. ...........
COWroN COUNCIL - as at 28th May, 1974..
1. Meeting called to order, hlednesday. May 29. 4..00 P.l!l. - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (Hay 21, 1974).
3. Mayor's reroarks.
4. 5..00 p.m. _ Propesed bJr-law respecting standards for maintenance and occupancy of buildings, ,
and premises (1st reading gi~fiRm~in2~6i~l~)area residents and from
5. 5..30 p.m. _ Submission or petition fro&1!'Champlain Heights COlImunity A8soc., per Mr. WBirne
Ferguson, re tratric si tua tien in said area.
* 6. 5.40 p.m. - Brier froa Oo-operative Housing Services Ltd., per Mr. John Weeds, PNsident,
. re developaent.of Sand Cove Rd. !ani (Prov.Hosp.Annex) for co-operative housing.
* 7. 5.50 p.m. - Brief from. Ceast.al Co-Opera.tive Housing Ltd.. per Mr. Paul Price, President,
(* t 1 8) re deve10rment of 'Sand Cove Rd. land (Prov.Hosp.Annex) for co-operative housing;
no e tem 2 sugge8\ing a -City' committee be set up re provision ot services, etc.
7A. 6.00 p.m. - Introduotion of ten university students who will work througho.t Nell Brunswick
for S1llllllll~r.. ~ evaluate and promote Red Cross services.
8. Propesed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land east of Graham Brook on north side of Loch
Lomond Rd. for Sunrise Contractors Ltd. (Mr. Dante Foriere) - 1st ani 2nd readings given
May 21, 1974. .,,-
9. Interim invoice from Peat, Harwick and Partners to April 30, 1974 re search fer Chief of
C Ol4MI'l'T}t::ES
10. Conmittee of Whole report (May 21, 1974).
lOA. Committee of rlhole report (May 27, 1974.).
11. Land Committee re conveyance or two 15-foot fire lanes (between Rockcliffe St. & 8t.Anne St.;
bet.een St.Anne 5t. and Margaret St.) and portion of Margaret St. and portion of McLeed St.
to WOOlside Park Ltd.; re proposed. closing 01' portion of McLeod St.; re sale of said portien
.f Mcleod St., or deeding same, to Woodside Park Ltd.
12. Land Committee re closure of Jd fire lane off Green St., East sm. nt John....
13. Land Committee re sale of Lot 14, Block 2.6, Main St. to Mr. Robert Ryam information re
demolition of former building on same by Ci t~, .
14. Land CoJllDittee re sale of=Treeliola of 2.35 St. George Street, Sat nt John \Vest, to Honald Lo
15. Transportation Con:m1ttee re bus service for Hickey Road area, requested by C.M.H.C. for
Century 21 Housing Projeot.
16. Tenders to demolish 15 Munroe Alley.
17. Submission .1' report of Marsh Creek nood Control Stu:1y prepared by Proctor & Redfern Ltd.
18. Payment of invoice, S.T.E. Fetterley & Sons Ltd., for mechanical joint tees.
19. P~ent of invoice, Crane Supply, for purchase of gate valves.
19A.Re grade separations - Church Ave. and Simms Corner.
19B.Re closure of reserved street off Old Black River Rd. ~
20. Payment of invoioes to N. B. Housing Corporation re City's share of operating lesses for
197.3 re (a) 311 units of housing, and (b) 582 units of housing.
20A .Re Carleton-Kirk United Church.
21. Re demolition of 306 Princess 8t. (Councillor Parfitt).
22. Re exemption from building pt:rmit fee for. minor repairs to pro~rty to value ot $200.00
: (Councillor Mur}i1y).
23. Re speed limit - Chesley Drive (Councillor lipping).
~. Letter from Councillor lipping, Chairman, Committe. on Pits and l<.'.xoavationa - re proposed
~ amendment to Zoning By-Law (re pits and excavations); final. draft of proposed ameneimen'
I (1st reading given July .3, 197.3).
fS. fAtter from Mr. Patrick A. O'Reilly. 15 Knox Court, re dangerou,s conditien of gravel pi10
: ,at rear of his proper\y, Champlain Heights.
26,.'atter from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Trecartin, 366 Riverview Drive, &int John West, re
i I. diU
.. con on of Carleton Place. ~168t.
;27. Letter from Hr. Frank G. O'Keete, 48 Val1eyview Crescent, Saint John West, requesting
jreconsideration of storm sewer system work in Greendale Sub-division tor 1974 capital budget.
/ 28. Request from Hew Brunswick Housing Corperation that east end of former Hospita.l Annex
y:/ proper1;y, Sand Cove Rd. be re-zonid. tor housing project. (note item. 6 and 7). --
,,! 29., Mr. Deno P. Pappas, Barrister, submitting application of Chi sholl Ad~tment Co. Ltd. for
't re-zoning,ttl propttrt.y on Adelaide St.
3Q. .Letter from Irving Oil Limited requesting permission to rebuild. service station complex at
i ,.intersttction et Chesley Drive and Douglas Ave. (note: lettezcali~!t,dy 'RNf been referred \0
City eta!r for repo!"'t)