1974-01-21_Agenda A G 1:. N D A --- C011h<JN GOtiHGIL fiS at 1Uth JanuC'.ry, 1<J74. I.. Heuting called to 01'-10)', 5.00 tJ.LU., Jarnr.l":! 21. 19'14 - pra;yur. 2. Cl)nfirm.tltion of rJinutes (J,J1"iOOr:Y 7 Hnd 14, :97i;.). 3. Nayor' s rc~rk6. 2.00 f:>.l:l.: 4. Propos~d umendmeutu t:> Zoning By-La\'l (see 5e~tions 1,2,3 ani 4 of publi~ notice) re front ji-ard setbc.cy.s. 5. P.':'opo~i~d ar:1ericU:J.tmt. to Zoninl~ by-Lo.w t.) re-zone lCJ.nd, south W~ of Bod.I" f.i Head. RO<.;.d, for ~.i,t"a.IllbY Gurdenb Lir.Li. t~J, It:1-tur ll'()j::;' P J.ci;1I1illg j~a viti O!"JT Coudi tLve. 6. Bropoaed ameridmentto'Municipal DeveJ.Qpmei1't:Plml re cbove proposed re-zoningo 7. Propos",-u cloGinc; of '" portion of Eebt,cc.s. Street. 8. PI'ollOf;,:d closiri.~ of p&rt ,'Jf Loch Lolli.Ond ih:.:.ci. 9. Land Comr.ri.. t tee letter re e:~chur~(J of clo~ed porti.on of Loch Lomond Road for land from Shamrock Realt:- Ltd. (:3ee uttached COllr.d,l l'(~sulut:Loll of Dec~l1bul' 23,l97';;). Planning Advisory Cormnittee letter. 10. viarrants to be Hp:w()v~d, to be issued to }r.ensrs. Kenneth J. Steen and Gerald E. Goddard of NUI:1ber 2 Corapl'l.n~r, ~alvrll~e Corp,", [md Fir-t-. Police. '.'-',,"