilize a portion
of j~-l1art Plaza as a fried chicken outlet,