IN COMMOf. COUNCIL - as at 23rd August, 1974
1. Keeting CCill<.;U to oruer, it.OO p.w.. AUf;us\ 26 - prayer.
2. Confinnation of minutes (August. 12 and 19).
3. Mayor'~ r~~arks.
4. Payment of equipment rt.::ntal invoice U)tephen Construction Co.,Ltd.).
5. Monthly report, July - ~-/ater & Se\'/ernge Division, horks Dept.
6. PaYIOOnt of a~phult invoice (:Jtephen Construction CO.,Ltd.).
7. Progress payments re projects undertuk\O:n under Dept.Hegional hconomic Ji;;~pansion prograr.::lI:le.
8. Negotiating a pw'chase price for a telescopic aerials cope for Fire Dept.
9. Paym~!t of equipment rental invoices (Chitticks; Hatfield).
'" Re loan application to Central 110rtgagc anJ Housin[: Corp. re l'..ilford.-ll.andolph-Greendale
Collector Se..er c.nd \Jestern Industrial Trunk Sewer, Phcwe II - Pumping i::itation and l'orcemain.
11. Pa~'ment of equipment rental invoices, (Stephen; Hatfield).
12. Payment of invoictJ, crushing gravel (Dexter Coru~truction Ltd.).
13. Report re tenders 1'e Rotbesa~' ii.venue repair garage heatinv, system.
14. July reports: Fire Dept.; nuilci~_ng and Technical Inspection Services, including Plumbing Div
15. Financial StatcLlents - J~'.
l5A.Amendlilent No. 23 to agreewmt uet'.Jeen City and Prcwince re Hazen Creek sewC\f,e treat.I:J.ent plant
l5B.Re social planning in ~)aint John.
16. Proposed closure of portion of l1cLeod Street (1st & 2nd. readings given Aug. 19).(see item 26)
17. Report re procedure to follow to re-insti tute recall procedure.
18. Re proposal from N.B.Bakers Assoc. for Bread. By-Law amendment.
19. Rc paJLlCnt ot costs re transfer of lands bet,Jeen City and Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority.
20. Re Neie;huourhood lllpro~ement ProgramI:le and South End DevelolEent Corporation Ltd. ~
21. Committee of h110le report (August 12).
22. La.nd Comrnittee 1'e purchase of land from C .N.R.
23. Land CoIllLaittee re purchase of building and land from IJ.B.E.P.C.
24. LBnd Committee re pa~rment to Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. for land to straighten
Grandview Ave.
25. Land Comc1ttee re sale of lessor's interest in 300 Watson St. to Ian Donald.
26. Land COD t tee re Bale to \voodside Park Ltd. of portion of McLeod St. (see i tt..'Ill 16).
27. Land Committee re proposed closure of port~on of Constance St. and proposed sale of same to
Roy's Midwa:r Limited.
28. Land Comittee re It:lase to Saint John POVler Boat Club of land along shore of Marble Cove.
29. Civic Improvement & Beautification Conl.cittee re City-ovmed property on former Raynes Ave.
30. Civic Iraprovement & Beautification Committee re provision of adequate green areas, mini
parks, concrete sidewalks and curbing in area to be designated for Neighbourhood Improvement
Pro gramme grant.
31. Saint John Housing Commission re fonnetion of non-profit corporation 1"6 Obtaining benefits
of pertinent section of National Housing Act.
Re proposed CoI!lnll.lfttty Appeals Review Board. (Councillor MacGowan).
Re proposed up-da ting of Bicycle By-Law. (Councillor Pya).
Saint John District Labour Council re additional rescue vehicle, Fire Dept.
Co-Operative Housing Services Limited endorsing South 1nd Development Corporation Ltd.
pro~sal re disposition of City's Neighbourhood. Improvement Programme grCi.nt.
Mr. ..,tep~en Mosher application re a mobile home placement.
Application from Maritime Sod. Ltd.. for r~-zoning of land, Somerset St.