COMMON COUNCIL - as at Bth March, 1974.
1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m. t March il. 1974 - prayer.
2. Mayor's remarks.
3. Letter fram North End Neighbourhood Association re implementation of neifftbourhood
programmes (laid on table March 4, 1974).
4. Letter from SQuth md DeveloJXIlent Corporation Inc. re implementation of neif"ftbourhood
programmes (laid on table March 4, 1974).
5. Application of Woodhouse for re-zoning of area, Lansdowne Avenue.
6. Payment of invoice for equipment rental (D. Hatfield Ltd.).
7. Recognition of Mr. StanleJr Kilpatrick for employee suggestion resulting in City benefit.
8. Resolution recommended re endorsing ProVincial Government strategy to develop nuclear
power in New Brunswick.
9. Re modification of tax boundaries.