COMMON COUUCIL - as at 24th June, 1974.
1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m. (\r,rednesday). June 26th - prayer.
2. Confirma tion of minutes (June 12).
). 1~yor'5 remarks.
4. Payment of asphalt invoice (Stephen Constr\lction Co.Ltd.).
5. Paym~nt of equipment rental invoices (D. Hatfield Ltd.).
6. Pqy~nt of invoice for dynamite (Snownake Lime, Ltd.).
7. Progress payments 1'8 projects unclert,aken uncial' Dept,.lLegioni1.l Economic Lxpansion programme,
8. Re sub-division agreement Hith N.B.Housing COrPOration re Sand Cove Road Subdivision -
Phap I.
9. Monthly reports: Fire Dept. (Hay); \'101'1:5 Dept. (Feb.,Har.,Apr.); Hater & SevlCrage Div.
(Hay); Police Dei)t. (Nay).
-10. 1973 aIIDual report - Fire Dept.
"lOA .Re port on tenders for a. street Svlec per and for h.'o winLi p=_ougb s.
11. Amendment to Subdivision By-Law (1st and 2nd readings given June 12, 1974).
12. By-law to adopt a development scheme to carry out a housing develoJEcnt in the Saint
John East Oevelepment Area, Phase One, Stage One (1st and 2nd readings given June 12,1974;
D. Proposed by-J..cHl re Standards fo r Maintenance and Occupancy of Buildings and Premises (1st
reading given Apr. 22; 2nd. reading given Hay 29; 3rd reading given in its entirety at
June 12 COllncil meeting and motion to pass 3rd reading was laid on table until next
regular ColUlcil meeting).
14. Letter from Redevelopment Offi oer in explanation of availability of grants and loans to
City of Saint John for neighbourhood iuprovement programmes under National Houdng Act.
15. Letter from Hinister of 1tlunicipal Affairs advising of designation of City of 3aint John
to be all.cated funds for pcirticipation in the federal NeighbOUl'I1ood. Iuprovement Programm~
16. Lease bet\'Jeen The H.occa Group Ltd. and City of Saint John.
17. Re: application from Irving Oil Limited to rebuild service station complex at inter-
section of Chesle;\T Drive and Douglas Avenue: foU....;ing reports v,ere l<~id on table
June 12, 1974 until m,::t ~'eg.;,kr meeting of Cowlcil:- from Cit:" l~lnuger; from Plalmin[;
Advisory ColIlC1ittee; letter 01' objection from W. G. TottE:n; f:'oP-l Cit:; Solicitor.
18. Re Keddy Motor Inn request for poI'mi.:;sion to add a steak n:u lob,ter roof top restaurant.
19. Plannir.g hdvi~;or;)' COLrr:d.ttec l1e v~ring Counc:_l rcsolutio~s of October 23 and. November 19,
1973 to permit (l steal: house to be erected on thf: :,uof 0:' the K"cMy Motor Inn.
20. Planning AdvborJ' CO;'Jlluttee nco:::t!Wcndin;; Cit~' ~.CCLpt ;ilOn(,~r in liel1 of l..,nd fo1' public
purposes re rollm.ini; sul>-u:;"lisions:- Ca) from U;;lberto e;,n"i D...t.tista nocca; (b) from
Fred HOr, land.
21. Planning AdvL30r;'l COLJLuttee reCOL:J:tcndCltions re further CO;"l.3tructton of buildings in
Somerset Pc..rk; re assent b;y Council to the sue-division plan (re bl~ck "NIt for
recreation purposes); re Cl.gree.:lent to guarantee the conclitionn for the acceptance of
proposed block "lllt for recreiltion purposes.
GEnE!' .AL
22. Re: recall procedure (Councillor r~pping) (C.C.O. June 12, 1974 - referred this item
to incoming Council).
23. Re issuing of }lAster Plumbers license to Mr. Francis HickT"..an.
24. Shamrock Il.ealty Ltd. requesting a variation to c:xisting ~onir.g for th'J Gecond part of
Phase 1 of Highmeadow Park development.
25. Bay R&alties Ltd. requesting transfer to it by City of 9-acre p1lblic lot at vloocUawn
Park Subdivision (Red Head.) and that City first stop the present construction ot
:'uildings on said public lot.