1974-12-23_Agenda 22. 23. 24. i '" 25. 26. j": ~ AGENDA - COMMON COUNCIL - as at 20th December, 1974. 1. l1ceting called to order, 7.00 P.TLl.. Decenber 23 - prc,yer. 2. l:ayor' s rer.larks. 3. '1.00 p.m. - Proposed closing of portj.on of j.Jain 5trtJet and closing of Cr,o~ Street (off l.w.n Street). CITY liJ.NAGllL ~)ayment of asphalt invoice (~te phen Construction). Progress payments re proj~~cts uncwrtaken Uf)Qel' j)t;pt .ReCiow:J. Lconoraic L.xpansion programme. Progress payments re Capital Budget projects. lie sub-di vi sion a.greement "ith Blair Construction Ltd. re services to Hillside Subdivision, Phase IV. 8. November reports: \;ater & Sewerage Division, vlorks Dept.; Technical &. Inspection Services, including Plumbing Division; Fire Dept. 9. Financial ~)tatement6 - November. 9A. Ite ll.N.B..!-S.J1 City Internshin PrQg!amme3 9C. Pavr,lent of invoi" ces for 9B. He ForsslI HJ.l s ret:roatJ.on ~r a. -_lJ orm., raiOOK.e,....,., " eqUipmont renta . f0 NIIl} u)V.l.~ ~~rGurlJi:.l..L1TLL 10. Re acceptance of money in lieu of land for public purposes re subdivisions from: (1) Centennial Trailer Sales Ltd.; (2) Annie Bagnell; ()) Robert McKee. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. Ue amendroont to Subdivision By-Law. . 12. Re application from H. 11. Hopper Co. Ltd. for re~zoning of Crown Street site. 13. Re application from Eastbrook Ltd. for re-zoning of area off Northumberland Ave. 14. Re application frOLl Starlight Construction Ltd. ptlr A. J. Callaghan &. Associates Ltd., for re-zoning of Phase 1 of a proposed housing projoct at Spruce Lake. 15. Re application from Carleton-Kirk United Church for re-zDning of lam off Duke Street, Hest 16. He appliCc1. tion from }..ast Coast Enterprises Ltd. per 141'. Ge'iaJD;..,casey, IJarrister, for re-zoning 01' land, corner of Drury Cove Road an::i Old Rotheaay Hoad. : e~MMrrTEE5 : 17. Com4ittee of Whole report (Dec. 16). 18. Land Committee re purchase of property, 9 Peters I;Iharf, from John R. \;illett. 19. Lam Cornuittee re purchase of property, 255 & 257 Chc.rlotte St., fron John and Vera Zed. 20. Land CoJ:Jmittee re sale of portion of buffor strip, Harbourview Subiivlsion, to Shelter Hosourcos Ltd. 2l. Lam Committee re rescinding of Conncil resolution (Harch 4, 1974) and sale of City-wwned lam off Fairville Boulevard to Canada vIiI'e & Cable Co. Ltd.; option to said company to purchase expropriated area, if vested in City; City to retain two 50-foot sewer easements. ~_~omraittee re change in name of Grantee re sale of Cit,y-o,;med land off lti.llidge Ave. ~ow~o be in name of Henrietta Elizabeth Barr). Land Committee re exchange of land with I3eatrice Chaisson, Sandy Point Road. Land Cornr.:d.ttee re closing of two BrJ8.11 portions of the original Sandy Point lLoad (left after exchange of lands between Cit;y and John vi. & with Peacock and Anthony hi" chey,). GE.N!-ltAL COlilmnnity Information and Referral ~rvice (Tel-i'.id) requesting the City waive rent for premises occupied in Cit~r Harket building. lira. Isabel Gibson making application for renewal of perr.:d.t to locate mobile home.