COIK>N COUNCIL - as at. 10th January, 1975.
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1. 'Meeting called to order, .00 .m. Januar
2. ~onfirmation of minutes (January 6, 1975 .
3. Mayor's remarks.
- prayer.
4. Re: Outer Tax Zone phase out; extension of garbage collection oervioe am street lighting
services in Outer Tax Zoncs (laid on table Jan. 6).
5 . Payment of invoice for cold mix asphalt (Ste Jilen Construction Co., Ltd. ) .
6. Payment of invoioes for equiJDent rental (Chittick; Hatfield).
7. Report re tenders for electrical services, Lorneville \-iestern Industrial VIa ter Supply
screen chamber.
8. Re contract agreement for oonstruction of three City community arenas.
SA. Recororaerxlation re purchase of Lane's Bakery Ltd.
9. Proposed amendments to Garbage By-Law.
10. Proposed amendments to Building By-Law.
ll. Larxl Committee re rescinding Council resolution for purchase of Prince William St.
property from Maritime Security & Investigation Ltd.
12. Land Cocnu.ttee re cl08ure of unnamed street, between Prince vlilliam am Water StSii
13. Land Committee re inorease in price to be pE'.id by City !,or pUrchs oe of land from
New Brunswiok Publishing Company Limited. \
14. City Hall Building Committee report re purchase of works of art und4lr Art. Purobaae--POU......
15. Civic IIilprovement and Beautification Committee re improvement of appearance of upt.. j
business district; re parallel parldng on both sides of King St.; re S.M.!. uuit.ern ~t4.., . ,
bus terminal on King ~)t. -
16. 1974 report of vra.teI' Appeals COlJlmittee. ' . . ::~~~'~?Jf'~~'
! .
GI:NrnAL . .' "
,17. Be: Prayer Breakfast (Councillor Parfitt). . t ,. I
18. Saint John Distriot Labour Council re need for a pedestrian traffic light at entr~oe
to C.N.R. station on Rothcsay Avenue.
19. Petition from residents of Harley Crescent for
iLlproved snO~l control service 1h l"1.lt"U,f' j
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