AGE N D .! e""":"~~~~ON COUNCIL - &8 at ,xi ~anual'1l -197'.
1. Heeting calltd to order, 7.00 p.Ll., January 6- prayer.
2. Conf11'm!.1t1on of minutes (December 2' am 30, 1974).
3 . Mayor' B remarks.
4. l:JO p.m. - I:ockwood Parl~ Area Preservation AS6ociation re obj~ctionB to the Haym.a.rket
oo\lare B~rpa68.
_ Letters 01" objection to b~rpaS9 from Mrs. }~lcolm D. Clarke and Mrs. F.C. Ja.nes,.
Crry ~NAG:rn
eA~nsion of garbage
collection service and street lighting
5. Re: Outer Tax. Zone phase out;
services in o.ter Tax Zones.
6. Payment of invoice for gravel (Dexter Construction Co., Ltd.).
7. Progress payments re projectsl1l1dertw.en unier Dept.Regional Economic Expansion prograumB.
8. Progress payment re Capital Budget projeot.
9. Street Dept. report - November.
10. Fire Department Rules ani Regulations.
U.R. Saint John Port Dt~velopnent Commission; Saint John Comm~rce & Industry COmllBsion.
12..... Re tour,1st literature.
13. PaymtJnt of invoice for soil testing.
14. Report re crushing of gravel.
crry BOLlen'OR
15. Re requirement for payment of money by New Brunswick Telephone Company, Limited h lie. ot
vesting lunda in City (re sub-<1ivision of 2 acres, l'loocl.ward AV~l. and Boc..r's Head Rd~)_
( "
16. l:ominatinb Comz;ri.ttee report.
17. COIIll:d. t te~ of ~,hok report (Dt:cemher 30).
ml~'.RAL ~T .--
18. Application from Senator I:.merson Foumation for a grant towards cost ot W..ld"'{W~~_Jac116 " JI
Progr~s series. . . . . "'- -
19. Earthco Ltd.. request for return of tender deposit cheque I,"e 1975 teniesr t.pt.. run ".ftl_
20. Carleton Curling Club Ltd. request tor correction ot flooding condition. in.~wd. .'
Winslow ~treetB area. . , . .. "1
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