COlIH)l{ COUNCIL - as at 12th July, 1974
1. Meetine called to order, Jul.y 15 t 4.00 P.f:l. - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (June 26; July 2; July 8).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Payment of invoice for asphalt (Stephen Construction Co.Ltd.).
5.' Payment of invoices for equipment rental (D. Hat!'ield Ltd.).
6. Report on tenders for supply and installation of: (1) refrigeration plant; (2)
pre-engineered structural steel and metal siding - for community arenas.
7. Report on tenders for supplying \>later and sewerage materials for 1974.
8. Report on quotations for 197h \>/intcr requ1reuent s for anti-freeze.
9. Re calling tenders for Fire Dept. telescopic aerialscope.
10. Progress payments on Capital Budget projects.
11. Report on tenders for supplying a mobile home for M1spec Park.
12. Report on bids for supplying ani installing ohain link fencing, Rockwood Park trailer park.
13. Approval requiJ'ed for gasoline tank installations by: (1) Fina Service Station;
(2) Texaco Canada Ltd.
14. Letter re terI:lS 01' ~ffer by Saint John Lions Club to provide second Rescue Squad vehicle
to City.
15. Re restoring curb and f;idp-1I1alk and. completing the paving of street in front of 380
Algonquin Place for Hr. Ernest E. Griffin.
16. Recreation and Parks Department sUJJlL"ler programme ~rochure.
17. Financial Statements for May.
18. Progress payments 1'8 projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Eoonomic Expansion programme.
leA.Re proposed closure of portion of Highway 810 (Burchill Road).
19. Second. am third readings of amendment to Zoning By-La:\-/ re nroposed re-zoning for New
Brunswick Housing Corporation of approximately 36 acres of former Hospital Annex tlI'operty,
Sand Cove Rd. for housing purposes (1st reading given l'lCJ.Y 2.9, 1974). (see item %0).
20. Letter from Municipal Planning Director submitting requested araendments to proposed
re-zoning of Sand Cove hd. property referred to in item 19; re-zoning to be pursuant to
Section 39 of COI.Jlllunity !)lanning Act; assent by Council to the Sand Cove Road Subdivision
Plan shovdng the land to be Bet aside for public purposes and streets to be vested in City.
21. Re Bay Realti~8 L'oo. letter to Council on June 2(" 197L~ regarding former School lot in
Shelter Resourcea 1imit~d sub-division d~velopment at Red Head.
22. Report re acquisition of properties for Urban Renewal proj~cts.
23.. Re purchase of dwelling c.t 491-493 Bayside Drive from New Brunswick Electric Po\-ler Comra.98im.
24. Re purchase of dwelling at 1416 loch Lomond Rd. froZJ Hurray and Evelyn Armstrong.
25. Re purchase of vacant lot, corner S:.rdney Hnd Bri ta.in Gts. 1'ran Dioce~an Synod of Fredericton.
26. Re purchase of propt'rt:r, Loch Lomond Rd. from 11rs. Margaret h'halen.
27. Re purchase of land, Grandview Ave., from Leonard J. Kaplansky.
28. Re payment to Gulf Oil Can:.da LiLrited for rtJlocc..tion coats re Baysid€ D~'ive \'lidening.
29. Re sale of land, Headowbank Ave., to Jack Nugent.
30. Re conveyanoe of portion of firelane bordering on Harding St., ~)aint John 1vest, to Province
'. of N. B.
31. Re needed repairs to bandstand. in King Square. ,
32. Re improvements to King Square vlest proposed by Saint John Herita8e 'i'rust.
Re request made by Mr. John Green re building lots on John Green Road~;8Y.
Re request of Ur. and Mrs. Hermel Desjardins to place a mobile home.
Re request of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Moyer to plCice a mobile home.
Re request from Mr. J.B .Elliot, Shamrock Realty, for variation to existing zoning for
secooo IE rt of Phase 1 ot Highmeadow Park development.
Re acceptance of Ilone:r in lieu of land for public purposes from: (1) Donald Nice; (2)
F.G. Carvell; (3) Allan Wilson; (4) R.G. McCollough; (5) G. C. Hard; (6) Andrew Dempster;
(7) James R. Cathline.
Re. acceptance of money in liell of land for public purposes from: (1) Harold Eastwood;
(2) T.M. Galbraith-M. H. McKee; (3) V. LeRoy Ve1notte.
Assent by Council to subdivision plan for City subdivision off Thornbrough St.
Resolutions (2) re Saint John Housing Commission: (1) appointment of Chairman;
(2) referral ot Housing Task Force to Saint John ~using Comr.aiasion.
Resolutions (2) re Traffic aoo Safety Committee: (1) oonstitution ot said ColIlllittee;
(2) Nominating Committee requested to submit names for said Committee.
- 2 -
Resolution re appointment to Fort LaTour Development Authority by Lieutenant-Governor_
School District No. 20 board of Trustees re need for maximum safety for main streets
from housing sub-divisions which enter a busy highway; re acquisition b~' City of
rights-of-way to provide parallel street pattern construction away from main arterlis.
Application from George O. Kclley for re-zoning of property at 75 Golden Grove Rd.
Petition from residents of Walter Street, Glen Falls" requesting that dangerous ditch
in said area ~ fill~ in or cover~~.
Letter from 14r. P..t.. Godsoe" Co-ordinator" Crime Prevention Group, submitting questions.