4.00 p.m. June 24. 1914
Oath of 01.'fice adtri.nistered to Mc'lyor Flewwelling.
Oath of Olfice adndnfstered individua~v to Councillors.
Me~tin~ called to order.
Invocation by His Excellency, Bishop Arthur J. Gilbert, Bishop of the Diocese of
Saint John.
Address b~' the MiJ.;'{or.
~lection of Deputy }~yor.
7. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law: to text of by-law (Excavation of Land).
(a) Plarming Advisory Committee letter recommending certain changes in said
8. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Chisholm Ad;justment. Co. Ltd.
property fronting on Adelaide St. and Old Adelaide Rd. to ''B-2'' General Business
(a) Plemling Actvisory Committee letter reootlmending: (1) proposed amendment to
Municipal Development Plan re said property; (2) proposed re-zoning in above
item 8 be under ~eetion 39 01' Community Planning Act, am be subject to an
agreement re 30-foot easeIpent for se\'1er oonduit.
9. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for New Brunswick Housing Corporation
approximately 36 acres of former Hospital Annex property, Sctnd Cove Rei. for housing
(a) Copy of Ne\'; Brunswick Housing Corporation application for flaid re-zoning.
(b) Copy of brief presented to June 12, 1974 Council meeting by New Brunswick
Co-Operative Housing Services Ltd. re said proposed re-zoning.
(0) Planning Advisory Committee letter recommending: (1) re-zoning of said land
as proposed by the New Brunswick Housing Corporation; (2) assent by Council
to Sand Cove Subdivision Plan showing land for public purposes. and streets
to be vested in the City.
Letters objectinG to proposed re-zonin8 to IlRH_~" ,Hultiple H?l3:idential classi-
fication, ","un pr:>posE:d e!'uction of apartJnent bu~lGinf,s,in sa~d \i:st Land
Assemblv:- fran Dale R. Fox, Marilyn Gi,'~f,ey, L. F. Boyles, John !it. Wood,
Presicl~lt, Port City HousiIlc"; Co-Operative Limit,ed, M-,.. and Mrs. Echlard A.
Elder, K. Perry, Presirient, Seashore Housing Co-Operative Ltd.
I .
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