1974-10-07_Agenda -' - AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 4th October, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 hI!l.. October 7 - prayer. 2. ConfirlIlLtion of minutes (Sept.ember 23 &. 30, 1974). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Report re tendera for sale of City equipment. 5. Payment of invoices for €quipment rental (Hatfield; Stephen). 6. Payment of invoice for a.sphaltic mixes (Si,tJphen Construction Co. Ltd.). 7. Payment of invoic8 for Dayside Drive capital job (S. T .E. Fett,erb;y & 80JU[ Ltd.) 8. Progress payments re projects undertaken WIder Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 9. Progress ~ents re Capital Budget projects. 10. Re su1-division agreement with Andave Limited re services for Ha.rcourt Subdivision. 11. Re Irving Oil Co. Ltd. application for permission to install a gasoline tank at serTiee -- eta tion a.t comer of Champlain Drive am Loch Lamond Road. 12. PaJrmen t 0 f invoice for crushing gravel (Dexter Construct ion Ltd.). 13. Fire Department report - August. 14. Financial Statements - August. 15. Revised Fire Departm.er.t }~nual of Rules and Regulations and DiSCipline Code. 16. Payment of invoice for fire boc.t sorvices, West Side docks (Atlantic Towing Ltd.). 17. Report re parkiIlI; meter revonues am expendit\lres. 18. 1973 annual report of Works Department - Maintenance and Supply Division. l8A.Re increase ill contract price for City Hall building cleaning by Mo<.l.ern Building Cleaning (l&id on table Sept. 23.. 1974). C0l1HON CLERK 19. Third reading of Zonin& By-Law amendment to re-zone for Maritime Sod Ltd. land on east side of Somerset St. (1st and 2nd readings given Sept. 30. 1974). 20. Resolution required for }1a~ror and Common Clerk t,Q sign Licence from Canadian National Railways for pernlission to install water pipeline under railway right-ai-way and tracks, Station Street vicinity. 21. Resolution required fClr Hu:ror 4Lnd Coz:ll'J10n Clerk to sign autolillitic crossing protection Signal Plan re Gault Road flashing light signals and bell. CITY SOLICITOR 22. Proposed by-law to repeal pr~Bent Bread By-Lau. COMMIT'mES 23. Comttee of Whole report (September 23). 24. Civic ImprovemClt and Beautification Committee re: (1) unsightly condition of former service station site, intersection Carmarthen and St. James Sts.; (2) maintenance and outting of Provincial Government. throughway properties within City limits; (3) prov1sision in 1975 budget to ensure carrying out of grass cutti.ng of all City properties; (4) funds be provided. in 1975 budget for curbing or Tilley Square and Market Place Square, \tlest.; (5) enforcement of City by-laws regardi."e illegal parking of vehicl~!s on boulevards and City green areas. 25. Land. CODl1lli.ttee re purchase of 115-119 Qu~en Street ani 30-36! St. Andrews Street from Mrs. Josephine Zed. 26. Land. Comnittee re two land exchanges on Sandy Point Road \lith John W. am Edith A. Peacock and Garfield Reynolds. 27. Land Committee re issuing a quit claim deed to Miss Daphne Guernsey re two reserved streets on her lam (being advertised for closure). 28. Land Committee re purchase of land and a building at Ba:x"ter's Comer from Philip Cornfield. 29. Land Committee re easement to Murray Kingston re building encroaching on Hcnvtrey Street. 30. Land CoIDili t tee re purchase of pro purty, Second LoahLomond., fraIl Raymond J. Deb1y. 31. Lam. Colllnittee re conveyance or City land on Hickey Road t. Province of New Brunswick in exchange for four easements from the Province (2 at Little River for sewer and collector line; 1 at Spruce Lake for water line; 1 for Milford-Randolph-Greendale sewer); City to retain a sewer line easement in land to be conveyed to Province. URBAN HEN])lAL 32. Pa;yment or appraisal fees accoun\. Tri-Town Realty. 33. Payment of legal fees acco\mt, Nason & Collier. .-r PLANNDlG ADVISORY COMMITTEE 34. Acceptance of payments of money in lieu of lani for public purposes in sub-divisions from: (1) Aubrey- C. Wood; (2) Allison A. Sanaom. GENERAL 35. Re concealment er garbage at rear of City Hall. building (Councillor IW.cGowan). 36. Re construction of a new rcH1d between Saint John and Fred.r1cton (Counciller MacGowan). 37. Veterans' Remembrance Day CoIlmittee requesting assistance re Remembra.nce Day observance.. including City underwriting any possible iMebtedness not to exceed. sum or $100.00. 38. Saht:_JlAiiP"-'Wt~-Au1.hori.ty letter advi Bing or support of idea of a second Rescue Sq\lad. uni' within the city. 39. Board of School Trustees, Di.strict ijo. 20, requesting the extension ot etrecti'le times .f Thorne-Avenue-Russell Street-Rothesay Avenue traffic rotary to 9.00 a.m. andto co.amence the rotary at 2.30 p.m. to facilitate achool bus movements and schedules. - 40. SWIDlerstock '74 letter :returning $500.00 loan from City. 41. LorneTille Ratepayers Association letter of Il.pprec;ia. tion re Q.hipsealing of Lomeville Rd. and request for an up-grading programme to be commenced in 1'175 on said Road. )'" /' ---,~ - :2 - 42. Letter from H. J. A.chorn, Gl'amlv:i..ew Avenue, 5a.int John }i;ast re possibility of purchasing reserved road ott Lower Loch Lamond Rd.., hetween two lots owned b;r him. 43. Application from Gulf Oil Ca~J.a Limited to build a new self-serve gasoline outlet at City Road and Blair Street. 44. Requ(;/;it from Saint John Arts COtUlcil Inc. for a grant to assist in producing "Carmen". 45. Requests for 1975 grants from: Family Servictts Saint John, Inc.; Canadian Red Cross Society, Ne\1' Brunsuick Division; f1..tl.cantic Symphon;y Inc.; I. \-J.C.A.; Cerebrc:.l Pals;y Foundation (~nt John) Incorporuted; lii.Jl<...h.._.....-.."'..~....Dnt C.I.C.; V.O.N.; Saint John Boys' and Girls' Club; Sa! va tion Arary. l _'. > I .