1974-03-18_Agenda /AGENDA ... COMMON COUNCIL - as at 15th March, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.0G p.m.. March 18 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (March 4 and 11, 1974). .3 . Mayor' B remarks. 4. 5. - Proposed closinB of a portion of Snow Street. _ Presentation, per Dr. Sean KeyeH, spokesman, of request from petitioning residents of Greendale Sub-division that sufficient improvements be made immediately to eliminate water flOoding conditions. 5.00 p.m. p.m. 6. COMMON CLERK Third reading of amendment to ~oning B,y-Law to ro-zone land, southwesterly corner r~er- dale and Valley Sts. for Loch Lemond Villa extension.(lst & 2nd readings given Mar.4,1974) Third reading of Zoning By-Law text amendment re proposed office for a doctor or dentist (1st & 2nd readings given }~r. 4, 1974). Third reading of Zoning By-Law text amendment to define the word IIstoreyl1 (1st and 2nd readin~s given Mar. -4, 1974). 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ACTING CITY MANAGER Re quotations" for: supplying picnic tables for Recreation and Parks Dept. Re tenders for supplying l.raffic paint, Vars01, glass beads and pipe. Payment or progress oertificates re Capital Budget contracts. Payment of progress ~ertificate8: _ projects under~En under Dept.Regional Economic l:;Xpan- sion programme. . Payment of invoice for ,street sweeper brooms and broom wire. Payment- of invoic~ l'or ductile iron pipe. ' Re:purchasing procedures; recommendation re amount City l1anager is authorized to approve for purchase of goods and services without Council approval. Re summer figllU'e and power skating school, 1974. Payment of invoice for equipment rental (Hatfield). Payment of invoice for crushed gravel (Dexter). Report re tenders for water and sewerage JDE:Lterials. Report re tenders for motorized equipment tt.. Monthly reports: Police Dept. (Jo'eb.); Teeltnical & Inspection Services - Building & Plumb- ing (Feb.); Water and Sewerage Div.of Works Dept. (Feb.); Street Dept. (Jan.). Re McAllister Drive Extension; land acquisition. Re tenders for Courtenay Bay causeway, western approaches. 1.3 . 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2.3 . CITY SOLICITOR 29. Proposed by-law respecting standards for maintenance and oc cupancy of buildings and pemises. .30. Re amendments to Zoning By-Law text (see i tam .38). .31. Resolution re expropriation of Thelma Hamilton property (see item 35). .32. Payment of invoice, Clark, Dr\Wlnie & Company, Barristers, for legal fees, Atlantic Pilotage Authority hearing, re pilotage rates. LAND COMM1l'Tm!: .33. Purchase of easement from Mr. Fred W. Cameron, Spruce Lake watezo line. .34. Closing portions of Winslow am Rodney Streets; sale of land bounded by City Line and Lancaster St. and including said closed portions of Winslow and Rodney Streets, to Mr. Walter Keanj retention by City of easement. for a sewer line. 35. Expropriation ot 419 Bayside Drive from Mrs. Thelma Hamilton (see item 31). )6. Closing of fire lane off MacLeod St. between St. Anne and Hockcliffe Sts.; appropriate deeds of same to abutting property owners (Otis A. Kierstead, John T. Sekulich, Helen Langille, Rose Chaisson, William T. Roberts, A1phonsus Kelly, Alex McDonald, Raymond Bemard, 'Harold McNamara and Manford M. Thompson Construction Co. Ltd.). PlANNING ADVISORY COMlfi'l"l.'EE .37. Proposed amendments to text of Zoning It,-Law. .38. Proposed amendments to text of Zoning By-Law (laid on table Mar. 4, 1974) (see item 30). 39. Re proposed re-zoning of 66, 68, 70, 72, 74 am 76 Lansdowne Ave., under Section .39 of CoDllmU1i.ty Planning Act, for Fourth Floor Holdings Ltd. (Woodhouse Limited). 40. Re application of Starlight Construction Ltd. tor re-zoning of land, north side of Ocean flest Way. 41. Re application of Kennebecasis Investments Ltd. for re-zoning of land for Bon Accord Sub-division, north side of Loch Lomond Rd. 42. Re application of Sunrise Contractors Ltd. (Mr. Dante Foriere) for re-zoning for proposed sub-<1i vision on north side of Loch Iomond Rd. 43. Re payment by Rocca Ent.erprises Ltd. in lieu ot PrOviding five parking spaces for 28-38 King Street. 44. Re Irving Oil Ltd. application for permit to make changes in the tank location at Bayside Drive bulk plant site; re proposed. increase ot storage volume. - 2 - 45. ae programma for uore housing on vTest Side. GRNt..'t?AL 46. Report from Acting CitJ.r Hand-gar re modii'ication of tax boundaries, in rep~r to Councillor Davis' report (laid on table Hal'. ll, 1974). 47. Brief from Councillor Davis tlntitled "InteGrated Comr:ri.ttees for Government and Hanngement". 48. Notice of Hotion re citations for FireIilan l~cNulty and Constable Taylor (Comcillor Murphy). 49. Canadian Federation of Mayors a.nd Hunicipalities: submission of proposed resolutions for 1974 conference, by hpri~ 30, 1974. -'---SU. Lions Club of ~aint John Ltd. offering gift of Decond Hescue Squad vehicle for Saint John Fire Dept. ;1. Central l, Nova ~cotia Trust Company cOI:lr;lenting on policy for pr!.~rr:J.ent to CitJr in lieu of setting aside land for purposes of public, regard.ing single lots. 52. Letter from Mr. ani Mrs. Lloyd r1cKay, JJ ForeBt City Street, 1'e water drainage problem. 5.3. lSt.ition f.romc'rGsidexita.oldlanderfOft 1:d~_Kb.rUu(,)n;-t.o~h8ve ~De~ndm"y road""a~' upgraded. 54. Applic~Ltion from Hills Construction Ltd. for re-zoning of Lot ~2, Block 14, Jack Street. 55. Application of Mr. \:alter A. Beckett, per 111'. George r. O'CoIUlell, Q. C., for 1'e-zoning of propertjr at Acrunac Dackland H.ead and If1l.rtinon By-pc-sa. ;6. Ap,)lic~tion of Mr. Rc!wld Hargrove, pE:!r Hr. Donald L. Cullinan, Barrister, for extension of 1.lobilt.: home location permit on Mitchell Carr property, Lorneville. 57. Application of Mra. Elsa M. Johnston for extension of mobile home location permit, corner Loeb Lomond and Sproule Roads. 58. Suint John District Labour Council letter, requesting implementation of a ?4-hour traffic / rotary on Rothesa;r Avenu€., Thorne Avenue, hussell Street. 59. Letter from Mrs. Winnifred L. Jennings, 691 Chapel St., "lest, rt> damaee to houses on that stv6et from passing busses. 60. Social Services Council of GreE'.ter Saint John requesting It grant re long-range planning programme project. 59A.Re dinner for Salvation A~ cadets_1~~pr~~~~~~ly 50), April 9. (Councillor Barfitt). \