1974-09-30_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 27th September, 1974. 1. Meeting culled to order, September 30. 7.00 p.m. - pra:rer. 2. Mayor's remarks. .3. 7.00 p.m. 4. 5. '1005 p.m. ~. '\iO p.m. Proposed araendment to Zoning B~'-Lnw to re-zone property on Somerset St. for Maritime Sod Ltd. - Letter from Planning 1I.d.visory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. Brief !ran vlholesale Bakers of New Bruns'f:ick requestiI16 OJ.lendl:1ent to Bread By-Law - per Mr. Donald A. Noel. - 111'. Milo J. Murray, Mrs. Katherine Murray, Mr. Leonard C. Rudolph and Mrs. Dais;)' Rudolph" to appear to show cause" ii' cn:-, '.r~!y L1L:_ldj.nc~ C'.t 37 st. James Street should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. - Report from Building Inspector re sail.! building. 7. 7.40 p.m. - l'~'. .iincent Doiran, Brs. Mary E. Doiran and Gilks Real Estate Limited, to ...ppear tu tJhuv; cau::>e, if a~r, wh;)' building at 29 Adelaide Street should not be rt.r.lov{,d or c:estro;red as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 8. ".45 p.m. - Drief from Saint John and Lancaster Kiwanis Clubs - per Mr. John King - re Ci t;r grant toward costs of Miss Saint John participating in Miss Canada 1975 pc.~eart. 9. 8.0U pom~ - Petition froi'.! I'clsidents of Hour.t Plf;:j,s;,nt Avenue Cl.rea, Saint John Last, in opposition to c~m5truction of ,Terns B<~J' Dl'A.nch of Ro;r;:J. C<.lrtcdian Legion en Hount PloCLsrmt J.\.venue 0 10. Letter frO<;'1 City }lanager rc cODlillnint of ,mthoro'J.:;L Police in'!<o:st:.:;ation - Ocean Steel cross-walk. 11. Letter from City ~~nBGcr re sub-division agreeffi~nt, Yacht Club Heights. 12. Letter from Plan.'1ing Advisor'j" COLlLuttee re Cl.ppliCdtion from Hr. ~md. !(rs. Kenneth Carrick for permission to place a Llobile home. 130 Letter from Hr. James S. MnXvlell requesting ~rmission to place a mobile homeD 14. Application from Mr. Gilbert Kenny for re-zoning of property, comer of Kine \1illiam Rd. and. Ocean vJest\-lay (laid on ta.ble SeptemlJer 23, 1974). 15. Application from New Brunswick H using Corporation for re-7.oning of land 'f:i.thin Sand Cove Sub-division. ~ 16. Application from Dr. A. F. Goodfellow for Zoning By-Lalli amendI:1ent to permit an office for one doctor or dentist in an ''itS-2ft zone.