COMMON COUNCIL - as at .3rd May, 1974.
1. Meeting called ita order, 4.00 p.m.. May 6 - prayer.
2. Confirmation of minutes (April 22).
.3. Mayor's remarks.
5. 5.00 p.m.
_ Proposed closure ot l5-foot lane at rear of lots fronting on Rockcliff St.
and Saint Anne St. coIIlllencing at its intt'lrsectlon \-lith MacLeod St.
_ Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone 62-64 Lansdowne Ave. for
Woodhouse Limited furniture outlet business. (two readings given Apr.l,1974).
_ Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re propoRed re-zoning in Item 5.
4. 5.00 "p.m.
7. Report re tenders for supplying high pressure cleaning unit and portable electric welder
tor repair garage.
8. Report re quotations for uniform clothing, Polioe am. Fire De pCs.
9. Report re propo~1s to supply and install a r:rl.nimum exhaust system, Rotbesay Ave. garage.
10. Report re tfmde:rs for 5uppl~r1ne tow1n8 service.
ll. Progress payments re proj~'Ct8 undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic li.:xpansion programme.
12. Progress pa)"1llents re Capi,tal Budget projects contracts.
1.3. Report re bide for repairs to No. 1 incinerator.
14. Paymentr.At. "asphalt invoice, Stephen Construction Co. ,Ltd.
15 Warrant to be issued to Mr. George Murray, No. 1 Company, Sal vnge Corps and Fire Police.
lb: Financial Statements - Janualj", February, March.
17. Report. re 'end.era tor ambulanoe. ".
18. Report re King Street, Saint.J hn Wast, parking. -
19. Re terma at reterenoe tor the ~trlu .Area Urban Design.(contract 01 \}eneral Urban Systems
Corporation). -
20. Issue ot a debenture re Parkway Mall sewer (replacing Promissory Note).
21. Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority budget from April 1, 1974 to March .31, 1975.
28. Third reading of Tratfic By-Law amendment (re parking regulation, DouglB B Ave. for
N. B. MuseUl:1 exteneion con8truction period). 1st and 2m readings given Apr. 22, 1974.
29. Third reading of Zoning By-Law text amendments (1st and 2nd readings given Apr.22,1974).
(30. Third reading ot Zoning BJ'-La\'1 amendment to re-zone for Kennebecasi. Investments Ltd.
( land on north side of Loch Lamond Rd. (1st und 2nd readings given Apr. 22, 1974).
( _ !.ether trom Planning Advisory Committee re KennebecasiB myestments Ltd. Bon Accord
( SUb-division.
.31. Third reading ot Zoning By-Law amendLlent to re-zone for Starlight Construction Ltd.approx.
245 acres of land, north side Ocean Weatway (1st and 2nd readings given Mar.1B,1974; .3rd
reading laid on table Apr. 22, 1974).
_ Third reading ot Municipal Plan By-Law amendment re this item (1st am 2nd readings given
Mar. la, 1974; .3rd reading laid on table Apr. 22, 1974).
.32. Letter from Messrs.' Clark, Drummie It Company on behalf ot Carleton-Kirk United Church
. requesting amendment to Bill for Legislatve re Carleton Burial Ground and King Sqv.are
.33. P~nt ot accounts tor protessional serYices.
.34. LaM Committee re sale ot Lot 14, Main Street, to Mr. Robert Ryan.
.35. LaM CoJllDlittee re purchase ot land, Grandview Ave., !rom Moose MountAin Farms Ltd.
36. Land CollllDittee re rescinding ot resolution to expropriate Arthur McNeil Estate land, Old
Black River Rd.. and re purchase ot said property frOll new owners.
Land Committee re rescinding ot resolution to expropriate Mrs. Thelma Hamilton property,
419 Bayside Drive, ani re purche.seot said propertJ.r.
Committee ot Whole report (April 22, 1974). <<
Committee of Whole report (April 29, 1974); letter trom Acting City Manager re 1974
Capital Budget.
40. Report from Arenas CoDlllittee re arenas sites, West Saint John.
41. Report from Council Committee on Pro_tion organization<f the City; proposed meeting
between Tourist and Convention Promotion CoElmittee,.-..atl'd ,Hr. Douglas Johnson.
42. Planning Advisory Committee submitting proposed amanclments to Zoning By-Law text.,....
4.3. Planning Adviao 17 Commit tee re proposed controlled access street by-law re McAllister
Drive and King William Rd.
44. Re problem ot railw~ crossings at Simms Comer and Church Avenue, \'iest. (Councillor
MacGowan) .
45. Re condition of Kierstead Mobile Home Park, Kingsville Rd. (Councillor MacGowan).
46. Motions re appointment of Fort LaTour Authority (Councillor A. Vincent). . .
47. Re contract tor Bayside Drive Reconstruction am \'.Iidening .pp~~I, an::! Bays~de Drlve.
_ RailwaJ' Overr.as~ (\Vigeniq~) _ violatiQn Qf specifications of' cont,ract (CounClllor A. V~ncent
Letter from 1'I.ctlng c....t,,' Hc.nager re thlS ltem. 1: contractor on
47A.Building and Construct'ion Trades Council rc use of out of tovTn vJOrkers JY ,
Bayside Drive project.
~.. ;_'J !~!:li' "
48. Provinoial Secretary re legislation covering transportation of dangerous artic:les on
highways (in reply to Council resolution of April 8, 1974 re placarding of vehicles
transporting dangerous chemicals throUf)l City of Saint John).
49. Letter from Lowell St. Ladies Club re site for an arena on West Side.
50. Mr. Erneet E.. Griffin, .380 Algonquin Place, Saint John West, re restoration of paving
and ourbing.
51. Mr. John Green letter, requesting permission to 8ub-divide his land, South Bay, involving
road construction and a s ub-di vision agreement.
,52. Distriot No. ~ School Board I s Barnhill 'c""ll'IQrial School Steel Band request for financial
$;.... ~.)1i~ta~~ toward~ex~ns~J i!l~tencli~n . ~-...1 in Ottawa.
,q. ~ ~~ tU.,- ~p- ~