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COMMON COUNCIL - a8 at ~h May, 1975.
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1. Heeting called to order, May 12. 7.00 p.m. - prayer.
2. Mayor · s remarks.
3. 7.00 p.m. - PropostKl amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for j::>rover Holdings Ltd. land
on west side of Molson Ave. (1st reading given Apr. 7,1975) .
(a) - Submission by Mr. John D. vlallace, Barrister, on behalf of 130 reeidents and
property mmers of vicinity, who oppose said proposed re-zoning.
(b) - Letters opposing said proposed re-zoning, from: 111'. George T. Gar:1ble, Dr.
Murray N. Brown, Hr. J. vi. A. Beattie, Hr. Frank C. Rideout.
4. 7.00 p.m.
5. 7.00 p.m.
- Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Galbraith Construction Ltd.
land on cast side of Gault Road.
- Letter from Planning Adviuory Committee re above re-zoning application.
- Petition from residents of Monte Cristo Park Sub-division in objeotion to saUl'.
proposed re-zoning.
- Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Messrs. Abram Y. GOS8 and
Harold l~. Goss the lots on Wallace Court and possibly the lots on the north
side of Pine Ave. (Wallace Court to rat k BY tracks).
- Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning.
- Petition, per Hr. William H. Fearnhead, from resident property owners d the
viaJ.l.ace Court-Pine Ave. area, opposing said proposed re-zoning; copy of
Mr. Fearnhcad's letter of objection scnt to Planning Advisor,y Comruittee.
- Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Sjg'let Realty Ltd. the
Nazarene Church property at 7-9 l1acLaren Boulevard.
, - Istter from Planning Advisory Committee re above proposed ~zoning.
- Letter of objection to above proposed re-zoning, from Hr. Rtf J. Tobias.
6.. 7.00 p.m.
7. 7.00 P.c. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for East Side F.Jlterprises Ltd.
land situate south of University Ave. .-r
s. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Thistle Curling Club lam
on Dufferin Ave. .
(a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re said pro po oed re-zoning.
(b) - Letter of objection to said proposed re-zoning, from Mr. Douglas F. Carson.
9. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone land between cit:, Line and Lancaster St.,
Hr. v~alter Kean (laid on table March 17, 1975). e
(a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re Mr. Kean's proposed apartment
buildings project on said site.. .
(b) - Addition to petition presented Barch 17, 1975 expressing objection to sa:'
proposed re-~oning, from residents of said area (Dr. Honica Mooney to lv
at Council meeting re petition).
(0) - Letters of objection to said proposed re-zoning, from: Mr. Alex Bucha; ..1,
P.r. and Mrs. Frank X. Collins, Mrs. FJ.ma. G. Jolmson, l-1r. and Mrs. Inn"De8t~
10. 8.00 p.m.
- Petition from residents of School District 20 and parents of children atten~~
Grandview hvenue m.ementary School, requesting extension of City water l' r>>"b(f
to said 8chool (petition to be presented by Mr. Earl V. Doyle, President ..
Grandview Avenue Home and School Association).
11. Re sub-division agreement with Hr.IJ.oyd. Paul. for IJ.orna C"u.sc.ruction re services cxtenl,
on Bonita Ave. and Michael Crescent, Silver Falls Park.
12. Progress payments re projects undertaken under DeptjRegional Economic Expansion program
13. Progress payments re Capital Budget projects.
14. Re sub-d.ivision agreement ~lith Hr. Dermott Dobbin for Caldo Ltd. re services extension vf
on ~loodhavcn Drive (so-called).
1;. l"inancial Statements - March.
16. Re approval of Saint John Harbour Bridge Auth~rity budget, llpril 1, 1975-March 31, 1976.
16A.fteport re tenders for motorized equipnent II. '
17. Committee of the Whole report. (Ma~r 5, 1975).
18. Nominating Camui ttee report.
19. Market CoIllI1ittee re rental of third-floor office space in City Market to Sondec Inc.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re application fran Alpha Investments &. Agencies Ltd. for
re-zoning of land off Glenview Avenue. ,
21. Land Committee re purchase of land fran T. Giles Allan at Spruce Dale.
22. Land Committee re exchange 01' lam with lire Harvey F..stey in Latimer. Lake watershed area.
23. Land Comn:d.ttee re Quit Claim Deed to Mrs. Emma Green re land at Prince of \iales.
24. Land Comroittee re purchase of two water line easements from Galbraith Construction Ltd.
25. Land Committee re settlement of leasehold interest of v:alter Huggard. in City-owned
property at 2-4 Dock St.
26. Land Committee re payment of legal fees to Mr. am Mrs. Cecil Brownell re Milford-Randolph,;
Greendale project. ~
27. Land. Committee re payment of appraisal tees to Tri-Tpwn Realty . \i
28. Land. CoDlDittee re payment ot appraisal fees to Appraisals (Fundy) Ltd. (1-3 Water St.).
29. Land. Committee re pa,ment of appraisal fee8 to Appraisals (Fundy) Ltd. (9 \later St.). '"
30. Payment or appraisal account, Appraisals Ltd.
31. Payment or court costs accolUlt, Clark, Drummie & Co. (re McCormack & Zatzman properties).
32~ Payment or court costs account, Clark, Drumr.aie & Co. (re 61 High St. a.ni 45 Acadia St.).
33. Resoluticm adopted by The Saint John Ministerial Associaticim re proposed Saint John
34.' Sa:in'I>> John De1"ence La."'Yers CoDlllittee re release to news media of reports re persons
appearing berore Criminal Courts.
35. Petition frow. tft.xpa.yer-residents of Belmont in Saint John, l"EKlUesting iJDmediate resurfacing
of Belmont Road.
35A..Letter from Saint John Medical Society re community mobile paramedical lmit, and programme.
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