as at 17th January, 1975.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 l1.r,lo.t January 20 - pra~rer.
lA. Hayor' s remc'1.rks.
2. 7.00 p.n.
3.. 7.00 p.m.
4. 7.00 P .1.1.
- Proposed amendL1ent to Zoning By-La\-T to re-z,one for Ii. H. Hopper Co.Ltd. an
area of ~and on south side of ;:.it. Janes St.
- Proposed amendment to t~oning By-Law to re-zone for ~)tarlight Construction
Ltd. an area of land off Ocean v;est'm~r, to.,. est of Spruce Lake ~)chool.
- :Toposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-ZOrH; for Carleton-Kirk United
Church an area of lcl.nd si tun ted west of King ~;quare, ~)aint John \ est,
bet\-J()tm Duke and Prince ~ts.
7.30 p.n. - Lr. v:illarcl Akerle:r, Hr. George J. Cook and Hra. Josephinc 1.. Griffin, to
apptlar to shml caust~ l"lhy the building at 2g8~ Germain Street should not be
removed or d.eatroyed clS a dangerous or dilapidated building.
- Rt:port frorn. Building Inspector re said propurty.
7.40 P.r:l. - Hr. A. Enerson \;ilb~r (a,.;ent for Ill's. Laura SrLtIt, j.dministrator of Lstates),
':'he Pmler COIJt1ission of Uw City of ~int John, to appear to shC7t\ cause why
the building at 2J.~5-249 Charlotte ~treet should not be re1:loved or destroyed
tiH a dangerous or dilll.pidated build.ing.
- Heport frol'l Building Inspector re said propert~..
7.50 P.Ll.
- Hr. Hichll.el L. Ji.llT,don, Plant Hana€;er, Canadian ~.hitmwar Corn.pan..v; Central &
l,ova Trust Co.. to appear to show cause \/h~r the building and garages at 17
Brj.tain sr.reet am 210 Canterbury Street should not be removed or d~stroyecl '
as dangerous or dilapidated buildings.
- I(eport froLl Building Inspector re said properti~s.
8.00 p.r:l.
- Pl'tJsent",tion of petition from residents of Grcater Glcn Fa.lls arec., per ,.
Mr.. Llsie \;ayt1€, spokesman - re flooding problens, am corrective r,l'o-fisurea,
re }tJ<tr ah Creek (re fine re ob struc ti on of flow of Harsh Creek); re pro posed
tax rebate to residents of said area affect,ed by flooding '-Iaters, ~renrly,
until flooding causes arc corrected; re proposed rnoratoritnn on further
builaing in area until flooding problem is reaolvt..'Ci; re ruvival of Gr8at~r
lJicLrsh Creek COrJI.lis6ion; re report of Provincial authorities re flooclVtg
situiLtion in December 1974 - re 6it\Ultion at C.N.IL. and Stl'tJscon; re \. copy
of l:ngineer Consultant s Heport re Phases I, II, III of Corrt:ction of Problems
of the Greater ;jarsh Creek; re authority to C.l:.H., strescon and Downey
Hotors to proceed y;ith thd.r projects;. re proposed steel span acro~;s C.l:.R. \
bridge; re a copy of letter fror,l Lxecutive Director of Uperations to C.t.I.R. '
re ~;aid titcel span; subuission from Hr. i,. Love attached to pt.tition.
(see iteu 17)
9. Invoice frou, ~;cot t Brotiler~ Limi. teu re sani t,,'I"Y ani G tonl se\-;er IlH terials re Champlain
li~;i[;h ta ~)l.l.bdi vision agreenent.
12. Invoice for equipmt:nt rented (D. Hatfielcl, Ltd.).
13. Invoice for cr'ushir.g i;ravel (Dexter Construction Ltd.).
14.. He rt~port frOrjl l.xecut.ive Dirt:ctor of Opera.tions re snow ploughin~ and removal
Invoice from (i. h. Barbour Cor,lpan:r Linited re Barbour's General ~)tore oPt:rCition.
?l'Obr<;S8 l)L;;'t~('nts re projects urnert&lcen undt;l' LJept.Regional Lconouic Lxp.:,nsion iJrO;;ramme~
15. rire DepClrtnent rt: port - December.
lb. j-Lequ~at to t~xecute agreement 1'8 the University of r;ew Brunb'lTick in ::>aint ,John
Progra.rnme .
. ,
\ .
Int~rnship ':1
\ .1
\ "
\ ,,1
17. Progress report 1'e llarsh Creele flood~ng (see item 8).
ltj. he liodney Street and \/inslOlll Street, ::)aint John iJest,
19. H.e a.r:IDulance services.
19A .I~e proposed amendment to Bicycle ~'-La\-/.
19B.Re Haymarket Square By-pass.
20. Third reading of cunendment to Garbage B-.r-La.w (1st & 2nd readini~s g1 yen Jan. 13,1975).
21. Revised draft of proposed amendment to Building By-La\-l.
22. ComrJittee of the vihole report (Jan. 13, 1975).
23. Planning Advisory Cannittee re proposed closure ot portion of Soldier Road.
24. Plarming Advi50ry Comlllittee re Irving Oil Limited proposed new punp island cmd canopy,
Haymarket Square service eta tion.
24A.Report trOD Pit.s and F..xcavations Committee re proposed amendments to Zoning By-Law
(1st reading to amendment.s, as ndTertiaed, given June 24, 1974).
- 2 -
, ~ ,""
25. Saint John District LabolU"
facili tie B for ci ty .
26. Saint John District Labour Council re traffic situ~.tion; re li.L:;-tat1C)l\ of angle parking
on King St.; re full-time traffic rotary on Rothe say Ave., Thorne J\ve.. ttussell St.
27. Saint John District Labour Council rc responsibility for coots of clean1.l\~ up oil spill
behind \"oolco Storfl8.
28. Petition fron residents of Holly St. re piiing of ploU{!tled snow on'side of sth..t away
from sidewalk and drivevlays.
29. Application from H & M Investment.s Ltd. for re-zoning of 41 Adelaide ~)t. for a propo~d
beve~~e roo~. ~
2r/J/ M~~~ ~'1,-'
21 e~ httd &:~~ ~~~ '
Council requestion action ~ediate~~ on a new Library