COMMON COUNCIL - as at 16th August, 1974.
1. Meeting called to order, August 19. 7.0U p.m. - prayer.
2. Jvl.ayor 'B remarks.
3. 7.00 p.L'l. _ proposed resolution to close 15-foot fire lane commencing at Green Street
and rltlUling south to Llith AVt:nu~, unu. to vest Sd1'J.~ in City.
'1.00 p.m.
_ Presentation from South End Development Corporation Ltd., per Mr. Ra~T.lond J.
Gueret te, Barris tcr, re de signa tion of the South f.;nd as a Neighbourhood
Inprovenent ?rogrwnme area under the National iiousing Act.
5. Letter from PlanninG Adviso~r Coril:littee re assent to Silver Falls Park ~ubdivision, Phase
5, plan.
6. Letter from Saint John Housing Gomr.1i~:sion re adoption in principle by C~uncil of
Housinc Task Force Heport rccoLlrnend,:,t5.on on co-operative housing developments.
7. Letter from Saint John Housing Conussion re Land Comr:rl.ttee to be apprised of land sales
b;r rtJUl estate agents, for larri. assembly purposes.
8. (a) Letter from Mr. A. J. Debly, solicitor for neve J. H. LQgan and Hr. Joseph Logan,
1'e pruposed closing of McLeod Street.
(b) Letter from \Joodside Park Ltd., per 1'lI'. Hanford }~. Thompson, requesting that
McLeod Street, ~ri.ng east of st. AlIne Street, comT.lencing at the eastwardly bourxiary
of the Logan lots be closed, and be deeded by City to Wood~ide Park Ltd.