cor~~ON COUNCIL - as at 25th ^pril, 1975
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., April 28 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 21).
3. Mayor's remarks.
5~ 7.00 p.m.
6. 7.30 p.m.
7. 8.00 p.m.
4. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Alpha Investments &
Agencies Ltd. a portion of land in Glen Falls (approxilnately twenty acres)
- Letter from Glen Falls Flood Committee objecting to said re-zoning.
- Letter from Plannine Advisory Co~nittee re proposed re-zonine.
- Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to permit offices for doctors or
dentists in an "RM-l" zone within 400 feet of a "B-3" zone (requested
by Dr. V. T. W. Shannon)
- Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
- Presentation by Saint John Theatre Company re repair and remodelling of
the Seamen's Mission property, Prince William Street, for use as a theatre.
- Presentation of Brief by Central Minor Hockey Association, Lancaster Minor
Hockey Association and Simonds Minor Hockey Association re user fee for
City-owned arenas.
8. Payment of invoice for equipment rental (D. Hatfield Limited)
9. Report re tenders for sale of fire pumper.
10. Re C.M.h.C. loan agreement - Western Collector Sewer and STP.
11. Progress payment re project undertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion programme.
12. Report re Seamen's Mission building.
13. Monthly reports: Fire Dept. (March); Street Division, Works Dept . (Feb. & March).
14. Financial Statements.
15. Report from Fire Chief on phosphorus spill - Chipman.
16. Report re dealers plates issued to Bricklin Canada, Ltd.
17. Re petition from residents on McCavour Drive.
18. Re flooding condition of Thomas property, 451 Rothesay Avenue.
19. Application of Mr. Andrew W. Keating for permission to retain mobile home at South Bay.
20. Report re tenders for playground equipment.
21. Report re tenders for purchase of trucks.
22. Re consultc.nt servic,es, Market Square, James F. Harris Limited.
23. Re social planning study.
24. Third reading of Subdivision By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings given Apr. 21)
25. Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re Highmeadow Park development, Phase II.
(ld. on table April 21)
26. Re adoption of Hational Building Code of Canada, 1975.
27. Re request of Market Committee to remove sign on eastern exit of City Market.
28. Re fees of members of Arbitration Board (re Probationary Constables dismissal).
28A.Re license from City of Saint John to Irving Oil Limited (see also item number 35).
29. Committee of the Whole report (April 21st, 1975).
30. Report of COD@ittee on the Organi2ation Stu~y.
31. Le~ter from City Hall Building Committee re matters arising from Conmittee meeting
of April 17,1975.
32. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments uo Subdivision By-Law.
33. Planning Advisory Committee re request of Ivl.r. Gerald LeBlanc for temporary placement
of three travel trailers, Loch Lomond Road.
34. Planning Advisory Committee re request of Mrs. L. A. Richard for permanent placement
of a mobile home at 418 Milford Road.
35. Mr. A. B. Gilbert, Q. C. re license from City of Saint John to IrvinE': Oil Limited
for laying of pipeline uIlder certain City streets.
36. Letter from Recreation Chairman, Champlain Hei(';hts Association re.inclusion in capital
budget of a family play lot on Robar Court/Swanton Street.
37. Application from Millidgeville Estates Ltd. for re-zoninc; of propert;)\, University Avenue.
38. Letter from ~ITs. M. S~aw re problem of dogs running at large in Sonth End of City.
39. Letter from Saint John Heritage Trust re retention and functional preservation of
bUildinGS on Prince \~illiam Street.
40. Land Cou@ittee re rescindine of resolution re Kiwanis Court"property.
In. Land Committee re purchase of property from Courtenay Iron & Brass.
42. Blockage of trunk sewer system on Strescon premises (Councillor Pye)
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