1975-06-16_Agenda -- AGENDA COMll0N OOUNCn.. - 80 at 13th June, 1975. 1. Meeting caJ.led to orcler, 4.00 p.m. .June 16 - prayer. 2. 3. Mayor I S remarks. CITY MANAGm 4. Progress paytients re proj~cts undertaken under Dept. Rer,ional l..conomic E.xpansion programme. 5. Progress pn;yment re a contract project included in the Capital. Budgot. 6. Report ro tenders for supplying tractors for R~crea tion and Parks - Dept. 7. Fire Dept. report - April ani May. 8. Resolution required for execution of sewage treatr..1E.>r1t loan agreem~rlt re Carpenter Place Pumping Station. BA. Applications for insta.llation of gasoline tanks from: (1) Arthur Brittain's Gulf Service Stat\. on; (2) Gulf Service Station, Manawagoniah Rd. 8B. Re third reading of amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zonc for Caldo Ltd. two lots lying respectively at the rear of and between the properties at 289 ani 293 Jack St. and . approximately 329 to 345, inclusive, Hawthorne Ave. (F..xt.) to Hultiple Dwelling district. (a) - Letter from Roclo/ood. Park Area Preservation Assoc., dated April 15, 1975, re opposition to l)CI.id proposed re-zoning. (b)- Letter from Rockwood Park Area Preservation Assoc., dated April 2, 1975 re proposed extension of Gilbert St. ramp (Comprehensive Community Plan) ani re proposed Jack St. area re-zoning. (Note: let and 2nd rea.dings were given to this proposed re-zoning on )~rch .31, 1975) 9. Third. reading of." proposed new Traf'f."ic By-Law (by-law read in its entirely in Committee of the ~jh01e on June 9, 1975). (a) - Letter from Rockwood Park Area Preservation Assoc. in opposition to any plan to move trucks other than delivery and service vehioles~ through the Rockwood Park-Mount R TPleasant are" (ref~rence to Schedule N - Subsection Central of oaid new By-~t"l). 9A. e hrollghway - Gau~t ICd. interchange. 9B. Re fencing, Lower Cove. COMK>N CLFJUC 10. Third reading ot proposed amendmont to Schedule 5-A of." Municipal Develo}Jllt'l1t Plan by a series of." minor adjustments intended to -bring the various planning districts to more practical or definable boundaries (1st and:2nd. readings given June 9, 1975). li. Third reading of proposed amendment to CODlllOn Council Salaries By-Law (1st and 2nd readings given June 9, 1975). CITY SOLICITOR 12. Re Power Commission of the City ot Saint John. COMMITSS 13. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re removal of 60all building from the area at SimmB Correr to permit deve10ptWnt of a bus lay-by. 14. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee 1'8 retention of natural wooded areas in future dovelopmentsin the City of Saint. John. 15. RepQ.ctIot~<lQuncil Comcl:tt.oelfit~ to;:Brietetrcm Minor Hockey Associations \rhich ohjl}'et-etl' ~..th'e-"'arch~du1e of user fees for C1ty-owned areMS. (at - Letter from Loch LolOOrr:i Home 1st. School Assoc. protesting the proposed user fees a.t City skating rinks. 16. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance of payments of money in lieu of public purpeses lanci, fl"OL::.:- (1) !o'l'ed McGoach; (2) HE\nr;r~ S. Legere; (3) :Francls S. Scovil. 17. Planning ~visory Committee 1'8 request from Mr. It. E. Oldtield f."or permission to continue to use a mobile home on the Maritimer Motor Hotel property, Ocean 'Vicst"lay. GENI~ lB. Re polley for timing for preparation, s.naideration and approval of Capital Budget, each year (Councillor Kipping). . 19. Letter from Niniater of' Highways re Provincial programme for improvements to City streets that are Provincia~ designated streets, 1975. 20. Letter from Minister of' Municipal Af."f."airs re proposal to change boundary line between L' City of baint John and Village of Grand Bay. /21. Letter from Hr. John P. Palmer, Q. C. of Palmer, O'Connell, Leger, Turnbull &. Turnbull, . .on behalf of clients, F. Gordon Carvell, Mrs. Payne am Mrs. Hoyt, re their opposition to proposed re-zoning to Conservation Zone Qt i$Ui~~n land in Saint I B Rest marsh area. 22. Letter from Community Appeals Review Board ~~~ a procedure for validating fum raising activities in CitJr or Saint John; requesting funds to impleuent said procedure. 23.-' Petition from residents of riooclside Park sub-clivision re }rob1_ or cutting of trees a. bufter zone and re problem or erosion or soU caused by cutting of trees. 24. Letter fran LomevUle Ratepayers Assoc. 1'8 up-grading of the Lomev1Ue Rd. 25. Letter trom Centre Valley Assoc. requesting develo}Jllent ot a playground on vacant lot on , \lrigh t St.' . ,\;;,;; -,... ",It , . l' _. ',,_,---,",~ I -I'> .~-,,,,,,{~,,-:~ ~ ~.. I~,. II