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COMMON COUNCIL - as at 18th July, 1975.
1. . Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. July 21 - prayer.
2. Mayor' s remarks.
3. "'.00 p.m. - ClmmiONIAL HE LOYALlb'T DAYS IN COSTUME.
4. 1.20 p.m. - Petition from residents of the Martinon area protesting the building of
a r~dium security p~nitentiar.r in said area - petition to be p~8ented
by Hre. Frances B. Doiron, spokesman.
5. 7.35 p.m. - Presentation from Mrs. Hett~r Sleep of 30 Carmarthen Street re traffic
situation concerning exit from underground parking on Prince I~ward Street.
6. 7.50 p.m. - Presentation from tenants of the City-o\>med building at 50 PrinceS8 Street
regarding pl~poBed increase of rents - spikesman for tenants to be
!1r. Ralph J. Broderick, Barrister.
7. 8.05 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Ivor Laws far H. R. Doane and Company, Chartered
Accountants, of 1974 City of Sai nt John Financial. Statements and. auditors'
8. Report fram City Manager re 1975 Capital Budget.
<). Notice of Motion re bond. issue.
10. Letter from City Solicitor re proposed. Provincial Police Act, motm as Bill 89.
11. Two letters from Taxi Committee re proposed amendment to Taxi By-Law re fares.