COMMON COUNCIl, - as at 5th April, 19'14.
1. Meeting called to order, 5.00 p.m.. April 8 - pl'a~'er.
2. lvLayor' s remarks.
5.00 p.m.
3. Propos ed closinfj of Lonf; ~ 'harf .
4. - Letter of objection Ironl Canada Packers Limited to Long Wharf closing.
5. - Letter of objection from Mr. DOUf,1~,5 A. H. lNa.ns, Barrister, on behalf of client,
Harbour City Trctnsport l..td., to Long v!harf closingo
Proposed closing of cl portion of Chesley Street.
- Letter j'roM'-Jlfr. V:allace D. Macaulay, Barrister, on be half of Thorne's Hard1i,C'.re (1970)
Limited re proposed closing of a lJOrtion 01' Chesley Street.
Proposed closing of a portion of Wi.; slovJ Street.
Proposed clo6ir~ of a portion of Rodney Street.
Third reading of pre'poRed ;?or..ing B~r-La", <unendment to re-zone 1.3,17,19,23 am )3 Main St.
and 116,118,120,121; and 12(, Drictge 5t. (1st a~ld 2nd rea.dings given Apr. l).
Proposed llmenclment of Zoning ~r_La'W to re-zone residence numbers 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76
and 80 Lansdowne Avenue for \'loodhollse Limited, for furniture outlet'2 readings given Mar.ll)
- Petition from r('siclents Hnd property owners of Lansdowne Avenue, objecting to proposed
re-zoning as set forth in item li.
Third r~adin[ of proposed new Deferred Widerung B,y-Law (1st and 2nd readings given Apr.l).
14. Quotations re ice reS1111f<icer purchase.
15. Report re tenders for playground equirlUent.
16. Quotations re purchase of rink boards.
17. Quotations re purchase of traffic paint und Vttr60l.
18. Payment of invoice for asphalt (Stephen Construction Co., Ltd.).
19. Payment of invoice for equipment J'untH,l (D. Hatfi61d, Ltd..). r mi
'Y\ Pro t . k.' -) t t f R . all' .cono c
~. gresB pa~rmen 6 re proJects undertu (;n WlOer i t:p;:.r IIlbn - 0 wgJ.on' J..J(pan6J.on progranme.
21. Progress payment .1!e cu)1ital bucicet o:'oject.
22. Re placarding 0:' vehicles which trftrlsport hcczardoun chemicals.
2.3. Re sprinY.J.er systems in hifjl-rise buildings.
24. &nthly report., t1aintcnunce G: Supply Division of lvorks Dept.
244.Re ambulance services, Fairvale, N.B.
25. Re right of first refu8al, U.N.B.-S.J. students re lanu for stuuent housing project.
26. Amendmer,t to I,'ire Department By-La....-.
.: COUlU'l'TEES .'
28. City Marl(et Committee re proposed painting of City Market intt:lrior, ~nd re 8uggefjted
design study of said buildir.g.
mmAN REl.ulAL
29. Payment of appraisal fees, North End Urban Rene\.-al SchcDle.
Gl;NEJ?.A L-
30. Cities of New Brunswick re Provincial-Municipal Council request for City's comments and
observations on vQrious subjects listed in submitted letter.
31. Citie8 of New Brunswick requesting City's comments and observations on proposal to
amend COI!ll'llunity ?lE.mling Act, c..uthori~ing councils of cities c..nd towns to appoint
Chairman of Planning Adviso~r Co~.rl.ttee.
.32. Board of School Trustees, School District 20, requesting a 8id.ewalk on northern side of
Loch Lomond Ud. from Graham's Brook to LakewOlld School.
33. Boy Scouts of Canada, Courtenay District, requesting approval to hold 1<;75 International
Camporee in Saint John, in Rockwood Park, and a grant !'rom City.
2~. RN.B.Brart leh, United Empire Loyalists' Assoc.of Canada., re May 16th, Loyalist D~ ceremonies.
.n. eqUE:S 1'rom residents of Francis and A11ieen Streets, tiaint John \'Jeet, re sewer back-up
and flooding of basements; requesting remedial action re larger seVer pipes.