1975-03-17_Agenda \, AGENDA COMK>N COUlJCIL - as at 14th March, 1975. 1.. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., Barch 17 -~r..:,.,; 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. 7.0U p.n:. - Ulster Chapter, Order of Deliolay, rc Procl<lJMtion re IIJ711UU,TIONJ\L DI110UY WEEK 4. 7.00 p.ra. - Proposed closing of 'i'hird .st. (also knmlTl and ]'(.ferred to tiS Short Jt. and SIIOW St.). 4A. - Lett(}r frOI:.l Hr. 1"ranY.lin O. Leger, solicitor for Bc1.uk of HontreCil, out~in1ng objection of said Bank to above street closing. 5. 7.00 P.ti. - Proposed closini; of unnamed street (betlleen v.ater ~)t. and Prince 1., illi<'r.l St.). 6. 7.00 p.ra. - Pl'opo~jed ClLwndment to Zoning B:r-La.ll to rO-lIOne for Hl'. \..;.1 tEer Kt~an land running between City Line and Lancaster ~t. ~.d between lotH facint; on ,iuilford Hm Charlotte ~ts. excludi11i; therefrom tho Viinslovi ~t. Playground. 7. - Lt!tter from Buriel C4 JameB Aloon, 285 Charlotte ~it. "v {..st, ohjectin~-; to said re-zomng. a. - Letter from 111". Alex Buchanan, 71 City Line, \:est, ohjecting to said. re-zoning. 9. - Petition from residents of area of above site, objectin~ to said re-zcning. 10.' 7.J.;.5 p.m.- 111'. Hawley Garrels, submitt.ing brief on behalf of .saint John United Far..l 1;,orkers Support Comllittee 1'0 proposed "United Fa:rr;lHorker Day" (re boycott of California-grown grapes and lettuce). 11. L.15 p.r".- Presentation by Hr. T. Hickett, l1.:l.llager of Provincial Pressure Cleaning 0Jrsteus re restoration process for brick and L1t.80nr:r ntructur('s. CITY l-IANAGEH 12. l~e Simonds High School Arena services 13. ?c~rment for equirJl1ent rentHl invoice (I,..,perial Industries Linitecl). 14. ne Last Land DeveloIJJent Assembly Plan - Ornamental Street Lighting. 15. He parking - Barbara Crescent and Carl CotU't. l5A.;~e parking on King Street. COHHON Cl.1:J:K 16. Letter 1'1'001 New Brunswick 'I'cle[.hone Corapany, Limited re proposed revision in alilendr:lent to Subdivision BJ'--Latt now before Council (see item 17). 17. Thim reading of amendment to Subdivision 13;1r-La:~1 (1st ~~ 2nd readings given Ear.10). 18. i>roposed Lease Agreenent \vith Canadian Pacific H.ailv.ay re l1ileages 2.09 and 3.U9 - Shore Line ~)ubdivision. COYllIITTJLS &. BOJUl.DS 19. Comrilittee of \.,,'hole report (reb.17 & Har.10, 1975). 20. IJocunating ComrJittee report. 21. Land ComL1i.ttee re additional pa.,vmtmt to Atlantic \vholesalers Ltd. for additional cost for relocating their Cash & Carry Division building on BaJrside Drive. 22. Land Comruittee re payment of appraisal account of Hoy de ~)techer CL Associates Ltd. 23. hunicipal Planning Director re pending residential develo;:rnents of over 50 units. 24. hockwooJ. P'drk Jtdvi50ry Board re e.ffect of blauting Blld excavation for the throughHC'Y on hockvlood ?ark Campsite. GJ:I,JEHAL 25. Saint John District Council of Home & ~chool Associations re inclusion in 1975 budget of funds for safety sidewalks construction for school students' benefit. 26. Associated Investors of Canada Ltd. request to have waived or reducud the amount to be paid to the Cit~r in sub-divid1ng a 2-acre parcel of lbnd vlhich is under nt;gotiation for sale. 27,; Hr. Gilbert Kenny requesting reconsideration of his requt:st for rE::-zoninr, for proposed motel on building lot at con:cl' of Ocean \:cstw~~ am Lorneville f:.oad.