1974-04-01_Agenda ....--- AGENDA ..... COl.1l10N COUNCIL - as at 29th March, 1974. 1. Meeting callea to order, 4.UO p.m. J April 1 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (March 18). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 4.U(, p.m. - Resolution and presentat.ion of Honour Certificc1tes to: Fireman Allan HcNulty and Police Constable John ':'ll:,rlor. 5. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed new Deferred Widening By-La\i (re Union and Waterloo Streets). f~.. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed amendmunt to ioning By-Law to re-zone 13, 17, 19, 23 and 33 14.nin St. and 116, ll~, l20, 124 and 126 Bridge St. (including property at 126 Bridge St. of Hr. and Krs. Jo'rank H.. Short). 7. Third reading 01' by-law amendment to close a portion of SnorT St. (lst and 2nd readings given March 18, 1974). 8. ,5.30 p.m. - Mr. Harry G. Stevenson, Barrister, on behalf 01' clit.nt, Mrs. Thelma K. Hamilton, re City exproprihtion of 419 Bayside Drive. 9. 5.40 p.m. - Presentation Gf brief from Saint John \'/est Gitizens Association, per Mrs. Donna Armstrong, re police protection. ACTIW Crry 14ANAGER 10. Report re quotationsii'or s.pplying liquid chlorine for the year 1974. ll. Fire Dept. report, February. 12. Payment of invoice to Canron Ltd. for tapping saddle and gate valve. 1.3. Report re tenders.for Courtenay Bay causeway eastern approaches. 14. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 15. Progress payments re contracts :for projects included in capital budget. 16. Purchase of new diesel engine for No. 22 pumper, Fire Dept. 17. Report re quotations for supplying and installing metal shelving for Rothesay Ave.stockroom. 18. Re requesttid convention assistance by New BMlnsw1ck Industrial Safety Gouncil. 19. Re 1974 Glean-Up Week. 20. Payment of 1974 real property';,axes Gn City-owned properties. 2OA.Progress payment rti project 1lI1dertaken in capital budget (Tourist Blareau..EKt~s1on). 2OB.Re. amendments to lease with Riviera Res'tavant Ltd,.'r8 premises at Reversing Falls Touri1ft,' Bureau. y ,",.1', ~., 2OC.Re, ~rade certification of fire .!ightee"~ONcWJtk.~:~ 21. Invoice from Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co.: professional fees and expenses re search tor a City Manager. 22., Payment of sf~cond invoice, Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co., rti professional search assignment to ,find a Chief of Police for City of Saint John. 2.3. Resolution required authorizing execution on behalf of City of lease agreement with Canadian Pacific Railway Company re pipe crossing at Mileage .3.02, McAdam Subdivision. CO!1MI'l'TEES J BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 24.' Committee of Whole report (MarCh 18). 25. Committee of Whole report (Harch 23). 26. Final draft of amendments to City of Saint John Pension Act, to be presented at oprine: session of the Legislative Assembly - preparod by Mr. G. T. Clark, 'l.C., Senior Legal C01msel. 27. Board of 'I'rustees , Civic EmploYties' Pension Plan, listing civic employees who will reach retirement age in 1974. 28. 1973 annual report of City of Saint John Pension Board of Tru.stees. 29. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning of 62 and 64 Lansdowne Ave. for proJ>>sed Woodhouse relocation, in addition to Lansdowne Ave. jroperties already being advertised for re-zoning for said use. .30. Letter from Hanford M. Thompson Construi:tion Co., Ltd. proposing exchange of lam wit)1 City in Morna Heights Sub-diviRion (see item .31 ). 31. Planning Advisory Committee re above proposal of Hanford M. Thompaon Construction Co., Ltd. ....- ( see item 30 ) . 32. Planning Advisory Committee re Paul Ganong mobile home application for renewal. ,33. Planning Advisory Committee re applications for mobile home permit renewals, from Ronald Hargrove and Mrs. FJ.sR M. Johnston. 34~ Planning Acivisor;r Committee re policy of requiring payment in lieu of provision of land for public purposes in a 8ub-division; re request made by Central and Nova Scotia Trust Co. that Council reverse its decision that Dr. Walter make such payment. 35.Plannine Advisory Conmittee re the establishment of and budget for a four-man secondary planning team. 36. Planning Advisory Committee concurring in the March 18 recommendation to Council from the 'Acting City Manager re extension of Imler Tax Rate zone to Spruce Lake am Lorneville . ihciustrial ar6as; re inolusicm of all industrial, commercial and governmental properties at Inner Tax Rate. Planning Advisory Committee re site for a housing project proposed by South End Development Corporation Inc. ~7~ ,/ / , - 2 - .38. Saint John Parking COlilI:.ission report re parking problem in central city area, and measures to provide parking spaces. URBAN lLENL1;AL .39. Acquisition of freehold inter~s t of l;me t s &ke~1 I"tct. in 18-20 Sm.,vth~ St. 40. Payment of appraisal fees. GENERAL 41. ;.,1,2. '.... " 50. Report re proposed arenas. Requel:lt froJ::l Transportation CoLJUittCt;, t:i;.,il;s of Nl:v Brunswick, for date re transportcltion problems (Councillor l/JitCGoWC1U). Letter froI:J. Fundy Cublcvision Lt.d. rEi construction of ca'ol~ t.elevision s~rstelJ for Saint John area (Councillor MacGowan). Re National Prayer Breakfast, Ottuw~ - representation from City by Councillor Parfitt; other City business in Ottawa by Councillor Parfitt (Councillor Murph~r). Re .,.,ater drain-off problelil6 at 33 Fortlst City St. from Partclo\-l st. (CouncillorH. Vincent). Re eonditjon of Ian and S;,/lvia Streets, Champlnin Heights, and re wattr run -off, etc. problems (Councillor H. Vincf;nt). Ite II ro tary \1 traffic and parking regulations, on Rothe5aJ' Jlvenue, Thorne i,venue and Hussell Street (Councillor Kipping). . Re heavy increa88 in 1974 propert~;r aaseSBldents in Saint John (Councillor Creen). Letter froo. COlmJanding Officer, Saint John Ydlitia, ~rvice Battalion Headquarters, requesting permission to use the City ~l.t of arms on thtl Bc.tttalioE Flag. Saint John Board of Trade requesting that thE:!. student body of University of N.B.in ~uint John be given a period of time in which to have the right of first rt:fusal on the land on University Ave. originally set aside for the &tudent housing project. Letter from Mrs. Mary Trites, 35(3 ,somerset St. re proposed rt;creation centre for Somerset St. lV'..iS6 Leola F. \!ard, J;.10 Douglas lwe. requesting re-zonine of Douglas Ave. property of Eastern BaktlrioB Ltd. in future, to prevent its future use ;;,'01' commercial or industrial purposes. Mr. Philip J. Lee, 'Jr., .395 BtiaconsfiE:!.ld Crescent, submitting suggested ~lternative sites in West Saint John for proposed arena. Petition from resident8 of Bonita Avenue and adjacent area, Saint John last, requesting that the ,developer of this sub-divi5ion be caused to complete improvements on this street. Mr. Leo A. Savidant, requesting that the parking problem for his customers, at Ge' Barber Shop, 216 King St., Saint John West, be corrected. Saint John High School Drama Club requesting a grant from the Cit~r to assist them in participating in the Dominion Drama Festival 1974. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. \ , . I,t.