1975-05-26_Agenda -;i"--'~ . f' " AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 23rd May, 1975. 1. Mee101ng cal1eci to order, 4.00 P.Ll.. May 26 - prayer. 2. Cont1.rmatlon of minl1tes (April 28; Kay 5; May 12). 3. ReJ)Ort on Or.'tanization Study 4.00 p.m. --~_;-r-'I '1,10' g'W-'i-_U'i::~ja I ~~_.....~. C I'l'Y MANAGmt 4. Progress payment re project undertaken under Dept. Regional EconoL1ic Expansion programme. 5. Report on bicis for supplying fire apparatus. 6. Re purchase of polygraph equipment for Police Dept. 7. April report - Building & Technical Inspection ~rvice8. 8. PaYJ!16rl t of invoice for asphalt (Stephen Construe tion Co., Ltd.). 9. Progress payment re contract included in the Capital Budget. 10. Report on bids for painting ot No. a fire station, Millidgeville. 11. Progress payments re projects under taken under Dept. Regional Economic Expanaion programme. llA.Payment of fifteen 1975 real property taxes accounts. 12. Re Detective Clarence Cogswell, polygra}i1. operator. 13. Re equipnent specifications. 14. Progress report re Bays1d.e Drive reconstruction, am re eastern and western approaches to Courtenay Bay causew~. 15. Preliminary Capital Budget - 1975. 16. Proposed new Traffic By-Law. 17. Monthl~,r report - Street Division of l-!orks Dept. 18. Pc.vment of invoice for equipnent rt.."I1tal (Chittick). lSA.Re commendation of ~1r. Melvin G. Smith, vlorks Dept. mechanic, and pn~lJJ1ent of a Suggestion Award. laB.Report re tenders for three dump trucks. , lBC.Report re bid. for supplying lawn mowers for Re~reation and Parks Dept. laD.Re un-nallled private roads at Morna. l8E. Re Provincial School for Fire Fighters. COMMON CLmK 19. Third reading or amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Thistle Curling Club land on Dutferin Ave., pursuant to Section 39 ot Community Planning Act (1st & 2nd readings given Hay 12, 1975). 20. Third reading of amendment to Zoning J3.J-Law to re-zone tor East Side Enterprises Ltd. land situate south of University Ave. (1st & 2nd readings given MaJT 12,1975). 21. Third reading of amendment to 7..oning ~T_LaW to re-zone for Messrs. Abram Y. Go88 and Harold E. Goes the lots on Wallace Court am posoibly the lots on the north aide of Pine Ave. (Hallace Court to ra.ilwaJr tracks) - (1st am 2nd readings given May 12, 1975). 22. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-La"l to re-zone for Galbraith Construction Ltd. land on east side of Gault Rd. (laid on table May 12, 1975). (~) - Letter fran Planning Advi8o~ Cornnittee re sa.id proposed re-zoning. 2~.i. I '--- of "--~~--a:UJl 1', I J. ..1~ili 1 v ~ ~~~,~ =f": ""'l~ .... ..l_~~e ..ot ~~. tr",,~_ -,:<C:.".~1l.1nn..,.b:-,~. 't_,.,"Il~ )it..r.&l I L~ -.:..Iy :8h-n~+ ~+ rtr\rt ~F\ J :... , - ,.....,. '1;- ~ ~~,_.._. . . = . ,". - CITY SOLICITOR 24. Re carvell and lDrd property expropriations, re Spruce Lake water line. 2;. (a)-Letter tron CitJT Solicitor re bequest of Estate of A. Carle Smith of wildlife sanctuary land. (b)-Letter from Hr. G.T.Clark, Q.C., Executor of said Estate re said legacy and re acceptance by Cit~r of said land in lieu of paJ'l.:lent of sum in lieu of lam for public purr>oses. 26. Re Alpha Investments & Agencies Ltd. proposed :roe-zoning at Glen Falls - legal opinion. 27. Re serving notice on o..mer or occupier of l-lrs. Joyce vIarman property, Tippetts Drive, Dor.rl.nion Park, re unsightly condition of said property. 27A.Re account from Clark, Drummie & Company re expropriation of 61 High St. and 45 Acadia St. 28. Re the Thomas gravel pit on Grandview Avenue. COl~S & COMMISSIONS 28A.Land Corrmittee re purchase of Giles Allan pro~~rty, ~lPru~ Lc1.ke (laid on table Hay 1?,1975). 28B.Land Comraittee re purchase of land from Ronald B. Janes and Director, The Veterans' Land Act. 29. Land Committee re sale of freehold of Lot 349, Prince \-lard (.122 Elliott How) to Cole \,,'illiam Parent and Floyd Judson Parent, as tenants in common. 30. Saint John Housing Commission re a full-time Housing Co-Ordinator. 31. - Progress report of Traffic and Safety (',omm1ttee re various items, previously reported to C~~ - Letter from Cit~T Manager and F..xecutive Director of Operations re items in report of c. Traffic Co:rnmittee to Council on Fcbr~~T 3rd, 1975. 32. Planning Advisory Conunittee re Andrew Kea.ting application re a mobile hoce. 33. Planning Advisory Col!'Jlllittee re developnent of Lot 59, Block D, Sand Cove Rd. Land Assembly, by Hanford M. Thompson Construction Ltd. (see item 34). 