1974-07-02_Agenda AGENDA COW.fON mUNCIL - as at 28th June, 1974 1. Meeting called to order, July 2. l~.OO P.w. - prayer. 2. Confirm<.tion of min'.J.tes (t"lO meetings of JWle 24). .3 . Mayor's remP.I'ks. CITY ~1Al'-lhGER 4. Re: ,tlUl!.lping statiun for Lanca:.:;ter 5e"J~be treatment plant. 5. Hi:l.y.,.report _ Building and 'rechnical Inspection Services. 6. 1973_ wmui:i1 report - Recl'\'ation and Parl:s Dept. 7. 1973 .nnual I'tport - Police lkpt. 8. Re: subh:a~iIlb a(~reta.J.ent - C. P. Rail, Cit:\' Hall. 9. PayrJ.ent of equip1J~nt rt:ntal invoice (Larthco). CONMON CLrnK 11. Third reCidine:; of <uutlr.JIaents tu tt;xt of Zoning BJr-La.", (lLt &Ul 21J.U rcauings ~;iven June l2). 12. Third reading of proposed amendnent to Zoning It'-Law to re-zone for Chisholm Adjustments Co.Ltd. propt'.rty fronting on AdelHicle 3t. <!Dd Old Adelaide Rd. to "B-211 General Business classi fie a tio n (Is t c.nd 2nd readings given June /.It). (a) Planning iXlvisory Gor:md ttee letter recomL1ending: (1) proposed CJJiienci.uent to l\lunicipal IJevelotDbnt Plan rc ~aiQ prCJ1lert;y; (2) proposed rti-zoning in above item 12 be unuer ;jcction 39 of CO:.lI,lUnity Planning Act, and be subject to an <J.greernent re 30-foot eanemmt for Be~(;r conl1uit. (said letter was laid on table Jun~ 21.) 13. 7.0up.m. - Proposed alwndment to Zoning B.y-Lav: to re-:t;;one for Uew Brunsvlick Housing Cor- poration approximately .36 il.crE,:s of fOr'lIlE=r liospitd.l Ann~x lJrop€rt~', :3.s.nd CO'lIe It.d. for hou:,dng pur ]:Oses - 1~id on table June 24 unt!:i.. Ju~r 2 zueetillg (lst rehding given May 29, 1974).(Dleafje~refe:rito)rt::l~tea correspondenc~ from June 24 , COunc~ mee~ ng (a) - Messrs. Ra;ymond Martin and Merle Nason, representing Co-Operative Housing Services limited, re position of said group regarding the proposed apartBent buildings on the 'V;est Law AS5embl~r. (b) - Petition from residents of' band Cove }(d. and Bleury .st. in objection to proposed multiple t:rpe housi1l€~ in said hou~;ing project. C:'IT :JuLICITOH 14. Propo~wd amendInent to "i. WI;, to H.e~;ulute tht: Building of GClsoline uervice St~tions i:J.nd PuLlic G.s.rages unQ t.'lt; Lic~nsi.ng Tht:r~of and of Gasolinl.; Pum}lli i'ithin The Cit~1 of Saint John". lJ\~ID CO}iMI'r'l'1,E ~7. Proposed 5....1(; CJf :.ot 14, Bluct. ~~(, lic.in Stree":., tv .t.obert I~~;;;n - :c,id on table E;a~' 29. 16. lie purchase of 185 Hi'lerV'itlv; Jrive from P€J.rl,,~lm..; Pl'.xiuct" Lt.J.. 19. 20. 21. T.LJ,l~ 14.:HLifAL Settlecent ::Ji' totul COliitft;H.:i.ti,ion to Hoy J. ()'l~cd'e r,;j'"J.te rf., clelii.l.i~ilio!l of 530 Hain St. Acquisi tion of /~ Mill 3t. ;.:.nu 15 l),cur-.f Lane from i>iJciL!1'ic\:l :;'in8 ;~std te. Payment of appraisal f-;u:;> to Apr:>j'aisals Ltd., ltuj ue :Jt.ecl1t;:1' & ;lssoc.:iates Ltd. and Tri-TO\'m Realty. Acql~isition of 19 Moore Jt. frum Jtandarci gealty Ltd.. 22. 2.3 . COH11ITTI~~S PlanninG Advif30ry COIILU ttee re proposud zonini; changes, hunicipal Pldn alaendu:ents and property acquisitions listed in Summary of Recomuendations - lLl.ici on t.':.l.ble Hay /~, 1974. (?lease refer to correspondence given to Council mewers for l"~.y 21 lu~oting) 25. 26. 27. 26. 29. GENERAL He proponed 2-4-hour traffic rotal"J (Rothesa;i' Ave., nUd.3el~ .st. tind, '.:.'llurne Ave.) - laid on table June 26. Letter of protest from Miss NGn M. Porteous re erection of booths in King SJllCire during LoJTalist Da:rs. First L.D.H. Ltd. annu.al financial statement for 1973. Trustee Board of Wesleyan Burial Ground requesting financial aid for further restoration of v:esleyan Burial Ground, Thorne Ave. Request of T. W. Graham Ltd. for variation in plan approved re 236-240 Millidge Ave. premises. Application from Mr. Deno P. Pappas, Barrister, on behalf of Gilbert P. Boyce, for re-zoning of 293 Lancaster Avenue to ~rmit a florist shop in conjunction yd. th tre Castle FWl8ral Home. Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. requesting guarantee froo Cit~r 1"9 9-month financing period re z:oemainder of debenture issue. 24. .30.