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COMMON COUNCIL - as at 8th AUgust# 1975.
1. . Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. Aw..rust 11 - prayer.
2. Minutes confirlIBtion (July 28
.3. Ma;ror' s remarks.
4. Re anmu1ance rates on a fifty per cent return for persons over age sixty-five.
5. He Grand Bav-Martinon-Morna Volunteer Fire Departnent.
6. Pa~lJI1ent of j,nvoice, Pol-fer Corn.nission of \"it~r, 1"e hydro poles am transformers.
7. Pa:vment of invoice Ioperial Industries Ltd.,re purchase of M'l' trackless vehicle.
8. Pa.;rment of invoice' Crane Suppl~r, re purchase of h~7tlrant bodies vrith nozzles.
9. Payment of invoice~ for equij:r.l.ent rental (D. Hatfield, Ltd.; Chitticks (1962; Ltd.).
10. Heport re temers for pipe laJ'''ing laser.
11. He awarding contract for supplJ"ing sodding at Lancaster Hemorial Field and the Forest
Hills School pla~..field.
12. P8J'ment of 1n,,01ce# Stej:V1en Construction Co. Ltd., for Hsphc~t.
13.. Report re tenders for sale of used Cit~r vehicles and equipment.
14. Pa:/IOOnt ofoinvoice for equipment rental l,Chitticks (1962) Ltd.).
15. He awarding contract for chip sealing, City streets.
16. p.cl.~rment of invoices for equipnent rt:ntal (C~'itticks (1962) Ltd.).
17. Financial Statements - June.
18. Fire Dept. report - June.
19. ,Tune report of Technical. and Inspection Services, including Plumbing Division.
20. pjO(lgress payments re projects undertaken under Dept. Hegionlll Economic }~xpclnsion Tocrarmne.
21. Pro !SI'eas pa~lJll.ent re project included in the Capital Budget.
22. he port re diesel engine,- ror fire pumper.
23. Joint report from City },anetr,er and Deputy Comrnissioner of Housing and Rene'vlal Services,
re JJeighbourhood Improvement Prograrimle, North End.
')tcond and third reading of proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Alpha
InvestI:l.ents & Agencies Ltd. land lying west of lets fronting on Glel'1view JWe.. approximatel
20 acres (1st reading given &. laid on table Aug. 5, 1975).
Thiru rt;ading of propo~ed amendment to Zoning Bjr-Law to re-zone for Baxter Dairies Ltd..
properties on westerly side of l-:ill1dge Hve. (1st & 2nd readings given Aug. 5, 19'7:)).
Third reading of proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zo.r4e properties, includini: the. t
of lvil's. Hildred E. Green, on both sides of hanawagonish ild. from appro::dmately CatheI'Woed
St. to the snall business area which includes Purdy Hotors' and Atherton Dud nt~SS Ldchines
Ltd. (1st !~ ;2nd readings given Aug. 5, 1975).
r:hird ;'uldin~ of pro;)osed amenduent t() Zoning By-Lavl to re-zone for Lcwt COn~;t },nterjJrises
Ltd. lund at northeaster1~.. comer of l~othesay Ii.ci. ~Lml Drul'"j' Cove B.ci., less t\';o ;;m<ill lots
(1st h 2nd rendings given Il\lir,. 5, 1975). (see item 2g.)
Third reading of proposed arJendment to Lunicipa.l DevelolXllent Plan to place in 2. Light
Induf.tria1 area the propert;r at northeasterly comer of Drury Cove and hothes<i~r ::.d., nm.
mffied by Em;t Coast J;.' t~,rprises Ltd.,Cj.nd the A. C. }'air\waUwr pJ'op~;rty on the northerly
~;icie of j,shburn B.d. ".lst Ii. 2nd readings given Aug. 5, 1975).
Third reading of praposed amendnent to ::oning By-1m. to rt:-zone the site 01' Ule l,:t:st :Jide
COriIJunit;r Hospitul, and the associcited propert~.. across Prince Street, ~CJ.int John ~. est
(l"t Il. ;;nd readings given i.ug. 5, 1975).
Third reading of amendment to 'I'raffic By-LclW (1st & 2nd readin/;s given July 2(), 1975'.
si~;ning officers of Last Coast l~tLrprises Ltd. (aLe item 27)
emergenc;'l and voting requirer,lents.
authority for public enquiry.
GO}lJlUSSIOI~S c, COiJil1ITTl:.l.5
Heport from ~aint John H using CoIilLlission with recommendations, from study of Housing Task
Forc~; Commit.tee Report, ~971 (laid on table July 28, 1975).
Land COL'll.uttee re payment to lir. L. Daigle for etisement for Mi1ford-Rnndolph-lrreendale
sevIer line.
Lc.m Cornui ttee re land scaping \olOrk for fir. J. Russell- s property, corner \/oocnrard Iwe. and
Hillidge Ave., in return for land required from him for new sidev/alk am street.
La.nd Cemmittee re expropriation proceedings to acquire Agnes Daley property, 37 Leinster St.
for proposed fire Station.
Land Committee re expropriation proceedings to acquire Saint John Tugboat property for
.d,Clening of Bayside Drive.
Planning Advisor:,' Concittee re Hr. Ronald h. Howett request for a variance to permit
erection of single-family dwellings on pI"Opbl'ty on ~/e5t.erl~r side 01' Lakeview Vri ve.
Planning AdviSOIjr 'COtJL1i ttee re assent t. proposed sub-cJ.iyj,sion plan, Hr. 1:(1. McHanara
~ub-di. vision, 6unm1i.t Drive.
~~. Ite letter of co~ra t ula tions to Hr. Norm~n Jackson (Councillor Fye).
u. He incident at Canada ,lire (.( Cable Co. pJ.cket line (Councillor Klppin~).
7. Request from Mr. Y'I'on 5t.-Coeur for V1.ng of road at 138-142 Morris st. :r.<<t,ension.
B. b'Ii;e.a- frorrt Lxecutive of ~)a1nt Jol'm Ji:cliciil Sociflty re measures to secure uncontaminated
39. - 1{lrS:1.i5M~ olfL;-!ir: \:allace 5. Turnbull from Saint John Fundy Region Developoont Commission.
- Lett.er rrQm Saint John Board of Trade submitting nominee for Hegional, Indust~r and
Commerce ~ommi881on.
Page 2.
40. Application from Mr. Norman h. Smith for re-zoning of property on Loch Lomond Rd..
41. Application from The Rocca Group Limited for I'6-zcning of land on 1J.lerdale ~t.
42. Letter from Saint John District Labour Council 1"C proposed new Police Act, lJew Brunswick.
43. Letter fron 3a.int John District kbour Council rc provision of Eecreation Dept. budget
item f.or facilities for spectators at Shamrock Park.