COMMON COUNCIL - as at 29th November, 1974.
1. Meetin;; called to order, &.00 p.m.. December 2 - prayer
2. Con1'irma tion of minutes (Novewber l8 & 25, 1974).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re Councillor A. Vincent's proposal for increase in sum required per lot in lieu of
provision of on-site parking (luid on table NoVo 25, 1974).
5. Re supply ot cold mix asphalt.
6. Progress paym8nts re Capital Budget projects contracts.
7. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept. of Regional Lconomic r~ansion programm
8. Paqrment of invoice for equipment rental (Chitticks).
9. P~ment of invoice for stone chips (Brookville MfgoCo.Ltd.).
10. P~ment of invoice for reinforced steel for St. JEI1Ues ~;t,., , 'c';- t. 1': 1.,.':lilli'J~-; wnll (Oeem Steel)
~~ Financial Statements - October.
12. fie new Provincial plumbing regulatioIls (laid on table November 25, 1974).
13. Progn88 payment re project 1U1dertaken under Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion programme.
13A.Re Saint John Urb~C1 ArE'l CcntrC'Q Design (see item ~).
14. Third reading ~i' pr., po sed Tral. i'ic By-Lnw amendment (1st & 2nd readings gi yen Nov. 25 , 1974 ) .
15. Third reading of 'rariOl...s pr0])Osod ar.loml.':lont, s to Zoning I3;V-LavJ text (1st & 2nd. readings
given Nov. 25, 1974).
UiiliA:' RENI;lJJ.1
l6. Report re recov0rics fro1. G<.l(. of cOLtents of pro pel't;y <:;.t 39 IJOcl: ,'-)t. (fol'tler Cash & Carry
Cleaners Ltd.).
f 21.
~ 22.
R 23.
, 24.
COl:HITTEE,S (;:. C()liii.lI~)~;IO?-JS
Committee of tht; VhoJ.e rf,port (Nov. 25, 1974).
Heport from Civic lIilprovet'~ent &. BHflutii'ication Gonnittee !"e d81'lolition procedures and
proposed &1endnlflnts to B~ilding B;r-k1.\'i re sa.rr.e (sHid CJl'1endJrtents I,d.c! on t.Able Nov. 18,l974).
Land COmmitttH~ re resciooing of Council rf!80lution t.o purchr.se Lot 1, southehst corner ot
Sydney and Britain Stat
Land Committee re 8ele of land on YlOlson Ave. to Mr. UJigh Web~ter_ and retention of sewer
Lam Committee 1'0 Quit Claim Deed re Lots 874 81tU 8'75, Guilfcr d 51.., to Carleton-Y.:irk ChurclJ
Trustees. .~;;,)
Planning Advisory COIlmdttee rEi t>aiin~. John Urban Area Central lJenign report.
Saint John Housing Commission re Pol.1.cy for re-zoning for large scale housing, s~~v1.\Ot~~i'. )
Report from }I~or' s Coani ttee on Alcoholism. "
25. C P Rail re Church Avenue railwCl.jr croo sing traffic delays, Saint John -west.
26. lAttter frotl !fa-s. Ruth Kovan, 400 Hount Pleasant Avenue, requesting meeting hE':tween Provincic
Dept. Hightwys, m8labers of Planning Aciviaory Committee, members of Common Council and
residents of Rock\'Jood Court-Rockwood Park area re throughway road-building in said area.
27. CFBC Radio re pl.ans for celebration of 200th anniveraa.r~r of founcline of City of .Jaint Johno
28. Communication from Mr. Robert VI. Hontagu8 re neod for bett.er lighting at Stanley St. and
City Rd. inter~flction peclostrian cl'"o&s-walk.
29. Letter from 11r. Ralph E. La Blanc re need for stop slin and improved arrangement re guard-
rail at intersection of Viaduct and harbour bridge approach, to rear of Brooke Bond Ltd.
30. Letter from Trees for Canada CoIil:li.ttee, Bgy" Scouts Assoc., requesting protection measures
by City and a Trees }'or Canada Sign, re seed.lings planted in 1974 in Hobin80n Lake &reao
31. Letter from ~aint John Lions Club Ltd.. re site for public auction.
32. Application froo Clark, Drw:.mrl.e '" Coupuny, Barristers, on b~l~lf of H. li. Hopper Co. (1961)
Ltd. for re-zoning of property in Crown and St. James StaG area.
33. Application from Carleton-Kirk United Ch~ch re re-zoning of amended site for project off
Duke Street, Saint John WeB.t~ T DoC' oY ~~---- -
,.~""-"""~~--- -