1974-02-18_Agenda \AG~NDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 15th February, 1974. 1.. Meeting oalled to order, February 18. 4.00 p.m. - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (February 4). 3. Mayorts remarks. 4. 5.30 lhlll.- Presentation of brief from South End. DeveloJlllent Corporation Inc., per Mr. Donal::l. J. Smith, "BpOke,pman, re recreation land and land for housing purposes in South En:i. 5. - Letter trom South End Deve10~nt Corporation Inc. re City-owned block 10 in South End, and re Barrack Green site. 6.' 5.45 p.m.- Chiet ot Po1ioe, H. McKay, re fingerprinting and photographing. (see item 36) ACTING CITY MANAGER 7. Invoice., District 20 School Board, re community use of school facilities. 8. Construotion progress certifioates re Capital Budget projects. 9. Progress payments re projeots undertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion programme. 10. Monthly reports, January:- Technical ani Inspection Services (Building and Plumbing); Water & Sewerage Div., vlorks Dept.; Police Dept. 11. Financial Statements for December. 12. Payment to Engineering Consultants, Limited re building to be removed re construction of eastern approaches to Courtenay Bay causeway. 13. Re purchase of ohlorination equipment for Latimer Lake chlorination plant. 14. Re sooial recreation centre (Somerset St.): request to add fencing to the C.K.H.C. oontract; recommendation to add position of Recreation Supervisor II to the establishment when the total City establishment is examined in near fu.ture. 15. Advance from the 1974 budget to Canada Summer Games 1977 CoIlll1ittee. 16. Re Deve10pnent Soheme(for blook bowned by King Street, Chipman Hill, Union Street, and Germain Street) wxler Community Planning Act. 17. Re proposed Walter A. Beckett subdivision (laid on table): letter from Planning Advisory Committee. (Chairman 01' Planning Advisory Committee, and Mr. George F. 01Connell, Q.C. will be in attendance to speak on the subject)~ 18. Re proposed. ettdent housing project (laid on table): letter from Saint John Student Housing Corp., Ltd. COMK>N CLmK 19. Invoi.ce tor City's share of oost of Provincial-Municipal Council. CITY SOLICITOR 20. Proposed Deterred Widening By-Law for Union and Waterloo Streets. 2l.Re proposed. Citizens Committee under the Federal Juvenile DelinqueBts Act (see item49 ). COMKl'1'TEES. COMMISSIONS 23. Land. CGnm1ttee re closure of part of Snow Street, and sale of same to Geo. H. Hamilton & . Son, Ltd.; and covenant in deed re retaining wall or tenee. 24. Land CoIllllittee re purchase of easement trom Arbelle J. Gibson. 25. Report from Nominating Committee. .. . 26. Planning Advisory Con:mittee re suggested boundary adjustments between Village of Renfort.h ~?.mnQ la~mij 8g.~~13 J:: YR~~ BHBH8 ~~~g'{ ~~WRst8~ !\ttbH~t!Br~, s~iAlfoi~: 28. Planning Advisory CoDmittee re request from Andrew Keating tor continued mobile home occupancy by his father and mother, South Bay Road. 29. Saint John Port & Industrial DeveloJDel'lt Coumission re Saint John Port Days, 1974: authority for Mayor and Counoil melli>ers and City Directors to attend same; sponsoring by City of Seamens Social Services Committee and ships officers at closing dinner. GENERAL 30. Re garbage collection on a permanent basis by City am its employees (Councillor Gould). 31. Re initiation of a central information depot or library system for civic departments ~ (Councillor Davis). . ,. 32. Brief re aetion Council could take to reduce ..tJ1~tax rate by ten cents (Councillor Davis). 33. Remarks re donation to Music Festival (Councillor MacGowan). 34. Initiation 01' housing for senior citizens and families of law income, in Saint John West (Councillor MacGowan). 35. Minister of Education 01' N. B. re potential problem re proximity of junior high school to road contruction work, Bayaide Drive, and extension of causeway; safety precautions. 36. Letter from Saint John Detenoe Lawyers Conference re tingerprinting of persons (see it~m 6). 37. Letter from Canadian Union of Public Employees, Atlantic Region, re possibility ot City oontracting out garbage colleetion in City or portions thereot. (see item 30). 38. Greater Saint John District Council of Public Employees, C.U.P.l~. seeldng Common Council support 01' the hospital wrkers re wage r~ql18sts. . 39. Saint John West Citizens' ASBOC. inviting Council members to attend a meeting to discuss police protection in the 1CJWer West Saint John area. 40. Kiwanis Club of Lancaster Ino. suggesting the construction at the requiredalC;r-ct~ Games. swimming pool facilities adjacent to Lancaster Centennial Rink ~ Memori e. 1,'1' - 2- II Kiwanis Club of Lancaster Ino. suggesting the looation for a second. rink in vlest Saint I" John area be in an area in or near the old West Saint John area. ~. Letter from Miss June Creamer, 254 Somerset St., in opposition to building a recreational i centre next to St. Pius X church, Somerset St. 4" Request tram Judith 1. Ganong alii Paul Ganong for permission to renew mobile home location, Gralliview AvfJ. 44. Application trom Sunrise Contractors Ltd. tor re-zoning land, Loch Lomond Rd. 45. Application from Kennebecasis Investments Ltd. for rj-zonin.g land, Loch Lomond Rd. ,1- 46. Application trom Starlight Construction Limited for re-zoning land, St. Stephen Hi~ay, ~ near Lomeville Rd. 4'7. Application from Frank B. Short and Joan E. Short tor re-zoning of 130 Bridge St. to permit conversion of ground flAor store area to a snack bar and take-out. 48. Report trom Special CoDlIlittee to study requests for tinancial assistance from City for crime prevention programmes (Laid on table Feb. 4, 1974). 49. Letter from Mr. P. E. Godsoe, Co-Ordinator, Crime Prevention Group re Youth Service Bureau and Citizens Committee under J11venile Delinquent Act (Laid on table Feb.4,1974) (se'e item21,) 5e. Copy ot letter from Dept. 01' Fisheries and. Environment, Pollution Control Branch, re results ot sampling periods in Forest Hills area. ~ -- '-~"-~~-----"-",,----,----,~ ---........--...---~_..~- '. ~. ..... "., 1'l. _~ . .,_ .. .,.:wI . ~~)-,. , , .:. t~ <.:.~~ "~.l " .'.... ~.:!.~~~ , , -"~ .$J . ~:" ;<" -. ~ . '" . ",,""-- .~~. .'" " . . .f.. " .J; .~, __ ;'0 ." '~.. ........; ~. ,.- ~.~~: "" , .,' '~ ~;,.- '-."'~. .;,. -,,' ;:.- .,.,. ~~ '" ":~i.~' j '~;: '. ,"f. :;-_ 'P!'c. " ..- - ~ ..." " ~': ...:.... ",' ; .\t:~ .f':' :. - }. ""- .t ;.".~ .~\ .. - ~~. '. ~ . -' '. , ~~ " ~ .:.', tIi[ ':....'; .,' ~~' -~ ... .' :....~ . ..... 11(,' ."'... .,!"_:,.:,I ~.:;;~. ,; ? -'.~ ':'<"}..~ ~::r.. _ ': . ':'-.:. '-'. ~. ~ ::":" ;,.... '.I.., "'!'o,: ... '~".' 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