1973-12-28_Agenda AGENDA COl.lJl>ll COUNCIL - as at 2I1th December, 1973. 1. Heeting called to order, DectlWer 2e (Friday)~ 1.00 p.m. - prayer. ACTlti:l C m KAl~Ul 2. f8ym8rlt of invoice for pwapillg station repairs, SUnt John Iron ~"orks Ltd. J. Pa)'D1ent 01' invoice for hose for Gtt.wr cleaner, Tractors & l~(I.l.rl.}UE:lnt (1962) Ltd. 4. Rftport 1"8 quotations for supplying an ice resurf&.cing l:lQ.chine for use at lDrd Beaverb1'OOk Rink. 5. Report re quotatiolW for supplying fire hose for 197:.... 6. P~nt of invoices: asphalt (~)teJilen Construction Co.Ltd.); crushing gravel (Dext.er Construction Ltd.). 7. Pa)'llent of invoioe for testing c..nd control of Cl.spha1t r.a:U~es, i!llrllOck Hersey Int,t;'rnational Ltd. 8. ClosW"ti requiNKl by deVtilopers of Hi.t;hmcaciow ?d.1"k or part of right-of-tISY of Loch Lomond Rd. at McAllister Drive; said developers to deed to City land. to widen corner ot HcAllistetr Drive ar~ Loch Lamond li.oad. ' 9. Proposed wnder call1'or sale of the portcWle sawmill at Loch Lamond, UJXier certain lea8ing arrangwaents.re site. UlmAN PXlinlAL 10. Paymtint of negoti&tion fees. 11. ~ent of appraisal teea. GENERAL 12. Proposed r8so1ut.ion re energy conservation (Councillor Kipping). ---~- L,~.. ;:-r'i '''1" : - _'"":-. JH .~~~---- ---'-~ - .,~ ....,,.....-. ~.-_. .__... -~.._-,.~- -:oo-~';.,...