3,A.Planning Advisory Committee re aBsent to sub-division plan (showing street extenabns and la.nd for public purposes), Silver Yalle Park Sub-division, Phase VII. 3,B.Planning l\dvisory Conrnittee .. acceptance of paJ11l'.lflnt from James Lowe Sub-cl1viaion in lieu of land for public purposes. fie ,t.;.," :.,,1'; . '- ,;. I ~ , . ~ - 2 - GENERAL 34. Letter from Hanford M. Thompson Construction Compa.ny~ Limited re developnent of Lot 59~ Block B, Sand Cow Rd. Land Assembly (see item 33). 34A.Re bicycle riding and destruction of flower beds in areas of:King Square am Old Buring Greuncl. (Councillor Pye). 35. Letter from Fort La Tour Autbority re use of land to westward of Chesley Drive for tourist accomrllodation. 36. Copy of letter from New Brunswick Housing Corporation to Saint John H"ousing Commission re purchase of Andave sub-d.ivision land~ Saint John EEust. 37. Letter from New Brunswick Housing Corporation re land e~change with School Board in Saint John East DeveloJDent Lanci Assembly (school site - Block 20) and re transfer to School Board by City of said school site. 38. Re-zoning application frexn Chisholr.a Adjustment Ltd. 39. Petition from citizens and taxpayers ot West Saint John requesting t.hat the roadbed of Ludlow St. (Tower to Rodney Sto.) be improved. 40. Petition from residents of Wilson's Sub-division~ u>rneville~ requesting the,t the roadway leading to their homes be up-graded ani maintained. 41. Jlpplication of Canada Permanent Trust for pennission to renovate 16-18 Waterloo St. 43. J(pjo1l1~biOilboom~:}.tr. tRq D~ Hur'phy~~197ifirl.nc'~SfJriet~.:,'tieBt~ tc6 Pl1rcH""pjr~-l.bf'tc.loaec.l-up ~,La:iilia8l.er StJ# \Jest. ",'''' . 4.3A.50flth 4fotl Tenants' Associat.ion Inc. re enforcecent of Hesidential Properties Hinimum Standards By-Law and Residential Properties am Occupancy Code. 4..7.00 p.m. - Proposed am.enclment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone tor l1illidgeville l':states Ltd. land on northerly Bide of University Ave. 44(a) - Lett.er from Planning Advisory Committee re above proposed re-zon!ng. , 45. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed RI11endment to Zoning Sy-Law to re-zone tor Mr. Timothy Isaac property at 1680 Manawagonish Rd. at intersection with Coronation Ave.~IBland View Heights. - Letter from Planning Ad.vi~ory Committee re above proposed re-zoning. - Letters ot objection to proposed re-zoning iran: Canadian National Institute tor the Blim; Mrs. Catherine Tonner; Mr. Malcolm E. Williams; Mr. WUfred L. Wood. - Petition in opposition to propoeed rti-zoning (spokeaaan for petitioners to be present). 46. 7.00 p.m. - Propos6d re-zoning amendment to Zoning By-Law for Mr. R. E. Jowett re land on \'/esterly side of Lakeview Drive between R.E. Jowett ani D. Fraser pro perties. - Letter froDl Planning Advisory Committee re above proposed re-zoning. 47. 7.00 P.Dl. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone tor J. D. Irving Ltd. lots on easterly side of Russell Hill Rd. 48. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re"!'zone for J. D. Irving Ltd. lots on Balmoral Crescent. ~rtaiD 49. 7.00 o.m. - Proposed amendI:1ent to Zoning By-La;u to re-zone tor J. D. Irving Ltd./.Lots l.n Blocks 3 and. 4 on Greeno%ck Dr! ve . . - Letter from Plarming hdvisory Committee re above named proposed re-zonings. - Letters of objection to proposed re-zonings from: Hr. Ronald G. Levine; Mr. B. L. Hanson; Mr. and Mr~. Simon Levine; Dr. am Mrs. Roy \vills; Mrs. Beth Livingston; Mr. and Mrs. \ialJer F. Lord; Mr. E. S. Matheson; Hr. and Hrs. E. K. Godwin; Dr. and Mrs. Alan Robertson; Hr. and Mrs. R. Murray Nelson; Mrs. J.tl:artha J. MacLeod; Hr. and Mrs. David A. l'lason; Hr. IJ.oyd Parent; Hr. John C. Green; HI' . and Mrs. RoWtt~t~6 H~nfB:rd. - Brief' BubmittinfJ05Jec~ions of residents of the Highlands of Lancaster to above named proposed re-zonings for J. D. Irving Ltd. 50. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to establish a "C" Conservation Zone. (a) - Letter from Hr. John P. Palmer, Q.C. ~ solicitor tor F. Gordon Carvell, submitting Hr. Carvell's opposition to re-zoning portions of his two properties as a "Conservation Arealt. (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) (b) (c) 51. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amending of Municipal Developnent Plan Schedule 5-A. ._._...L.._____.... _ _~__.~~_____._______ _l.....-. ..._