COMMON COUNCIL - as at 9th Au€:Ust, 1974.
Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. August 12 - prayer.
Confirmation of minutes (July 29 & August 5).
Mayor's remarks.
Repor~ on quotations for chipsealing operation.
Pa~"I!l.E'nt of invoice for anpha1t (Stephen Construction Co., Ltd.).
Approval requested to complete in 1974 the Woodward Ave. storm sewer between Ahlard and.
Donaldson Sts.
7. PCl.Jrment of invoices for equipnent rental (Chitticks; Earthco).
~. Payment of progress certificates re projectw undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic
Lxpansion progranune.
9. Payment of progress certificates re capital budget projects.
10. Report on tenders for Bayside Drive reconstruction and extension, Project Phase III.
11. Ice suh-division agreement with Eastern Enterprises Limited re services for extending
Michael Crescent, Silver Falls Park.
12. Report on quotations for salt.
13. Re Quit ClaiI:-, Deed to Province of N. B. of recently closed portion of an unnamed street
off Old Black Hiver lW.
14. Fire Dept. report - June.
15. Re drainage ditch, Walter St. (re petition from reaidents of said street).
15A.Payment of invoice for asphalt (Stephen Construction Co., Ltd.); adjustI'lent in aSJilalt
supply prices.
Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment (to re-zone for Gilbert P. Boyce property at
293 Lancaster Ave. to Locul Business district claSSification) - 1st and 2nd readings
given August 5, 1974.
17. Land. Coumittee re purchase of sewer easement from John L. Conwq.
18. Land Committee re rescindirlg Council resolution to purchase land from R.C.Bishop of
&U.nt John, Milford r:.cl.; re purchase of land, Milford Rd. from R.C.Bishop of Saint John.
19. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re landscaping of sewage lagoon area,
off FairTille Boulevard.
20. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re curbing programme in 1975 budget for
certain areas of Rothesay Ave. ~d Fairville Bouleyard.
21. PEl.yment of appraisal accounts, Tri~Town Realty Ltd.
22. Re acquisition ~f E. S. ~ephtin8on"& Co. Ltd. properties - 15 Dock St. and 17-19 Nelson St.
23. Payment of account for legal fees, McKelvey, Macaulay, Machum & Fairweather.
24. Payment of account for legal. fees, Drummie, Dru.nmi.e, Clark & Pappas.
25. Re payment of legal and appraisal fees to A. E. McInerney Estate, re acquisitic:m of
23-25 Dock St.
26. Central & Nova Scotia Trust Company requesting street name be changed from "Hagee Place"
to "Somerset Terrace" (off Somerset Street).
27. Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada re designation of Partridge Island as being
of national historic significance.
28. Application of D. Hc'1.tfield, Ltd. for re-zoning of property adjacent to George Kelly
property at 75 lIJolden Grove lid.
29. Application from Mr. Franklin O. Leger, Barrister, on behalf of Miss Daphne Guernsey,
for closing of tlllO "reservedll 5treets at junction of Rothesay Rei. ani Drury Cove Rd.,
and conveyance of s&1e, \>lhen closed, by quit claim deed to Miss GUf;rnsey.
30. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kenneth Trecartin, requesting restoration of section of Carleton Place.
31. Application from Saint John Bo;}rs' an:!. Girls' Club for grant to operate Grandriew Ave.area programme for young peoplflt from September 1974 through June 1975.
3lA.&dnt John Housing Commission re lani, Thornbrcugh St.