COMMON COUNCIL - as at 6th December, 1974.
1. Meetir.r, cC'-lltod to orct8r, ~O P.O.. December 9 - prajrer.
2. 1-1ayor' 5 rumarks.
J. 7.0(; Jl.m. _ Presentation bj-" ~)aillt John Hegional LitrCir~t Board re n~ed for [tell building.
4. 7.30 p.m. _ Entnte of Florence Uol'ee and HI'. A. Joh!, Debl:r to t.\yp~C'.r to shml cause Ylhy
buildings Ht 76-78 SphI' Cove Eoau should not be rer.ioved or destroyed. as
danr:el'OUS 01' clila piclated builclillgs; BuildinG Inspector's report.
5. '; ./,0. n.m. _ Mr. Rayrllond Henry, 1-11's. HRztlrHen17, 1'1r. John H. Foote, to appear to show
C[~U5e why builaing at lOO E.xmAuth St. should not be removed or destroyed as
dangerous or dilapidated building; Building I:.spector' S ~port.
t.. 7.45 'p.m. - Petition from resident. s of Golcten Urove Road requenting rebuilding of section
of sC'.id Iiood - petition to be pCl;sented b~r Mr. Charles Bitchell, spokt>sman.
70 E.OO p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-La\~ muenctment to re-zone for fir. lJhl tel' It. Deck(~t t
upproxicately 400 acres of la.nd on both sicles of l1artinon By-pans at Acamac
Backland Ed. - laid on table Novo 25, 1974 (Mr. Georr.e }<~. O'Connell, Q. C.
\rishes to C0L1p1ete his presentation on behalf of Mr. Beckett re this rnatter).
- Letter i'roza City Manager.
8. Resolutions relating to 1975 current. budget osti1llateso
9 .Paymt!nt of asphalt invoice (o)tcphen).
10. Payment of invoice for repair:s to Lancaster Pollution Control PlRnt - Sed nt John Iron
~iorks Ltd.o
ll. Hcport rt'; quotati.ons for materials for Hater Dept.
12. tteport re oil accumulation, rear of Loch Lomond Mall.
13. Street Dept. report - October.
14. Progress p(;.~"!Jents 1"e project,s undertaken under Dcpt.Hegional Econom:tc l::zpansion programme.
1M.. Report re tenders for demolition i1.' 115 & 119 Queen St.; 30,32,34,36 & 36~ St.Amrew8 St.
(tenders are to be opened 2.00 n.m" Dec. 9, 197J,;).
14D.r1.e fire, liability P.rn. automobile l.nsurnnce prenuums, 1975.
150 Proposed atlEmdment to by-law re Loch Lomond Bus Line amended fares.
16. Resign~t:Lon of Hr. F. A. Rcxigcr6 from Planning Advisor'J Comrrd.ttee.
16AoPayment of accounts:
appraisal fees; court oosts.
17. Conttee of \'J1lo1e report (Dec. 2, 1974).
18. Land Committ.ee rc sale of Lot 3, Block 13, 31..,.. John St., Hest. to Saint John Loan Company..
19. Land Commi.tte~...re easement to Hr. Leo Garey re encroachment of building at 52? Simms
Street, Sci. nt ~ohn Hest, on Mill Street.
20. Land Comr.J.ttee re purchase of lend on Greenhea.d Road from Saint John Loan Company.
21. Land CoIIllllittce re expropriation of land on Cha.mplain Drive from Mr. Gary Black.
22. Planning Advioory Comclttee re mobile hOIOO location by Joan Godfrey.
23. Planning AdvisorJr Committee re acceptanoe of money-'1m lieu of land for public purpose8
from Iva.n J. Richard ~sub-division.
24. Planning Advisory Committee re r.aldo Sub-division, Jack St.
25. Saint Jolm Council No.937 Knights of Colunbus re Nativity Sc.t. in King Square.
26. Mr. C. J. Wilcox, Committee Chail"JOOll, re proposed re-zoning for Mr. Carr on Dufferin
Row lot.
27. Saint John College Develorment Incorporated re proposed Municipal Affairs nlXi Urban
Studies courses at University of Mew Bnnswick in Sai nt John.
2B. Mru. Rita M. Hart .~ objecting to proposed re-zo!ling for F..a.stm-ook Ltd. of proposed
Highmount Court sub-division off NorthUl!lberland Ave.
29. Mr. Leo W. Gtevens ll,r.d Mrs. Muriel g. Stevens letter objecting to proposed re-zoning ftlr
~ l1astbrook Ltd. ot proposed Highmount Court sub-division off Northumberland Ave.