IN C0MMON COUNCIL - as at 25th July. 1975.
~. Meeting calltlcl to order, 4.00 p.m.. J~ 28 - pra;rer.
2. Confirmation of l.ll.nutes (JulJr 14 &. 21).
3. j-...;ror' s rer:w.rks.
4. Invoices for equir+nt rental (Hatfield; Chittick).
5. Invoice for asphalt U)tephen).
6. June report ... ~tcr (( Je\lerage Division, \'orks Dept.
7. June rt;port - ~trect Division, ~;ork5 Dept.
8. lie reporting of funds for travelling.
9. l1:e cost recovelJ' for replacing paver,lent.
10. He ~)tiL1u1a tion Urant s .
11. let; MLtrBh Creek flooding.
12. l'inancial ~tatements -June.
13. hecreation and P~trks Dept. report - JanuaIJ' to June, inclusive.
14. He purchase of three ice resurfacing uachines for use in the new arenas.
15. ;'rogres8 payment re project included in Capital Buiget.
16. ?r~ress payr:lcnts re projects undertaken re Dept. H.egional ~conomic Expansion programme.
17. 1974 annual report of Police Dept.
17A.lnvoice of H. R. Doane and Company.
l7B. Invoice of ~heridan Nurseries.
18. Letter from Comuissioner of Fim.nce re bond issue resolutions required:
Ca.) consolidating resolution
(b) authorization for printing of bonds.
19. Letter from Manager, Port Develo}:&1ent, Dept. hconoL1ic DeveloJDt-nt, re City sponsoring
Coullcil am. staff attendance at 3ainL John Port Days; and sponsoring members of Seamen's
Ser'vices Comndttee and ships' officers at Port Day closing dinner.
19A.Re a:)plicc.tion of Altitude Enterprises Ltd. for installAtion of gasoline tanks (lc.:.id on
table July 1.4, 19'15): letters from Fire Dept. and Building Inspector.
ao~ 'l1hird reading ,of P~seO. cJ.osw:;:e pfapqrt=.iQn -of'~ 'St..) ~ves~ (i~ & 2rul :t'ead:brtg~
given JUly ~14', ~197~W.
20. Third reading of propGsed closure of a portion of oiutton. St., \o:est (1st (~ 2nd readings
t;i ven July 14, 1975).
21.-Inl'ormation re excibe tax refunding re gasoline constUUoo by tayJ.cabs.
-Third reacling of amendment to Taxi B:,r-Law (re increase in taxi fares) - 1st & 2nd readings
given July ?~, 19'15.
22. Comr.d.ttee of the ~,holt; report (I-.iay 25).
23. Land COlnr.d.ttee re conpensation ptiyment to I,alter Huggard re 2-4 Dock ~~t.
24. Land Cor:lfittee re purcbc:.se by City of building, Baysic.tt Drive, from Saint John Tugboat Co.
25. ....<.nd COITIl,.ittce re payment to The Hocca Uroup Ltd. for (Ja~;encnt for Spruce LCike ,l,,-ter line.
26. Land COT.lI.d.ttt;C 1'e pa;Yl1lent to Dr. Steph(:rl Clark for casement for ~)pruce Lake water line.
27. Lund Coraruittee re pu;yzaent to J'ernhill Cel.letery Co. for easemt:nt for Harsh Creek SeHerage
28. LanJ Comrllittee re purchase of land frOCl JaJ'vis Hubbard for Harsh Creek development.
29. Lcmd Cor.ulittee re sale of ~, Union St. to IJ.B.Tele;:none Coupan;\" LiLliteu.
30. Lam Cor.ll'llttee re transfer of 1i.nd to Douglas HcrianuB at rtJar of 27 Hild\lOod St.
31. Land Cor.1rlittee 1'e sale of wt 3 off ri'hornbrough St. to Elr:ler Hartin; re sale of Lot 2 off
'I'hornbrough :5t. to lJonald Uha1jnon.
32. ?larllling Mvisory Comr.1ittee re acceptance of paymtmt in lit~u of land l' Dr public purposes,
in Law-:rence HanlL.7 ~ub-division, SUl.lfiit urive.
34. ?raffic and ;jal'ety C01JI.d.ttee rccor:lI.ltmdation re anenduent to Traffic B"-Law.
35. 1974 annual report of' Board of Truutees of Civic Luployt:es' ;)ension Plcm (l~id on table
July 1.4 ) .
36. L<:tter 1'1'01.1 Board of Trustees of Civ:.c lnployues' I\;nsion Plan listing el.lploy(;es wLo v:ill
reach cor.lj)ulsorJ' retil'erlent a!~e in 19'7).
37. ~)aint John Parking CorlTllssion r~ recent increase in rental fees for parking in Cit~r-owned
parking lots.
38. Saint John Housing Cor:llussion report from ntudy of J'ec(:nmendation of th e Housing ':'ask
Force Connd. t tee H.eport.
38A.Proposed special ambulance rate for persons over 65 years of age (Councillor Pye).
38B.He proposed Palice Act (Councillor Jl. Vincent).
39. Re gift of land frora Estate of A. Carle &dth for vlildlife ~)anctUlrry: letter froLl 11r.G.T.
Clark, solicitor for bstate submitting deed; letter from hunicipa.l Planning Director re same.
40. Htlquest fror.1 l.lrand Ba;y-Lartinon-Eorna Volunteer Fire DeiJ!:.. for financial assRance.
41. Hockwood Park j,rea Ploeservation Assoc. re anticipated volw1t:l of traffic on Haynarket Sqlolare
42. ~;P:Ss~.Little Ho~dinm) Ltd. re water line to propes~d warehoUJ3e Fp.irvil1e Blvd. areaa
43. ~ppHocation from vupel'1.or Precast Concrete PI'oa.uct.s Ltd. re r:J.obJ.le hOI:1e,GoldenGrove H. .
n. He-zoning applicaticm from Service Associates Limited,corner Hetcalfe & Adelaide Sts.
44 . H.e-zllning a pPli ca tion frOlll The Rocca Group Ltd., IJelscm Vule ~ub-aivi6ioll.
· Lt:tter froIa furit1mc Retail Gasoline Assoc. re sel.f-Berve gaB bar8.
47. Applicatton fl'OIJl Pctrofina Canada Ltd. for re-zoning c.t northwest corner of Loch Lomond ltd.
ana }.icAll1s tel' Drive re car wash service station.