1975-08-05_Agenda ~ '" ''f AGENDA COHHOll COUNCIL - as at 1st August, 1975. l. Meeting called to order, l.OO p.&1.. August 5 (Tuesday) - prayer. 2. Hayor's remarks. 3. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed re-~oning for Alpha Investments & J~gencies 1td. of land l.ving west of lots fronting onOlenview Ave., approxir,Jately 20 acres. - Letter from Planning ildvisory Committee re said propoS~d. re-zoning. _ PrcscntCition by 14r. A. B. Gilbert, Q. C. on behalf of residents of the Glen Falls area, in opposition to aaid proposed re-zoning. (a) (b) 4. 7.00 p.m. (a) 5. 7.00 p.m. (a) 6. 7.00 p.m. 7. 7.0u p.m. _ Proposed re-zonir.~ for Baxter Dairies Ltd. (per Rocca Construction Ltd.) of properties on westerly side of Millidge Ave. from Valerie 5t. to company's head office. - Letter from Planning Advisorr Comr:d.ttee rEI said propesed re-zoning. _ Proposed re-zoning for Mrs. Mildred ~. Green,and of other proPertieti, on oboth sides of !ianawagoniDh Rd.. from. approxiLJ.a. tely Catherwood ~)t. to the sm&U business area ,,[hieh includes Purdy Motors and. Atherton Business Macllines Ltd. - Letter from Planning Advisory CoIllLli ttee re oaid preposed. re-zoning. _ Proposed re-zoning for East Coast Enterprises Ltd. of land at the northea8ter~ corner of Rothesay Rd. and Drury Cove Rd., les8 two small lots_. - Proposed. amend1ng~ of ltunicipal DeveloJl1lent Plan to place in a Light Industrial area the property at northeasterly corner5!,f Drury Cove and H.othesay Ms., now OYJl1ed by East Coast FZltcrprises l.td. and the A. C. Fairweather property on the northerly side of Ashburn Rd.. 8. 7.00 p.f.l. - Propctsod re-zoning of the site of the 'vest Side Community Hospital, and the associated property across Prince Street, Saint JaM West. 9. 7.00 P.o. (a) (b) _ Proposed re-zoning for The Rocca Group Limited of approximately l~0.4 acrCs of land on the southerly Dide ot Golden Grove Rd.. - Letter from Planning Advisory Cornl:l.i.ttee re .said proposed re-zonine. - Brief fran .Glen Fallo Flood Committee, per Mrs. JUsie \-la~'Ile, (,'hairau1, re Harsh CreHk sewage uyatem and effect on same br"the above named, and all other develo}Jllent in this Creek drainage area. 10. 7.0u P.o. - Propeaed re-zoning for Document }~terprises Limited of land near intersection of Sandy Point Rd. am ':..'hornbrough St. (a) - Letter from Planning Advisor:r Committee re said proposed re-zoning. ll. Letter from Cit~r Eanager 1'e l"Hp<drs to D-7 Caterpillar tractor.