COMMON COUNCIL - as at 26th July, 1974.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 P.Ll.. J4 29 - prayer.
2. Confirma.tion of minutes (July 15 and 22 .
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re sub-division agreement \'u th Terence Lockhart re Dalton Sub-division; developer to
provide certified cheque or bond to guarantee completion of road work. (see item 31)
5. PqIOOnt of equipment rental invoice (Chitticks (1962) Ltd.).
6. Payment of asphalt invoice (Stephen Construction Co. Ltd.. ) .
7. Pqment of equipment rental invoice (D. Hatfield Ltd.).
8. Payment of invoice, air valves installation in Lorn.ville Indtastrial Water Supply System.
9.' PBirment of invoice, crushing gravel (Dexter Construction Ltd.).
J.O. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme.
11. Progress payment re oapital budget project.
12. ne sub-division agreement with Blair Construction Ltd. re extension of Hillside Sub-div..
13. Report on tenders for standby diesel generator set for Latimer Lake chlorine plant.
14. Pa~'Il1ent of bill, Traders Realt~r Ltd.., for City's share of storm 15 ewer system., Woodlawn
Park Sub-division.
15. Report on tenders for demolition of:- (a) 185 Riverview Drive;
(b) 306 Princess St.;
(c) 18 Brinley St.
16. Report re work necessary to restore area of Algonquin Place in front of residence of
Mt-. Ernel!lt E. Griffin - laid on table C.C.O. July 15, 1974.
17. Recreation and Parks Dept. report - April 1st to June 30th.
16. Monthly reports: Water and Sewerage Division-Works Dept. (June); Street Division-Works
. Dept. (May and June); Technical and Inspection Services and Plumbing
Dept. (June).
19. Financial Statements - June.
20. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for A.C.Fairweather & Sons
Ltd. an area of land on north side of Ashburn Lake Rd. (1st & 2nd readings given July 22).
21. Third reading of proposed closing of portion of Hilyard St. (1st & 2nd readings given
July 22).
22. Third reading of proposed closing of portion of 66-ft. wide unnamed street, Old Black
River Rd. interse,c.tion (1st & 2nd readings given July 22).
23. --::.' L-'; ~.., JLProposed closing of portion of McLeod St. (laid on table C.C.O. July 22).
'Letter from Municipal Planning Director in reply to objection made to
proposed street closing by clients of Mr. A. J. Debly, Barrister.
24. Re request made by Trustee Board of vlesleyan Burial Ground for a grant.
25. Re lien on real estate re unpaid water and sewer fees (Seotion 188, Municipalities Act).
25A.Re staff, Legal Department.
26. He: sale to section of land, Main and Metcalf Sts. intereection, to Mainbrace Naval
Veterans' Club.
27. Re J.B.FJ.llot, Shamrock Realty, request for variation te existing zoning, seoom part of
Phase 1 of Highmeadow Park develoJ1ilent (laid on table C.C.O. July 15).
(a) - Letter from Shamrock Realty re progress in exterior painting and landacaping work
of Phase I, Part I, of said develoJDent; requesting reconsideration of Planning
Advisory CoDll1i.ttee 'e recommendation re said Part 2.
28. Report in reply to petition presented July 22 to Council by residents of Silver Falls
Park re zoning in Miohael Crescent area.
(a) - Letter from Mr. G. Christopher Collier of Nason & Collier, Barristers, requesting
to appear at Aug. 5 cO:E'. meeting for clients, H. C. McNamara Construction Co.Ltd."
re Silver Falls Park S . ivision.
29. Re proposed zoning changes, icipal Plan amendments and property acquisitions listed
in Summary of Rccommendaticllns, and in Committee'e letter of July 23, 1974 (please refer
to correspondenoe supplied previously to Counoil members).
30. Re request of T. W. Graham Ltd.. for variation in plan approved re 236-240 Hillidge Ave.
31. Re City's assent to Dalton Sub~ivision plan re street (Dalton Court); acceptance of
payment in l1eu of provision of land for public purposes.
32. Acceptance of payments in lieu of provision of land for public purposes in 8ub-di visions
from: (1) Emma McKee; (2) John Baird; (3) Douglas Morro~l; (4) Seaman Sub-division;
(5) Walter H. lbore; (6) John Moran.
33. Re vua~ Council resolutions (0.\.23,1972 and Nov.19,1973) re North End Urban
Renewal Scheme Area" Physical Design Conoepts repon, and re Hilyard Plac.~
- 2 -
34. Re civic elections: format of ballot; removal of candidates' literature'Councillor MaeJowan)
35. Re waste management (Councillor Kipping).
36. Request by Atlantic National Exhibition (Exhibition Association) for moratorium on
permi ts for travelling shO\1S during August.
37. Request. from 1U'. Frank Roy for pennission to locate a mobile home.
38. Messrs. Jack Ca).;p' 'and Joseph K. Kennedy re unsightly condition of City-owned driveway
at back entrances of Jack Calp Ltd.. am Kennedy's Shoes Ltd.., Charlotte St.
.39. Mr. M. C. Lahey res status of Acamao Backlancl Road.
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