COMK>N COUNCIL - ae at 14th February, 1975.
l~eting called to order, 7.00 P.ID:.. Fcbruar.v 17 - prayer.
Mayor's remarks.
7.00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Heritage Trust of map of old. City of Saint John.
'1.30 p.m.
- Presentation from ",-est Side residents, per Hrs. Roberta Lee, spokesman,
re artificial outdoor rink adjacent to the indoor rink at Lov:el1 Street
arena site, and lcmdscapi~,; around i11door rink.. .
- Petition from tenants of' Cent~T 21, llickeJT Head (per spokesJ:1an - either
Mrs. Barbara Fusce, or 111'. L. S. &nnister), re various itens of the
Residential Properties l1inimum Standards By-Law the:r feel should be !'tNiewod
as related to these tena.nts' rights under the J.1unicipalitj.es Act..
J.~ .
'1.h5 p.m.
5. Re painting of City Market (report re temers laid on table Feb.. 10).
6. Financial Stater.lents - Decanber.
7. Pl'ogress paJrment re Capital Budget project. (Visart St.)
$. Progress payments re Capital Budget project. (Comnunity arenas)
81.. Progress payments re projects undertaken undur Dept.ll.egional Lconomic Lxpc'1.nsion programme..
BAA.Fte cooplaint made by Mr. ~)teven Sellors re impounded vehicles.
813. He closing of Third St. (also known aad referred to as .short St. and Snow St.).
9. COLlTilittee of vi hole report (Fcb.. H~).
10. Land Committee re payment to Atlantic v:holesalers Limited for rel.cation of their
Cash and Cclrry Division building on Bayside Drive.
11. harket Committee re increase in fee paid for garbage rf>.Illoval from City l'flarket.
12. ?lanning hdvisory Committee re appliccJ.tion for re-zoning fran La.stbrook Ltd. re proposed
Highmount Court, off Northumberlani Ave. ,
13. Plarming Advisory Committee re notices under the ProVincial Liquor Control Act.
14. He ~orthern Expressway proposed alignments (Councillor MacGowan).
l4A .He overloading of heavy pulp trucks.
14B. He consideration of instituting a lottery for the City of ~aint John.
15. Department of Fisheries an:i LnviroI1IOOnt, Pollution Control Branch, re restrictions on
th(~ developnent of watershed land.
16. i.pplicCttion from A. C. Fairweather (1. Sons, LiLlited for re-zoning of land, i.shburn Rd.
17. Application from Hr. l~obert S. Bustin for re-zoning.of former Speedway LxpresB site,
holson Ave., Saint John \<Jest.
18. Application from Alpha Investments for re-zoning of approxiD1a.te~T three acres of land on
north side of University Ave.