COMMON COUNCIL - as at 2nd August, 1974.
1. Meeting called to order, August 5. 7.00 p.m. - pra~~r.
2. Mayor's remarks.
_ Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 293 Lancaster Ave. for
1-11'. Gilbert P. Boyce.
_ Letter from Plr,nning AuviOOIJr Committee re said proposed re-:wning;
pUrSLlc.nt to :Jection 39 of t::~ GOL.ul..tnity Planning Act.
7.00 p.m.
4. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment of Municipal Devt>loJlnent Plan for Ghi~hol.J.i1 Adjustments
Co. Ltd. co sho\v lilnd fronting appro:xinately 130 i'uet on AJ.elaide Jt.
ami appr'oxim.ately 131 feet on Old Atlelaide Rd., CiS con.uorcial sub-centre.
1.40 p.::l.
_ Yu-. A~ltoine 1'1a zerolle to a.ppear to 5hO\', C;J.usc 'v/hy :~~r .jt,. J oiln ~t..., ~),-dnt
John Vt;st, should not be r~!J.oved or desr.royeJ as a J.angerous or dih:.pidated
- Report f.rom Building Ins pe ctor re said pro pc rty .
7.50 p.m.
- i>ioon ?alace (1969) Ltd.; Industrial Development Bank; Lucy Seta and
Arthur Seto; to appear to shaw caw::;e "'Thy 17 1einster StI'E.:et should not be
rer..'lOved or aestroyed as alan6crouG or dilapidated buildint;.
7. c.CO p.n. - Presentation of Bricl' '.),1 '.;ch:J.lf of H. C. LclJanaj'Li Cor.~;tru(;tion Co. Ltd.
b;{ Hr. G. Christopher Collier, 13<:l.rrister, re ~p:)licution fOl' ru-zoning of
a part of Silver Falls Park Subdivision.
8. .Planning JlClviaory Commi.ttee re amendment to Zoning B~r-Lml re ua.;:mw.l height of
buildings in central busines6 districts.
9. P1cmning Advisor~' COillLlittee re applicat::'on l;y Beaver l-fu.ritime Ltd. to pldc€ a
mobile 110me on Spruce L:J~e property of Hr. J08tlph J. Dunh<u:.1.
10. Conuni ttee of the v.,'hole report.
11. Actine Cit:'l Mc1.nar:er reoayment of equipment rentnl invoices (D. Hatfield Ltd.).
12. ActinG City Iianager re purchase of repair parts fror.l Gill B:luipL.l6nt for asphalt roller.
13. Acting Cit7 Hanfl.gnr re ~'tlent 01' liquid calciun chloride dust lc;~rer imroice (Allied
Cher.1.ic,~fl Ccma.da Ltd.).
14. Pominating Committee report.
15. Request from Fire Chief th&t a warrant bo issued to nm-;ly elected m.erner of No. 2
Company, Salvage Corps and Fire Police: l.fr. !{orman Melbourne "laMon.