1975-04-31_Agenda AGENDA COl-f!10N COUNCIL - as at 27t.h March, 1975. 1. Heeting called to order. !!arch 31. '1.00 P.Ll. - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. 7.00 P.Ill. - Propesed anendment to /.oning B:\r-Law to re-zone for A. C. Fairweather &. Sons Ltd. ~ ~rcel of land on northerly side of A~hburn Ro,l.CI. in vicinity of Drury Cove Rd. ~8ubject to ~>€ction 39 of Conmunit;; Planning J,ct; 4. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to 20ninr: BJr-Lall to re-zonc for Alpha InvesUlents l~ Agencies Ltd. a parcel of land east of tw. 140 Univer~;ity Ave., fronting on University Ave. (see cop~r of letter froT I Planning Advit;orJ' Como.ttee dated Febrll;; 1'y 28, 1975 ,.,.hicb was dealt "Iith at liJcJ.rch 3,1975 Council meeting in this I:l8.tter), subjf?ct to Section 39 of CommunitJ' Planning j.ct. 5. 7.00 p.m. _ ?ro})Osed amendnent to Zoning I3:r-Law to re-zone for Caldo Ltd. triO lots lying resp6ctively at the rtar of and. between the properties knmm as 289 and 293 Jack St. and approximCite~ 329 to 345, inclusive, Hm.rthorne AVti. (extension). Letter froDlI~ing Advisory Copmittee 1'e s<lid proposed re-zoning. _ Letter frou RoCk'tlOod Park Area Preservation Association requesting propesed re-zoning not be mnde until City's position on proposed extension of-the Gilbert St. ramp up to 110unt Pleasant Jwenue, across the tip of Lily Lnke, meeting Hawthorne Jwe. :bxt.and cutting across (in vicinity of Jack St.) to Sandy Point ltd.. has been clarified. _ Letter from Mrs. Sandra C. Richard of Y~ren Street, exprese1ng diflapprova1 of said proposed re-zoning. CITY 14J\.~ ! I:, 6. 1'ire Dept. report - FebruaI"'J. 7. Eeport re time spent in Union negotiations. 8. He Clt;cm-U p Campaign. 9. JlppJ.::_cation for convention assistance from Atlantic Provinces Art Gallery Association. 10. Re touri~t and convention materials and advertising in Financial Post supplement. 11. Re Ar,reemt;nt with Provinoe of New Ilrurw"h-ick fur financing of sewerage treatment facilities, Barsh Creek Sc\'mge Treatment Scheme. 12. Pa:naent of invoiceD for equipnent rental (D. Hatfield J..td.). 13. ne clean-up of Marsh Creek. 14. Report re Forest Hills district park. 15. He release of final holdback, Marsh Creek Sewerage f>cheme. l5A.He resolution in support of Point Lepreau nuclear power station. CITY SOLICITOR 16. ;~e concurrence of ;)lanning J\dvisory Comr.uttee to land -exchange oet\Jeen Cit; and 0aint John .u>a.n Conpan~r Linutcd in the Greendale Sub-division. 19. GUJl.:;pJ.L He status of tht: construction of Ba~rside Drive (Councillor Cave). Saint John Rt;gion Joint ;'la.nning CoIlLlittee re location of planning offices for new itegional Hospital on present site of &lint John General Hospital. Application froLl Fu'. Gilbert Kenny for re-zon.ing 01' property nt corner of King ""illiao Rd. and Ocean \.estHay to permit a motel business. llpplication from r,fwt 5ide Lnterprises Ltd. for re-~oning of property on south side of University Jl.ve. for aparwent buildings. -_.~._,_.~-_._...................---~ -'--,~------ ,~-*- L 17. 18. 20.