1974-10-21_Agenda AGEliDA CO}!MON COUNCIL - as at 18th October, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, October 21. 4.00 p.m. - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (October 7 and 15). .3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Amendment No.2L~ to agreement bet.men City and Province re Hestern Collector SeYler and Sewage Treatment Facilities cost-sharing. 5. Paynent of invoices for equipment rental (Stlp hen; Chit ticks; H:.J. tfield). 6. Re awarding of tender re Spruce Lake Induntric~l Park external services phase II - Carpenter Place lift station and foreemain. 7. Progress payments re projectf' un::Iertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion progralllIle. 8. Progress paJrment re project included in Capital Budget. ~\. Payment of invoice for masonry work at Latimer I..c1.ke chlorination plant. 10. Pa~rment of invoice for asphaltic mixes (Stephen). ,11. Payment of invoice for purchase of parts for service pipe installations. 12. Financial Statements - September. 13.- Payment of invoices for equipment rental (Chitticks; Hatfield). 14. Re purchase of 75-foot aerialscope for Fire Dept. 15. Report re tenders to demolish 29 Adelaide St. and 37 St. Jlll1les St. 151.Re microfilm syatem (Saint John Regional Library). COMMON CLImK 16. Third reading of proposed amendment to by-law to close t\'IO tUlnamed reserved streets off Drury Cove and Rothesay Roads, on propert~r of Miss Daphne Guernsey (1st and 2nd readings given Oct. 15). CITY SOLICITOR 17. Proposed amendment to Taxicab By-La~ist reading given Oct. 15). - Letter from City Manager re Taxi Inspector. l7A.Re Deed of Rectification re Leesha H. Zed property, 252 Princess St. COMMI'l"l'EES 18. Land Committee re sale of 11.1.. Guilford St.. freehold to Ernest ~rkeman. 19. Land Committee re purchase of lam, corner Parlr.hill Drive and Golden Grove Ud. from Constantines Garinis. 20. Land CoJ!lr.littee re exchange Clf lam with Bea.trice Chaisson on the Sandjr Point Rd. 21. Pla.nning Advisory Committee recommending various amend.lnents to text of' Zoning Dy-La.\i. 22. Recommendations from Traffic ani Safety Committee. GENERAL 23. Steamship.. Horse and Cattle Fitters, Grain Sealers, Liners and Cloaners Union, Sweepers of Sheds and Cleaners of Ships Holds, Local 1039.. I.L.A. expressinr, desire for a rescue squad to serve on west side of the harbour. 24. Letter from William O. McGrath requesting an increase in.bus tares for Loch Lamond BUB Line 25. Application from Mrs. L. A. Richard for a mobile home kca:tion. 26. New Brunswick Youth Orchestra application for a 1975 grant. 27. The Saint John Planned Parenthood Clinic Inc. application for a 1975 grant.