COM}I)N COUNCIL - as at 28th February, 1975.
1. M~eting called to ord~r, March 3. 7.00 p.m. - prayer.
2. Hayor's remarke.
3. 7.00 p.m.. - Presentation of Central Business District Comwunity Parking Study (IINo Parking
Any Time") from Central Business District CorJl:lunity - per Hr. M. Sommerville,
spike sman.
4. 7.30 p.m. - Presentation 1'1"00 '::.'he Greater Glun Falls R~cr('cltion Ilf1Sociation - per
),11'. Rohert I~. l'lillett, spokesman.
5. Heport of Budget Cou.1i.ttee re Grants, 1975.
b. Ee tt;nders for Ghar.iplain and Lakm';ood Heights Collector 0ewer - Factol"J"-Bui.lt Pumping
Stations - Contract It;J" (laid on t.able Yeb. 2J.~, 1975).
7. Progress payrltnt.B re projects undertaken under j)ept.Rcgional LC<}f.omic LXiJCinsion pro:~rmlltlEl.
8. Payment of invoice, equipnent rental (D. Hatfield, Ltd.).
9. Pa;~iL.1ent of invoicc, equiIxuent renl:.w. (Imperial Inll.ustries Ltd.).
10. JanU?l'Y reports: torl:s Dept. ~~t.reet Jivisionj l'laintenance & :,)upply IJivision.
COHaON (;1.111.K
11. 'i'hird l'€d.ding of Zoning By-LmJ araewlnlcnts (Lxcavation of Land) - lnt &. 2nd. readings given
Feb. 24, 1975.
12. Draft of propofled araenduents to ;:)aint John Pension Act (Senior Legal Counsel).
C OHHIT7Ll..s, C Olil1I0;J IONS
Cor..if~ttee of I.hole report (Feb. 24).
Lctnd Gor:-.r.1i.ttee re sale of freehold of 71, St. John st., \'.'est to MrH. l3ernac.J,ette Vnutour.
?lanniw~ hdvisOI'J C,JLuu.tt.ee re re-zoning applicc,tion of Jllpba Inve~;tLlerrt..n anj l,gnlci~s
LtAl. l'e Li.llidgeville Estates, Univer~}itJr Jwe. - pursuant to ~>ection 39 of COIlr:lUnit:r
Plc...rming J~ct.
Planning jM.lvisory Gomr.1i.ttee re re-zonin~a~ic~'t~.. on of 11.. G. Fairweather & Sons L-yJ..
re Ashburn Hd. land r ;f~ ~ ~~ 3-r rrL C'~...--. t?~. ~~
He cable television lines in new sub-divisions. . f
1J.~ .
Saint John Dist.rict Labour Council re fcncing of vJcsleyan Church parking lot, CarlE. ton St.
Saint John District Labour Council re proposed citJr lottery.
Saint John iliHtrict Labour Council re t.lore public housing starts on c.;it~r-oVined land.
111'. v:. D~ lJase, 86 Park Lawn Court re problems encountered in building a hOflie in this city.
Applicc~tion from Caldo Ltd. for re-zoning of two Jack Street properties for I:1ultiplE.: housing.
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