COMMON COUNCIL - as at 21st March, 1975.
1. Hoeting called to order, lfarch 24. 4.00 p.m. - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (14arch 10; March 17, 1975).
3. Mayor's retlarks.
4. Re S'lUl1ULer/~Kat.ing School 1975 - Lancaster Centennial Arena.
5. Re Deputy Building Inspector.
6. Payment ot progress Certificates re projects undertaken under Dept.lt~gi()nal J~conom1c liJtpan- .
sion programme.
7. Progress p~ment rfl project included in Capital Budget.
8. Re calling tenders for rire Dept. apparatus.
9. R.e Provincial-Municipal Highways Agreement.
10. Re applications for convention assistance:- (a) 1975 spring conference of Elementary and
Junior High School Principals Council, provincial D1Eleting; (b) Canadian Postmasters 1 .,
Association - Maritime branch, Marititle meeting; (c) Penrose Conference of the Geological ~
Society of [UJt;]'ica, interootional meeting. ~
li. 110nthly report - February: Technical & Inspection Services (including ?lwnbing Div.).
llJ\.Re purchase of hot mix asphalt.
12. Third reading of amendment to by-law to close unnamed street, running from \later St. to
Prince \iilliElll St. (15 t &. 2nd readings given Nar. 17).
Re sewer pipes Lease from Canadian Pacific Limited.
ne request from Associated Investors of Canada Ltd. for Council to waive rcquirertlent for
payment 01' noney in lieu of public purposes land.
COI:uu.ttee of the \ihole report (Mb.r~h 17, 1975).
l1arket COL'lraittee letter re removal of partitions between centre and nide aisles of l1arket;
re replacement of the Market sprinkler s~TSteI!l l'/ith -i-inch pipe.
Planning Advisory Committee 1"8 Municipal Developnent Plan - Planning JJi5tricts: proposed
aLlenc.lment to Hunicipal DcveloJmElflt Plan. j
Plarming Advisory Committee re request from Mr. DonE>.ld Cullinan, Barrister, on behalf of Mr. .
Honald Hargrove re permission for extension of mobile home permit. .j
Plann1n~ Advisory CoIllllittee re acceptance of payment in lieu of land for J:ublic purposes re {J
L. Dow ,>ub-division.'..
20. Letter from New Bruns\iick Liquor Control Commission re Common Council t s sugl~estion that
hearings of applications for liquor l1cen8es be heard' in Suint John re applications
affecting saint Jolm locat.ions.
21. Letter from Mr. H.aytlond L. Oldfield, Proprietor of l1a.ritimer 110tor Hotel, 1'e r.lobile home.
22. Tri-Town Healty Ltd. letter requesting permission to repair, redecorate at1:l re-arrange
the front of the building and interior and front and side entran.es, respectivel;)', of
builrling at 105 Union Street.
22A.Rcquest of l-tyrtle H. l-1itton for permission to r~pair the interior of 132 vlaterloo ~)t. and
upgrade the sanita11r facilities.
23. Letter from Dr. V. T. H. Shannon requesting nece8sary amendrucnt to the Zoning By-Law 1'e
increasing facilities at 34 Coburg St. for more than one dentist office.
24. Petition from residents of Forest Hills requesting earlJr colinencemcnt of construction ot
recreation facilities on the area near the Forest Hills School, and of work on the School
25. Application from Alpha Investments €t Agencies Ltd. for :1'e-zoning of approximately 20 acres
of land in Glen Falls for ono- and two-far..lily homes.
26. Letter from Lorneville Rat.epayers AssociClt1on requenting word on anticipated action 1'0
upgrading programme during 1975 on the Lorneville Road.
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