COMMON COUNCIL - as at 21st February, 1975.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. February 24 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes ( Feb. 10 & Feb. 17).
3. Hayor 18 remarks.
4. 5.00 P.r.J.. - Proposed amendments to ~oning ~'-La.w (excava.tion of land).
5. Progress payments 1"8 projects included in the Capital Budget.
6. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional hconomic hxpansion programme.
7. J an ua Ij' reports: Fire De })t. j Tec)mical and Insp€ ction ~3ervices (Building (c Plumbing).
6. Heport re tenders on Champlain and Lakewood Heights Collector 0ewer Factory-Built
Pumping Stations - Contract "D".
9. Application from New Brunswick Industrial Safety Council for convention assistance.
10. Report re bids for printing "Key to Saint John" tourist literature.
li. Confirr.lation for acceptance or the bid for installation of connections to the heating
system, Hothesa~r JlVenue Plant.
12. Re City' 8 submission to The Six Cities Association on Unconditional Grants s~tstem.
13. Payment for proi'e 6sional services re North !\fld Urban Itenewal 5cheme.
14. E.~port re statw,!>or Saint John Parking GoIJ11:1i.ssion.
15. Decision of Arbitration Board.
16. Co~ttee of ~nole report ( Feb. 3).
17. Comr.D. ttee of \<lhole report (Feb. 10).
18. CO"llhittee of t'hole report (Feb. 17).
19. LanCl Comro.ttee 1'8 acquisition of land from Andaves Ltd.. for McAllister Blvd. re-aligrunent.
19A.Nominating Commit.tee report.
20. Planning Advisory Committee re a.ssent to streets and l~ for public purposes in
Hillidgeville Estates Subdivision, ~ase I plan.
21. Planning Advisory Committee re application for re-zoning of Highmount Court(lf.gn t.ali1le
G}.JoW.RAL e . IT'!
22. Request from Northern hlectric United, United Auto v;orkers, 1.ocal Union 1905, for parking
space ~nni.8ion for 6mployeea of Northern Electric Ltd. on pCl.rking lot of N.B.Liquor
Conunission warehouse on Clyde st.