1974-01-07_Agenda ~G END A Go.HMON COUNCIL - as at 4th January, 1974. l fleeting cb.lled t,o orJer, January 7 J 1974, 4.(;0 p.m. - prayer. . 2. 4.Uu p.m. - Presentution by Mr. Roger \iool\;a~T of Aldcm Clark 'fruphy to ~int John Tl'ojans 1973 tt:.Wll re wilUling Provincial Seniol' RugLy Champiomdlip. J. 4.00 P.Ill. - Prt:Jsentation from Civic Improvement ani Beautiticati.on Cor,m-u.ttee of Certificates of Hel'i t for pro pert:l' lliprOVeL:itmts: to \lillicLlU R. '\,'ood, 5l> Heck1enburg 5t.; Allison H. Bishop, 98 Hillcrest Dr.; John:L. Hanley, 102 Dorchetiter St. .- . Gonf'irmntion of luinutes (December 17 Ctnd 26, 1973). Mayor's rtmarks. P.W. - ?-.coposeci. re-zuning for Sla.tte~r 11anCl.geuent &. I~~alty Co. l.td. of land between Champlain Ht,s. and N.B.L.P.C. power line to the t;ast, and lcmd between !J.B.E.P.C. power line to rear of Simonds High School pro perty' . p.ru. - Pro posed re-zoning for Wm. P. Dowd &. Sona Lto.. of land on northeast lIiue of SomertH::t St. oppesite the island at jllllction of Rope iialk Rd. c.n.i SOL.l~r6et St. - ?ropos(;d re-zoning of land at rear of lots on Hed Head Hn. and on northwesterly corn~r of Harbour View Sub-division. - Proposed amending of Hunicipctl Developnent Plan schedules, as listed.in sect:J.on 4 of tlubIIdtted copy of Public Notice. - Prop8&ed re-zoning for Yor. \;altcr B~ckett. of approximately 40u c:..cres on both sides of l~rtinon By-puss at Acamac ~ckland Rd. - Proposed amending of Hunicipal Development Plan re above proposed re-zoning. - Letter from Planning Advisory Comr.a.ttee re saill proposed ru-~oning and Municipal Development Plan changes. - Letter from Nel-, Brunswick T(jlephone Company, Limited re economics of providing telephone service to proposed Wnlter A. Beckett sub-division (see items 10 & 11) - Proposed closing of l5-foot lane on north side of Harding Street, West. - Proposed closing of 15-foot lane at rear of lots fronting on Dayside Drive and Kelro,se Ave. commencing at Park Ave. ACTIN} C IT! MANAGER 16. Report re quotations for stationery for Pr.amotion Dept. 17. Payment of invoice for asphalt (~ephen Construction Co., Ltd.). 18. Mcnthly reports: Police Dept. (Nov.); Recreation and Parks Dept. (fall, \a.nter and spring 1973-74 programme). 19. Re Police vehicle replacemant policy. 20. Payment of invoice of Canadian Red. CrosB Society, N.B.Division, re 1973 water safety clBeses. 2OA.Payment of equipment r(jntal invoice (G. R. Galbraith Supplies). COMMITTEES 21. ConIni ttee of \<1101(; report (December 17). 4. ~. i.OO 7. :>.00 8. 2.00 p.m. 9. 5.00 P.lli. 10. ;>.lJ0 p.m. 11. 12. 13. 14. ~.OO p.m. 15. ~.(lO P.ru. GENERAL 22. Resolution re si~e of Cor.Jl!lon Council ( Councillor Kipping). '23. Resolution re support of loccl firm for license to export oil to ~ta'te of Maine (Councillor Kipping). 24. Re proposed col"JIllittee to arrange a Prayer Brea.kfast (Councillor Parfitt). 25. Saint John Ch1.c llnplayees' Union, Local 18, C.U.P.E. re contractlng out of City contracts and programmea previously performed by various civic departments under this Union agreement. 26. Petition rec:uesting rustoration of two-way traffic to Prince Dtrec:., Vest. 27. Application of Andrew \i. Keating for renewal of mobile ho~ permit. ..~,---.